Madam, She’s Abusing Scum Again

Chapter 391 Want to escape? No way

This is a heavy topic. Bai Ruiqian has not been worried about getting married recently, and he has not cared about Ye Xingchen's affairs.

He looked solemn, "Maybe it will take another year or two. The burn on his right cheek is too serious, and he cannot undergo a skin replacement operation for the time being."

One or two years.

This time is much longer than what Mu Nanfeng expected. He always hopes that Ye Xingchen can come to Xu Yan sooner.

In the past two years, Xu Yan always dreamed of the past, always calling his parents and Ye Xingchen's names in his dreams.

Sometimes they call Leng Bohan and Xiao Mo.

Xu Yan saw the deaths of these people with her own eyes, and she couldn't get past this hurdle in her heart.

Some people even died for her, so she remembered more deeply.

Among these people, the one that Mu Nanfeng cares most about is Ye Xingchen.

He was hoping that Ye Xingchen would get better sooner.

Mu Nanfeng was a little lost: "Then wait."

When Ye Xingchen recovers, he will tell Xu Yan all the truth.

It was not surprising that the three killers who followed heard the two talk about Ye Xingchen.

Mu Nanfeng and Bai Ruiqian have always known about the existence of Shadow, and they also know that most of Shadow's killers are former comrades of Ye Xingchen.

They knew about Ye Xingchen's alive, Yanxi knew, Mu Nanfeng, Bai Ruiqian, and Ye Yunshen all knew.

Only Xu Yan didn't know.

The three of them looked at each other, their eyes were distressed, and their hearts were uncomfortable.

After a long while, they walked to the parking position of the car, Bai Ruiqian put his heart in the car.

Several people got in the car, and Xu Yan found three more people beside them. After a closer look, he immediately asked in surprise, "Brother Jin, Big Brother Long?"

"Hey." Lin Hao smiled and stretched out his hand to greet Xu Yan, "Yan Yan, long time no see."

"Why are you here?" Xu Yan didn't expect to see them here.

Xu Yan is not stupid. When Mu Nanfeng insisted on parking the car just now, she guessed that there must be danger ahead, but she didn't expect that the person who came to resolve the danger was actually from the seventh special zone.

Since these three people are here, Yanxi must be here too.

Xu Yan asked again, "Where is Big Brother Yanxi?"

Lin Hao replied truthfully: "He went back, knowing that you are going to find a girlfriend, and he specially sent us to protect you."

Xu Yan looked at their clothes keenly, and there were obvious signs of fighting. It seemed that there must have been a fierce struggle in Luoshen Xinju just now.

Bai Zhuocheng is really too Damn it, she has never seen Laozi holding her own son.

Is it really your own?

Xu Yan was even more worried about Mu Nanfeng, and looked up to see if Mu Nanfeng was injured.

Fortunately, he didn't seem to be involved in the fight.

Xu Yan felt heartwarming, "Big Brother Yanxi is really interested, but I feel sorry for bothering you so much."

"Don't think so, you just take us to travel." Lin Hao is the most powerful and the most shattered of the three.

Hearing what he said, Xu Yan's heart was indeed better, "Also, with you, the road will not be boring."

Others don't know the temperament of these three people, but Xu Yan has figured it out since childhood.

As long as these three people get together, there will be a lot of fun things every day.

"Okay, let's go to the airport." Seeing Xu Yan chatting with them happily, Mu Nanfeng was inexplicably jealous, and his face was cold.

When the three brothers saw that Mu Nanfeng's expression was wrong, Lin Hao also shut up.

Mu Nanfeng is here, they are always somewhat restrained, they can't make jokes like before.

The three of them got down and sat at the back.

When they looked at Xu Yan, they felt a little unreal in a daze.

After two years, they can finally protect Xu Yan with integrity.

They no longer need to wear black clothes and masks, hide in the gloomy and dark places, and live those days that are not bright.

On the other side, the Bai Family Courtyard.

Bai Zhuo sincerely lifted the tea cup on the table, "This wicked man, Damn it, I have to take his skin off."

He looked at his bruised and swollen man, with an angry expression on his face.

Han Rongrong was also angry, and in order to comfort her husband, she went up to comfort her.

"Don't be angry, he will come back sooner or later, and then send more manpower, he will not escape for a while, he will still have to return to this house anyway."

Bai Ruiqian is their son, so he can't stay outside forever.

He ran out to find that woman, and one day he would return. Han Rongrong didn't believe that Bai Ruiqian could never come back forever.

"He canceled the engagement and left a lot of mess for me to deal with. Now Qinghong has been asking me to explain to others, how should I explain to others? He did something asshole, and asked Laozi to wipe his butt, he It's better for me, so I went directly to the foreign country to find the vixen. Laozi really didn't know how to raise such a white-eyed wolf."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Bai Zhuocheng became emotional as he spoke, coughing uncontrollably.

"Oh, hurry, hurry, drink some water."

Han Rongrong looked anxious, and for fear that he might get sick, she quickly picked up water for him to drink.

Bai Zhuocheng drank the water suddenly, Han Rongrong helped him pat his chest, and said softly: "You said you, what are you doing so angry, he can't see it. In the end, when you get sick, you will suffer yourself. Don't get angry."

"Can I not be angry? Qing Hong finally agreed to marry her daughter to the Bai family. This is a wish we have been looking forward to for more than ten years. , Can you say I can't be angry?"

Bai Zhuocheng has lost his mind, he has never been so angry.

Even if Bai Ruiqian proposed to break with the Bai family two years ago, he was not so angry.

Bai Ruiqian is his son, and he will be his son all his life.

He wants to escape? No way.

This kind of relationship can never be broken, he will never let Bai Ruiqian go, absolutely not.

Why didn't Han Rongrong think so, but now Bai Ruiqian is covered by Mu Nanfeng, and they can't do it.

And once they left the imperial capital, they wanted to catch Bai Ruiqian again like looking for a needle in a haystack.

They didn't have much power in the imperial capital, they just opened a hospital and worked as doctors.

But the Mu family is different. Mu Nanfeng is not only a business tycoon in the imperial capital, but there are some unknown forces behind them, and they can't beat each other.

For example, this time, the people they sent were beaten back by the opponent.

And came back in embarrassment.

This undoubtedly proves that Mu Nanfeng must protect Bai Ruiqian.

Both Bai Zhuocheng and Han Rongrong knew that they were not opponents of the Mu family. They were unwilling to provoke anyone in the Mu family. It would not do them any good, so now their situation has become difficult.

Han Rongrong looked sad, Bai Ruiqian really made them exhausted.

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