After two or three days of recuperation, Mu Sihua and Liang Jing also discussed this matter seriously.

They are going to take Mu Qingyu away.

Mu Sihua remembered that Mu Qingyu had rented a house in the Imperial Capital, and he followed Liang Jing to the place where Mu Qingyu lived before.

Entering the apartment, the room is full of dust.

It seems that no one has lived here for a long time, but Mu Qingyu's things are still there.

Mu Sihua looked at the girly room, her eyes moistened again.

He probably knows that Mu Qingyu has been suffering from mental illness for two years.

Feeling the dust on the table, there is already a thick layer.

They are here to pack their luggage. There are many things here that Mu Qingyu treasures, they want to pack up and take them away.

"I'll go and pack it first." Liang Jing took a password box directly from the storage room and walked into Mu Qingyu's bedroom with the password box.

She knows best what Mu Qingyu likes.

Seeing this, Mu Sihua slowly said, "I'll be with you."

The two came to the bedroom.

Liang Jing started to tidy up quickly, the hand-made toys on the table, the pictures on the wall, and the clothes in the closet.

She knew exactly what Mu Qingyu was most reluctant to throw away, and she picked it up quickly.

Mu Sihua helped clean up together, and when he opened a drawer, he found a diary.

Both of them were slightly taken aback.

The cover of that diary is a few years old, and it looks like an old thing more than ten years ago.

Liang Jing remembered this diary, which was used by Mu Qingyu to record her daily mood.

Keeping a diary is a good habit, and they have always supported Mu Qingyu in maintaining this good habit.

Girl, you always have to allow her to have some little secrets.

Mu Sihua and Liang Jing had never peeped at this diary.

But today, when they turned it out, the two of them had different ideas.

This diary must have recorded Mu Qingyu's life after she came to the imperial capital. They couldn't wait to know how Mu Qingyu lived.

Which of Mu Nanfeng's remarks is true or false, perhaps the exact answer can also be found here.

With her eyes facing each other, Mu Sihua took the diary, sat down, and patted the position next to her, "Let’s take a look."

Liang Jing did not refuse.

She is also curious about this diary, and she also wants an answer.

The two clung to each other closely, looking at the cover of the diary, struggling and tangled in their hearts.

After a long time, Mu Sihua opened the diary.

——The first day I met Brother Feng, I liked him very much. (Smiley face)

The next day, Brother Feng accompanied me in a snowball fight and built a snow doll with me. I seem to... like him more.

On the third day, Brother Feng was leaving, I was very unhappy. (cry)

The first page of the diary was about Mu Nanfeng. Mu Sihua looked at the words. Although they were very simple words, he saw the girl's emotions between the lines.

Continue to scroll down...

In the first year, Brother Feng did not come this year.

In the second year, Brother Feng still didn't come.

In the third year, he still didn't come. I really miss him.

In the fourth year, he finally came. I took him to build a snowman again with me. We set off firecrackers and watched the fireworks together. Everything was beautiful and seemed to be dreaming.

In the fifth year, I did not wait for him.

In the sixth year, I still haven't waited. I can only look at the stars in the sky and imagine that we are admiring the same starry sky. It seems that this proves that our distance is not that far away.

In the seventh year, I finally waited for Brother Feng. I said to him, when I grew up, I would look for him and be with him forever, but he did not answer me.

In the eighth year, I thought he would not come this year, but he appeared in surprise.

In the ninth year, it didn't come yet.

In the tenth year, I am eighteen years old. This time, let me find you, Brother Feng, wait for me.

When Mu Sihua and Liang Jing saw this, they both glanced at each other tacitly.

They couldn't believe that Mu Qingyu actually loved Mu Nanfeng for ten years.

This is simply incredible.

When Mu Qingyu met Mu Nanfeng for the first time, she was only eight years old. How could she like an eight-year-old girl?

Mu Qingyu is too precocious.

In her diary, she seemed to fall in love with Mu Nanfeng at first sight, and this love was a ten-year secret love.

Mu Sihua and Liang Jing had mixed feelings in their hearts.

They accompany Mu Qingyu every day, and they have never noticed her thoughts.

Each page of the diary is about Mu Nanfeng, and Mu Qingyu clearly expresses his love for Mu Nanfeng in the diary.

It's not the sister's adoration of her brother, or the woman's liking for men.

Suddenly, Mu Sihua felt that the diary in his hand was very heavy, and his heart was out of breath.

His daughter loves someone so deeply, so infatuated, it really hurts.

Mu Sihua continued to read the notes.

After watching the ten years of secret love, the next thing is what they care about most.

The dense handwriting rushed into sight.

Obviously, after coming to the imperial capital, the content of Mu Qingyu's diary became richer.

However, in her diary, it seems that the person mentioned from time to time is no longer Mu Nanfeng, but Xu Yan.

What she records in her diary is no longer love, but jealousy and hatred.

She hates Xu Yan and hates Xu Yan. She feels that Xu Yan is not worthy of Mu Nanfeng.

She wanted to snatch Mu Nanfeng back and decided to fight Xu Yan.

Gradually, the diary became a place for Mu Qingyu to vent her anger and dissatisfaction, and a paper for her to record conspiracies and tricks.

Every plan she made was clearly recorded in her notebook.

Being ruined by hooligans, suffering from depression, making fake car accidents, killing people over cliffs.

One by one, Mu Qingyu recorded her thoughts in her diary.

She usually records first, and then slowly implements her plan the next day. Every time the plan is successful, she will show pride in her diary.

Her words gradually became paranoid, and she could tell from her words that her psychology had become distorted.

The things she did were extreme.

Mu Sihua couldn't stand it several times on the way, but he insisted on reading it.

It took two hours for the husband and wife to look down.

The answer is here.

Even if they don't want to believe it anymore, all the evidence is here. This diary is no longer a simple diary. It is a weapon for murder and a crucial tool for committing crimes.

Mu Qingyu has gradually become a jealous and cruel murderer from a cheerful girl longing for love.

She went from a person full of love to a doll dominated by hatred.

She went farther and farther on a road to extremes, no one tried to pull her, and no one tried to wake her up.

She has done a lot of unforgivable things.

This is Mu Sihua's daughter and Liang Jing's daughter.

Even though they didn't want to believe it before, the evidence is now in front of them.

Mu Sihua's heart cramped.

"Sihua..." Liang Jing's psychological quality was relatively stable. She shed tears, but her voice did not tremble at all.

There was stagnant water in Mu Sihua's eyes, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

After a long time, he asked, "Is there a lighter."

Liang Jing probably knew what he was going to do, got up and went to the living room to get a lighter.

She handed the lighter to Mu Sihua: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Mu Sihua looked very calm this time, and said lightly, "Keeping it is also a sin, it's better to burn it."

As soon as the voice fell, he burned the diary on fire.

The flame spread upward along the corners, and the diary was reduced to ashes in an instant.

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