Xu Yan returned home at night, took a walk in the garden with Elder Mu, and waited for Mu Nanfeng to return to her room.

The two were lying on the bed, Xu Yan lying in Mu Nanfeng's arms, enjoying the warmth from his body.

Xu Yan grabbed a strand of hair on her chest and played with it slowly, "Nan Feng, there is something...I want to discuss it with you."

"Well, what's the matter?" Mu Nanfeng lowered his eyes to look at the person in his arms, his eyes overflowing with tenderness.

Xu Yan didn't have any worries, and said straightforwardly: "About Mu Qingyu...how did you plan?"

"I will resolve this matter as soon as possible."

Mu Nanfeng didn't want Xu Yan to worry about it, and kissed her forehead tenderly: "Yan'er, don't worry about this, let me take care of everything."

Xu Yan knew he would say that.

She asked, "Then can you tell me your solution?"

Now Mu Sihua and Liang Jing's attitude is very clear. They want to take Mu Qingyu away. Mu Nanfeng keeps talking about solving it, but Xu Yan also wants to know how he will solve this matter.

Mu Nanfeng had never thought about how to solve Mu Qingyu's problem. He took Mu Qingyu out of the mental hospital and was originally acting for Mu Sihua.

Since he promised that Ye Xingchen would send people back in a month, he would definitely do it.

He didn't even need to consider Mu Qingyu's stay or absence. What he needed to consider was how to send Mu Sihua and Liang Jing away within a month.

"My way?" Mu Nanfeng didn't want to hide anything from Xu Yan, and said bluntly: "Just let them leave the imperial capital and never come back."

Xu Yan was not surprised when he heard this.

Mu Nanfeng meant to keep Mu Qingyu.

Although Xu Yan didn't know how Mu Nanfeng treated Mu Qingyu in the past two years, she could vaguely guess that Mu Qingyu must have been tortured a lot.

"What if they don't leave?" Xu Yan's question was sharp.

Mu Sihua and Liang Jing would never leave so easily. No parents can safely throw a mad daughter into the distance. Moreover, Liang Jing begged her like that today, which shows how eager they want to pick Mu Qingyu away.

Mu Nanfeng said coldly: "Then I will personally send them away."

He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but if someone wants to push him to that point, then he can only use coercive means.

Xu Yan pursed her lips, "Nan Feng, have you ever thought that if something happens to Mu Qingyu, then Mu Sihua's marriage to your mother is likely to be..."

Having said that, she did not continue.

Who doesn't love their children, they are not sure whether Mu Sihua will be angry with Liang Jing because of this.

"Why do I care about them?" Mu Nanfeng's deep eyes revealed a layer of black light, his eyes turned towards Xu Yan, and he immediately became gentle: "Yan'er, I said nothing is more important than you, if anyone hurts you, I'm going to be overwhelmed."

When Xu Yan was moved, she also thought that this person was really like a tofu.

Mu Nanfeng obviously cares about Liang Jing.

"I know you are all for me." Xu Yan put down the hair in her hand and raised her eyes: "But Nan Feng, we have to think about your mother. You also want her to be happy, don't you?"

"Yan'er, what do you want to say?"

Mu Nanfeng noticed that what Xu Yan said today was very wrong, and was vaguely uneasy.

Xu Yan stretched out her slender hand and clasped Mu Nanfeng's fingers tightly. Her voice was soft, "Leave Mu Qingyu to them."

There was aura in her clear eyes, and her eyes were clear and charming.

Mu Nanfeng's heart was shocked: "Yan'er, do you know what you are talking about? She used to kill you."

"I know exactly what I'm talking about." Xu Yan's eyes were gentle, "Nan Feng, I'm serious."

"Yan'er..." Mu Nanfeng couldn't believe it.

As soon as he wanted to say something, Xu Yan snatched his words, "I know what you are going to say, you want to say I'm so stupid, right? Want to say that my heart is too soft, right?"

Xu Yan smiled, "Actually, I also think it is too soft. If I can, I also hope that I can always be a cruel person without worrying about anyone, but Nan Feng, I can’t see you all embarrassed. I don’t want to see your mother take the risk of losing her happiness."

Mu Nanfeng was a little moved when he heard it, his Yan'er was so kind, he really didn't know what to praise her.

Seeing that he did not speak, Xu Yan was shaken when she wanted to come to Mu Nanfeng, and said: "If Mu Qingyu can make your mother's home complete and avoid the estrangement between her and Mu Sihua, then I am willing to let Mu go. Sunny, but that doesn’t mean I forgive her. Can you understand what I’m saying?”

How could Mu Nanfeng not understand that Xu Yan was thinking about Liang Jing, not wanting everyone to do it hard.

He stretched out his hand and stroked Xu Yan's cheek, and said distressedly: "Yan'er, in fact, you don't need to worry about my mother at all. If Mu Sihua really loves her, why would you give up on her because of Mu Qingyu?"

"You said you don't want me to be jealous, but why are you jealous?" Xu Yan felt that he was really a contradiction, and she said: "Does Mu Sihua really love your mother? You actually know very well in your heart."

After Liang Jing married Mu Sihua, she had a very happy life. This is what Mu Nanfeng said before.

After all, Mu Qingyu broke the balance of the family.

There is no doubt that Mu Sihua loves Liang Jing, but they are not sure whether Mu Sihua will be separated from Liang Jing because of Mu Qingyu's affairs.

Once there is a gap between the husband and wife, it is almost difficult to return to the previous state, and it may even reach the point of being bothered by each other.

A person’s own daughter, a lover met in middle age.

No one knows who is heavier in Mu Sihua's heart.

That's why Xu Yan said that he didn't want to see Liang Jing take the risk of losing happiness.

If tolerance can bring this matter to a happy ending, then Xu Yan is willing to make herself tolerant.

Mu Qingyu was already crazy, and Xu Yan no longer wanted to hold on to the previous things.

"Did they come to you?"

Mu Nanfeng felt that Xu Yan suddenly said these words today a bit inexplicable, he guessed that Mu Sihua and Liang Jing must have come to Xu Yan.

He was inexplicably annoyed.

Seeing that he was upset, Xu Yan didn't want him to be dissatisfied with Liang Jing, so she said, "I asked her to meet her. I saw that she was in a bad mood, so I asked her a few more questions. Don't blame her."

Mu Nanfeng believed it for the first time, and the anger that had just risen in his heart also went down.

There was a moment of silence.

When Xu Yan saw that he did not speak again, she continued to bring the topic back to the right track.

"Nan Feng, have you decided?"

Mu Nanfeng pondered for a moment and said his sincere thoughts.

"Yan'er, if I let her go like this, I'm afraid I will regret it."

He was afraid that one day Mu Qingyu would come back to hurt Xu Yan, and he was afraid that Xu Yan would be in danger again.

He really couldn't take this risk.

Xu Yan approached him and said, "If your mother loses her happiness, you will regret it more, won't you?"

In contrast, Xu Yan felt that Liang Jing's happiness was more important.

Mu Nanfeng was silent.

If it weren't for Liang Jing, he really wouldn't worry so much. He really hoped that Mu Qingyu was just a stranger, so he wouldn't have to worry even if he killed her.

It's a pity that Mu Qingyu is Liang Jing's elder daughter and the daughter of Liang Jing's husband.

He was really bored.

"Nan Feng, let her go, she has already got the punishment she deserves, let her go back to France."

Xu Yan never thought that one day she would actually intercede for Mu Qingyu. It was obvious that she almost died at Mu Qingyu's hands several times.

But now she was pleading for someone who wanted to kill her.

It's ridiculous!

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