Madam, She’s Abusing Scum Again

Chapter 521 Are you sure you are not giving me a set?

A shadow flashed in Xiao Mo's eyes, staring at Mu Nanfeng steadily, completely losing his gentleness.

He said bitterly, "Mu Nanfeng, what have you done to my family! I warn you, don't touch my family, or I will fight you desperately!"

The reason why he has come to this day is to protect Xia Yong and Ningman, these two are his most important people, and he does not allow anyone to hurt them.

Even if Mu Beichen threatened him, what does it mean that Mu Nanfeng suddenly intervened?

The grudge between the two brothers, why should they involve the whole family?

When I think about it, I feel unhappy and wronged.

Xiao Mo's heart was irritated, and he was very worried about the safety of his family.

Mu Beichen went to Lanzhou, wouldn't Mu Nanfeng want to take this opportunity to retaliate against him?

The more Xiao Mo thought about it, the more frightened he was. He looked at Mu Nanfeng, who looked cold and furious, and said, "If you want to retaliate against me, then you come to me alone, don't harm my family, they don't even know me. What you do in the imperial capital, don't involve them."

His eyes were scarlet like beasts, Xiao Mo clenched his fists and stared at Mu Nanfeng with a sharp eye, the light emitting from his pupils was extremely sharp.

Family is his last bottom line.

Mu Nanfeng didn't expect that he would be so excited, so he looked at him with a smile for a few seconds, "Isn't the person who got them involved?"

Xiao Mo was slightly startled.

Feeling that Mu Nanfeng seemed to know something, a heart hung in his throat.

Seeing that he was silent, Mu Nanfeng smiled slightly and said coldly: "You should know better than me what Mu Beichen has done to your family."

"What the hell are you trying to say?" Xiao Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly couldn't understand the man.

Mu Nanfeng didn't seem to show any malice. Is it his illusion?

Concentrated, Xiao Mo's gaze never looked away from the opponent for a moment.

Mu Nanfeng's time is precious. He didn't want to waste too much time here, so he just got to the point.

"If you want to save your family, follow my arrangements from now on."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Mo's eyes sank.

Mu Nanfeng knew that their family was in Mu Beichen's hands and wanted to save his family?

Xiao Mo was very guarded, guessing if the other party was talking about it?

He replied coldly, "I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Don't pretend to be stupid." Mu Nanfeng was patiently consuming a little bit, and immediately broke him down, "Your whole family is controlled by Mu Beichen, and you have been threatened by Mu Beichen, right?"

Xiao Mo asked, "You sent someone to investigate me?"

This feeling made him very upset. In the past two years, he has followed Mu Beichen, but he hasn't shown up much. How could Mu Nanfeng know so many things?

Even knew he was threatened?

Moreover, his family had only come to the imperial capital not long ago, and Mu Nanfeng had news so soon.

Is this man paying attention to him so much? What is his purpose?

Mu Nanfeng couldn't say no, and raised his eyebrows slightly to indicate acquiescence.

Xiao Mo's eyes were like a torch, and he called his name word by word.

"Mu Nanfeng, I'm just an ordinary person, you can't get anything from me, even if I beg you, can you stay away from me? Can the war between you and Mu Beichen stop me, I really can't stand this torture anymore."

"If the things I did before really make you unforgivable, then I apologize to you now, I'm sorry. I beg you, don't touch my family, and don't come to me again. I just want to do it here with peace of mind. Good job for me."

As long as he stays here honestly, Mu Beichen will not harm his family.

As long as he didn't let Mu Nanfeng see his face, Mu Beichen would not be inexplicably angry.

He must draw a clear line between Mu Nanfeng and Mu Nanfeng, only in this way can he protect himself and his family.

The man in front of him was humble and cowardly. This was no longer the Xiao Mo Mu Nanfeng had known before.

Xiao Mo was once so lofty and defiant. Looking at the man in front of him, he was completely different from the Xiao Mo in his memory.

But Mu Nanfeng can also understand.

After all, the current Xiao Mo's mind is filled with other people's memories, and his character belongs to Sharan's character.

With Xiao Mo's body, Sharan's soul.

Such Xiao Mo is flawed.

Mu Nanfeng also knew his worries and helplessness, so he did not show impatience, but said gently: "It seems that you misunderstood me a lot. I didn't mean to move your family. Mu Beichen is now a person. In Lanzhou State, this is the best time to rescue your family. If you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid you will regret it in the future."

Xiao Mo's heart was originally very angry, but when he heard what Mu Nanfeng said, he was a little shaken.

Does Mu Nanfeng really want to avenge him?

"Why are you helping me?" Xiao Mo's eyes still showed strong vigilance and defense.

He didn't believe that Mu Nanfeng would be so kind.

"There is no reason!" Mu Nanfeng's attitude was cold and arrogant.

Xiao Mo asked again: "Why should I trust you?"

"Nothing." Mu Nanfeng's voice was flat and low, "but you choose to believe that I didn't suffer a loss once. How to choose is up to you."

"Are you sure you are not giving me a condom?"

"I can't help you if you think so."

The two were in a stalemate, and Mu Nanfeng felt really tired to chat with him, and he already wanted to leave.

As soon as the voice fell, he Huo Ran got up.

Mu Nanfeng's expression was cold, "I will give you one day to think about it, and I will come again tomorrow. I hope you have already thought it through by then."

It is not easy to gain Xiao Mo's trust. Mu Nanfeng felt that he should be given some personal space to consider.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Xiao Mo felt very entangled in his heart.

Should he believe Mu Nanfeng?

Looking at the mobile phone on the table, Xiao Mo really wanted to call his parents and ask them about their situation.

But his mobile phone had been secretly installed with a monitor by Mu Beichen, and he was afraid that Mu Beichen would become suspicious when he called, and he would be self-defeating when the time came.

Mu Beichen had ordered him not to leave here in recent months, and he did not dare to resist.

But this is indeed the best time. He is trapped here now, and it is as difficult to rescue his family as it is to heaven. With Mu Nanfeng's help, everything will be much easier.

"Wait..." Mu Nanfeng had already reached out to open the door, and Xiao Mo called him in time the moment he twisted the door lock.

Take a gamble.

Having been controlled by Mu Beichen for more than two years, this is the first time someone has offered him a helping hand.

He chose to believe in Mu Nanfeng, there would be no worse person in this world than Mu Beichen.

If his family can escape Mu Beichen, then he is willing to trust Mu Nanfeng once.

Mu Nanfeng took a step and turned to look at him.

"Think of it so quickly?"

Xiao Mo walked up to him: "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

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