Valentine's Day.

Today is a special day.

There are couples on the street, and the whole city is full of love.

Mu Nanfeng and Xu Yan wore couple costumes, walking on the street with their fingers clasped, with happy smiles on their faces.

Today there is a large-scale music festival in the Universal Center of the Imperial Capital. I heard that top stars will come over.

Mu Nanfeng has booked two best locations. When night falls, he can enjoy a beautiful night with Xu Yan.

The faces of the couples coming and going are full of smiles, and most of the girls are holding flowers in their hands.

Xu Yan is not very concerned about those ritual things, because she feels that every day with Mu Nanfeng is Valentine's Day.

They thought it was out today to relax, and did not regard it as a special holiday.

The two came to an ancient town and took a steamer to admire the scenery of the ancient town along the emerald river.

This ancient town has a history of many years, and Xu Yan will come once a year.

The paths paved with bluestone slabs, antique buildings, and strolling through Nanxun Old Street will give you a refreshing and happy feeling.

Xu Yan was holding a cup of milk tea in her hand, and the scenery along the way attracted her deeply.

Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure.

Xu Yan blinked her eyes, wondering if she had seen the wrong person, "Nan Feng, look at..."

She pointed to a small shop on the front left and motioned for Mu Nanfeng to look over.

Mu Nanfeng turned his eyes and saw a tall figure that was familiar and could no longer be familiar.

"Why did he come here?" Mu Nanfeng was puzzled.

The person in front is Bai Ruiqian who hasn't seen him for a long time.

Bai Ruiqian has been busy recently. He is now the vice president of Huaren Hospital and one of the attending doctors. He has successfully inherited Bai Zhuocheng's mantle.

In the end, he still did not escape the fate of inheriting the family business.

Ever since he became the deputy dean, Bai Ruiqian's father-in-law Su Qinghong has gradually looked at him with admiration.

Bai Ruiqian's reputation in the medical world is also well-known all over the world. Because of him, Huaren Hospital's reputation is getting better and better.

"Do you want to go down and chat with him?"

Xu Yan didn't expect to meet Bai Ruiqian here today. They haven't seen Bai Ruiqian for a long time, and they don't know how the other party is doing.

"Let's go."

Mu Nanfeng had this intention, and took Xu Yan's hand to go ashore with her.

The two came to the door of the shop and patted Bai Ruiqian from behind.

Bai Ruiqian looked back, his eyes startled.

"Little Master, Young Lady?"

After a few months, he almost thought he had seen the wrong person.

"What are you doing here?"

Mu Nanfeng asked him, thinking Bai Ruiqian came alone.

Just as Bai Ruiqian wanted to speak, a woman walked out of the shop.

Liu Ye's eyebrows, Dan Feng's eyes, and the woman's eyebrows and eyebrows were filled with graceful aura.

"Brother Qian, I bought it."

Su Jinxiu ran over with a small bag, holding Bai Ruiqian's arm.

She suddenly discovered that there were two people standing beside Bai Ruiqian.

The man is handsome and handsome, and the woman is as beautiful as a fairy.

Su Jinxiu is a lady of everybody, it is impossible not to know Mu Nanfeng and Xu Yan.

One is the heir of a business family, and a daughter of a warlord family.

In the imperial capital, these two people are both well-known figures, and they are also the envy of everyone.

"Brother Qian, your friend is here."

Su Jinxiu looked at Mu Nanfeng and Xu Yan and greeted him actively, "Hello, I am Brother Qian's wife, Su Jinxiu."

When saying this, Su Jinxiu was proud.

Marrying Bai Ruiqian as you wish is the happiest thing in her life.

"Hello." Xu Yan stepped forward and smiled at Su Jinxiu.

There was a bit of coldness in this smile.

It was this woman who took away the happiness that originally belonged to Luo Yaer.

Xu Yan will never forget this.

If it weren't for the Su family, Bai Ruiqian and Luo Ya'er would not be separated.

She hates this Su Jinxiu.

But in front of Bai Ruiqian, she would not show any disgust.

Luo Ya'er has left and Bai Ruiqian has a life of her own. Xu Yan does not want to be a villain who destroys other people's marriages.

Bai Ruiqian was forced to marry a woman she didn't love. It was miserable enough. If she showed dissatisfaction again, Bai Ruiqian would only hate herself even more.

She didn't want to put any burden on him.

Su Jinxiu opened her eyes wide and looked at Xu Yan, her eyes full of envy.

Xu Yan was so beautiful that she couldn't move her eyes away.

Su Jinxiu knew that Xu Yan and Luo Ya'er had a good relationship, and that the Xu family and Luo family were family acquaintances. This has always been a well-known thing in the imperial capital.

Seeing Xu Yan, Su Jinxiu felt a little scared in her heart. She was afraid that Xu Yan would hate her because of this, but Xu Yan's gentle attitude quickly dispelled this idea.

Bai Ruiqian looked a little embarrassed, "Well, today is Jinxiu's birthday, so I will accompany her out for a stroll."

Xu Yan could probably hear this as if he was explaining something.

For several months of marriage, Bai Ruiqian's attitude towards Su Jinxiu has always been lukewarm, and the two people's approach to getting along is to respect each other.

Bai Ruiqian usually numbs herself through work, and she leaves early and returns late every day. He doesn't communicate much with Su Jinxiu.

He didn't want to come out today, but because Su Jinxiu kept begging him, he didn't want to refuse to come out with her.

After all, it was Su Jinxiu's birthday, and he didn't want to create unpleasant memories for the other party on this day.


Mu Nanfeng saw that Bai Ruiqian had a trace of force and helplessness in his eyes, and wanted to find a chance to have a good chat with him.

During this period of time, he has been busy with his own affairs, and Mu Nanfeng did not have time to care about Bai Ruiqian. Taking advantage of the encounter today, he can reminisce about the past.

Bai Ruiqian nodded, "Okay."

The four of them walked around the ancient town for a while, and then they found a coffee shop to sit and rest.

After ordering a few cups of coffee and snacks, everyone sat opposite each other.

After a brief chat, Mu Nanfeng suddenly lowered his head and said to Xu Yan, "I'm going to smoke a cigarette."

"Go." Xu Yan smiled.

Mu Nanfeng winked at Bai Ruiqian, got up abruptly, and left his seat.

Bai Ruiqian followed out.

Xu Yan and Su Jinxiu sat face to face, and both felt a little embarrassed.

Su Jinxiu wanted to take the initiative to talk to Xu Yan, but Xu Yan suddenly said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

When the words fell, Xu Yan also got up and left.

She didn't want to have too much communication with Su Jinxiu, so she deliberately avoided the time they spend alone.

She was afraid that her emotions would get out of control, because she really wanted to teach Luo Ya'er this annoying woman.

If she stayed with Su Jinxiu again, she was afraid that she could not help but scold each other harshly.

Xu Yan could tell that Su Jinxiu liked Bai Ruiqian very much. She looked at Bai Ruiqian's eyes full of affection and tenderness.

The look in the eyes of loving someone reminds Xu Yan of Luo Ya'er involuntarily.

Luo Ya'er once loved Bai Ruiqian so deeply.

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