The next day.

The entire emperor has blown up the sky.

The news that Mu Nanfeng is Ives occupies the headlines of various media.

The emperor of country G, a real estate tycoon.

This reversal came too fast.

Just when everyone thought that Mu Nanfeng was completely finished, he turned around with another even more powerful identity.

Worthy of being a business tycoon in the imperial capital, Mu Nanfeng can always give people unexpected surprises in times of crisis. This is the man who really stands at the top of the capital chain.

Everyone in the business world is crazy.

Unexpectedly, the last person who bought Tinglan would be Mu Nanfeng himself.

This is really unheard of, unseen.

But this also proved one thing, Mu Nanfeng didn't worry that Tinglan would go bankrupt from the beginning.

He just disdains to fight Mu Beichen.

With Si Huang and the real estate tycoon, Mu Nanfeng's wealth has exceeded normal human imagination.

His money may not be spent in a few lifetimes.

Look back at Mu Beichen's various behaviors before.

Fighting with Tinglan for projects, and a lawsuit with Mu Nanfeng for property.

It seems too ridiculous.

Mu Beichen exhausted all his efforts to obtain everything that was ultimately no more than one-thousandth of Mu Nanfeng's assets.

Everyone saw the situation clearly.

The people who used to support Mu Beichen turned back overnight and sent letters of apology, hoping that Mu Nanfeng would forgive them.

However, everything is too late.

Mu Nanfeng's eyes have never tolerated sand. In this war with Mu Beichen, he already knew how many people were stirring up troubles behind their backs.

Except for the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, there is no good person in the imperial capital business community.

Mu Nanfeng would personally destroy the entire business community.

At this point, the plan is slowly coming to an end.

Next, he will watch the group of people walk towards the abyss step by step, never turning over.

Mu Nanfeng sat in the office, holding a cup of coffee leisurely.

Xie Wenjie ran in very excitedly.

"Mu Mumu...Mr. Mu..." He squatted and said, "New, new, new, new... Are all the news true? You, you, you really..."

"Straighten your tongue before speaking."

Seeing that he couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time, Mu Nanfeng's eyes were a bit cold.

Xie Wenjie was shaking all over.

He took a deep breath and said, "Are you really Elvis?"

Mu Nanfeng gave him a cold look and asked, "What? Is there any problem?"

"No, no, no..." Xie Wenjie was already frightened, "No, no problem."

"Mr Mu Mu...I'm so excited..."

"I'm stupid when I see the news, shouldn't I be dreaming?!"

"I turned out to be Ives' assistant?"

As soon as Xie Wenjie opened his eyes today, the news was overwhelming.

He hurried to the company just to confirm the matter personally.

"Mr Mu, please pinch me."

Xie Wenjie really didn't believe it was in reality. He thought he might be dreaming.

Elvis is his idol. It’s no secret. For so many years, the person he admired most is Elvis.

He has personally seen all the buildings of Ives, and the design is really perfect.

Mu Nanfeng looked at Xie Wenjie's startled expression, a little helpless, but he also guessed that Xie Wenjie would react this way.

Xie Wenjie is good at everything, but this person is sometimes a little nervous.

He has the face of a gentleman, but his personality is very detached.

With such a shameless request, if Mu Nanfeng didn't satisfy him, he would be sorry for him.

"Ah... it hurts..."

Mu Nanfeng got started suddenly and pinched Xie Wenjie's face and arm.

In an instant, with a crimson red seal, Xie Wenjie yelled in pain.

Mu Nanfeng embraced his arms and asked, "Are you awake now? If you are not awake yet..."

When he said that, he wanted to do it again.

Xie Wenjie flinched, "I am sober and sober, not a dream."

He gradually reduced his excitement and looked at Mu Nanfeng with admiring eyes, smiling.

"Mr. Mu, you are hiding too deeply."

After spending so many years with Mu Nanfeng, Xie Wenjie thought he knew Mu Nanfeng very well, but now he knew that he didn't know Mu Nanfeng at all.

"Mr. Mu, being your assistant is simply the luckiest thing in my life."

Xie Wenjie suddenly started the sensationalism, which caught Mu Nanfeng off guard.

Mu Nanfeng gave him a white look, "Look at your unpromising appearance, what are you cramping today? Have you been too idle recently?"

"If you really have nothing to do, then I will arrange the task for you now."

Tinglan has just resumed operations, and there are still many things waiting for him to deal with.

This section will be more busy.

To get Tinglan back to the number one position, they must strike while the iron is hot.

Xie Wenjie smiled and nodded, "As long as it is your order, I will do it immediately and will die."

He could no longer describe his excitement in words.

Until today, Xie Wenjie really understood why Mu Nanfeng chose to wait and see the changes in the first place and not move.

Because Mu Nanfeng is not just Mu Nanfeng.

He is a god respected by all people.

He can't lose to anyone.

Mu Nanfeng didn't talk nonsense. After such a small storm, it was time to change the way he managed Tinglan.

He instructed: "First, hire some employees, let the various departments of the company turn around, and give you three days, can you do it?"

Before Tinglan's stock fell sharply, many people saw that the company was dying, and they all switched jobs.

Due to the massive loss of talents and the company’s business has been left unmanaged for a long time, Tinglan has indeed lost a lot of money during this period.

But for Mu Nanfeng, those are all small money.

He had always allowed Tinglan to deteriorate, just to cater to Mu Beichen's plan.

Now that Feng Shui turns, Mu Beichen will soon become the oppressed party.

Mu Nanfeng wanted to see if Mu Beichen could survive this difficult time.

"If you can... leave it to me, you won't be disappointed."

Xie Wenjie is like a little fan now. After this incident, he will never doubt Mu Nanfeng's decision anymore.

Mu Nanfeng said what he said, he would never say anything.

"Go ahead."

Mu Nanfeng's legs crossed and he picked up a book and read it.

Xie Wenjie didn't want to bother him, so he had to withdraw and quickly prepare to recruit more talented people.

As soon as Xie Wenjie walked on his front foot, someone came to the door on his back foot.

Someone broke into Mu Nanfeng's office.

Mu Nanfeng raised his eyes, his eyes gloomy.

"What are you doing here?"

There were two people who broke in. They looked at Mu Nanfeng with complicated expressions.

The two looked at each other, slightly nervous.

Suddenly... "Bang" the two of them fell on their knees.

"President Mu, please help us."

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