Madam, She’s Abusing Scum Again

Chapter 614 Mu Nanfeng is the most important

"That should be all." Mu Nanfeng felt that Lu Zixuan was too polite.

The reason why he spends so much money on selling shares is also because he wants to compensate Lu Zixuan. After all, in this war between him and Mu Beichen, he used the laser weapon project as a bait.

Thinking of this project, Mu Nanfeng was curious whether Lu Zixuan planned to restart the project when he came back this time.

"You come back in such a hurry, are you planning to restart the laser weapon project?"

When Lu Zixuan saw him mention the project, he asked meaningfully, "Well, do you want to do it with me this time?"

This project is his dream, he can't give up easily, and he wants to complete this dream together with Mu Nanfeng.

Mu Nanfeng immediately refused, "Farewell, if you need funds, you can always find me. As for the project, I still don't participate."


Lu Zixuan felt a little sad.

The last time it was because the entire business community was targeting Mu Nanfeng, and Mu Nanfeng pushed him away because he didn't want to involve him in disputes.

But this time there was no harm, why was Mu Nanfeng still reluctant to be with him?

Mu Nanfeng replied, "I still have a lot of things to work on now, so I am not happy."

Tinglan's operations are slowly recovering, and this stage is also very important. He has no intention of doing anything else now.

Lu Zixuan curled his lips, "But I really want to work on this project with you."

He really wanted to go back to the past, when he and Mu Nanfeng were inseparable together every day. Discussing various projects together, the feelings of two people cannot be replaced by anyone.

Mu Nanfeng felt that he was too persistent. After thinking about it, he warmly persuaded: "Zixuan, your project will be successful, even without me, it will be very meaningful. You only need to do what you like. , It doesn’t really matter whether there is me or not."

To be honest, Mu Nanfeng can actually understand Lu Zixuan's psychology.

After all, they were separated for five years.

They both deeply miss the days when they once fought side by side.

Mu Nanfeng missed it too, so he regarded Lu Zixuan as a rare friend.

Unlike Ye Xingchen Bai Ruiqian, he knew Lu Zixuan in the business world, and the two could not avoid business competition.

Mu Nanfeng has always believed that he has no real friends in the business world, so he has a heart for everyone.

But Lu Zixuan's appearance broke Mu Nanfeng's concept.

He had friends in the business world for the first time, and he was still a friend who treats each other sincerely. Lu Zixuan helped him when he was most difficult. He has always remembered this love.

After listening to Mu Nanfeng's words, Lu Zixuan felt even more sad.

It doesn't matter whether there is Mu Nanfeng or not?

For him, Mu Nanfeng is the most important thing. What he likes most is staying with Mu Nanfeng.

Why doesn't Mu Nanfeng understand?

Lu Zixuan lowered his head halfway, with endless sadness hidden in his eyes.

He didn't speak for a long time.


The door was suddenly pushed open again.

"Nan Feng..."

The voice that Wan turned to listened to Mu Nanfeng's heart throbbed for a moment: "Yan'er? Why are you here?"

Lu Zixuan was attracted by the sound of the door opening. He raised his head and looked over. It was Xu Yan who had arrived.

The conversation with Mu Nanfeng was interrupted.

Xu Yan carried a thermal insulation box in her hand and walked in slowly. Her gaze fell on Mu Nanfeng naturally. Later, she turned her eyes slightly and saw a person who was extremely disgusted, facing those blue eyes. At the moment of seeing, Xu Yan's whole body became unnatural.


The heat preservation pot slipped from the hand and fell to the ground, and the soup slowly spilled out.

"Lu Zixuan?"

She was right, it was Lu Zixuan.

He actually came back.

He even dared to come back!

Okay, okay, he really didn't take her warning to heart.

Does Lu Zixuan want to challenge her?

"Sister-in-law... son..., long time no see!" In front of Mu Nanfeng, Lu Zixuan still politely addressed Xu Yan's sister-in-law.

Xu Yan really wanted him to shut up, but Mu Nanfeng was still here, she couldn't be too obvious.

Mu Nanfeng saw that Xu Yan's expression was wrong, and asked concerned: "Yan'er, are you okay?"

Xu Yan smiled at him, "I'm fine."

She lowered her eyes and looked at the mess in the place, a little apologetic, "I'm sorry, I didn't hold it steady, this is the soup that Aunt Liu specially made for you, it's a pity."

Mu Nanfeng's throat was uncomfortable these past two days. At noon, Xu Yan specifically ordered Aunt Liu to boil some soup to protect her throat and bring it over. Who would have thought it would just spill it.

In the final analysis, Lu Zixuan is all to blame.

"It's okay, it's okay for you."

Mu Nanfeng immediately called Xie Wenjie and asked him to arrange for someone to come and clean up.

Soon, Procter & Gamble came in to clean up.

The three of them sat down and Xu Yan looked at Lu Zixuan and asked deliberately, "When did Zixuan come back?"

Lu Zixuan smiled and said, "It's been a few days since I came back."

"Oh, what are you doing back here?" Xu Yan's tone was gentle, but every word was chilly.

Lu Zixuan knew that Xu Yan hated him, and he also hated Xu Yan very much.

But in front of Mu Nanfeng, he must keep his attitude gentle.

"Come back and continue working on my project."

Xu Yan nodded slightly and said, "Well, I wish you every success in advance."

He even dared to appear in front of her. Is Lu Zixuan declaring war with her?

This time, she won't be patient anymore.

Absolutely not.

"Thank you sister-in-law." Lu Zixuan knew that Xu Yan had something to say, and he could hear it, but since he chose to come back, it means he is not afraid.

Mu Nanfeng listened to the conversation between the two and found nothing strange. After checking the time, he asked concerned: "Yan'er, are you hungry?"

"I'm fine." Xu Yan answered with a smile.

Mu Nanfeng looked at Lu Zixuan and asked briefly, "Where is Zixuan?"

The difference can be seen from the attitude.

Lu Zixuan felt uncomfortable, but he didn't show it. He smiled, "I'm fine too."

The only person Mu Nanfeng cares about is Xu Yan, which is really enviable and jealous.

"Then go have some food together. A Thai restaurant just happened to be opened nearby. Let's try it."

Mu Nanfeng always rested Xu Yan's three meals a day. Xu Yan originally had stomach problems. If he eats irregularly, it will only get worse, so he pays great attention to this aspect.

"It's all up to you."

Xu Yan and Lu Zixuan said in unison.

After the two said, they each glanced at each other, with mixed emotions in their eyes.

"Then go."

Mu Nanfeng got up, stretched out his hand, and pulled Xu Yan up.

Lu Zixuan noticed this movement and felt very uncomfortable.

The three of them left Tinglan and went to a nearby Thai restaurant.

During the ordering process, Mu Nanfeng had been paying attention to what Xu Yan wanted to eat and ignored Lu Zixuan.

Lu Zixuan can only order by himself.

After eating this meal, Lu Zixuan felt that he was eating dog food.

Jealousy drove him into distractions, and he could no longer sit and wait for death.

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