Madam, She’s Abusing Scum Again

Chapter 621 Qing Feng's Betrayal

Tousled hair, rotten face, swollen eyes, thick white lips.

This horrible face deeply occupied Mu Beichen's sight.

The corners of Mu Beichen's mouth twitched.

"Qingfeng, you're not dead?"

"Boss, I'm still alive..."

Qing Feng stood there, without stepping forward.

Mu Beichen was very excited in his heart, so good, Qing Feng was not dead.

He thought that Qing Feng had already died in the bombed apartment building, because he was sad for a long time because of this incident.

Qing Feng was cultivated by him, and his feelings were naturally unusual. Mu Beichen was so excited to see Qing Feng coming back alive.

He walked forward, supported Qing Feng's shoulders, and looked at the injuries on Qing Feng's body, "Where have you been these days? Why don't you come to me?"

He lowered his eyes and looked at Qing Feng's fleshy hands, and Mu Beichen frowned, "What's the matter with your injuries? Who hurt you?"

"it's me……"

A cold and arrogant voice sounded, and Mu Beichen looked forward.

"Mu Nanfeng, it's you again!"

His eyes turned blood red in an instant, staring at Mu Nanfeng who was arrogant.

Xu Yan also came.

"Yes, it's me again!" Mu Nanfeng's mouth raised a smirk, with a touch of triumph.

"What do you want to do?"

Mu Beichen held back his anger, but Mu Nanfeng's appearance caught him off guard.

How could the wind leak? The news that he was going back to Xizhou was obviously very concealed.

How did Mu Nanfeng know that he was leaving?

Seeing him, Mu Nanfeng looked confused and looked gloomy, "I'll get back what belongs to me."

"Your stuff?" Mu Beichen squinted his deep eyes slightly, feeling very uneasy in his heart, "What is your stuff?"


Mu Nanfeng's eyes sank and smiled slightly.

Mu Beichen sneered, "Heh... are you referring to the position of the heir to the Mu family?" He embraced his arms arrogantly, and said angrily, "I'm not rare for that position. If you want it, then I will give alms. I'll give it to you, remember, it's charity."

The Mu family had been completely destroyed by him, and it was meaningless to always hold it in his hand.

His purpose in coming to the imperial capital from the very beginning was to subvert the entire Mu family. Although he did not completely win Mu Nanfeng, he had already achieved this point.

Now all the assets of the Mu family belonged to him. As for the name of the heir, it was no longer important.

He just wants money, a lot of money, enough money to build the palace.

"Not only the position of the heir, there are other things I have to take back together."

Mu Nanfeng's tone was cold and harsh, with unquestionable domineering.

"Other things?" A sense of oppression surged in Mu Beichen's heart.

Mu Nanfeng approached him and said, "You know what it is. It's on this ship, isn't it?"

There was a thump in my heart.

Mu Beichen was a little nervous.

Does Mu Nanfeng know the secret vault?

It shouldn't be. Elder Mu didn't have time to tell Mu Nanfeng about this before he died. How could he know?

"I do not understand what you're saying."

Mu Beichen began to pretend to be stupid. He glanced at Xiaodao from the side of his light, but he was a little anxious after seeing the three captains and Qin Ku coming back.

He didn't want to be entangled with Mu Nanfeng at this time, he just wanted to leave with Jin as soon as possible.

"This is my ship, please get off."

Mu Beichen began to issue an order.

This is his usual tense performance. Mu Nanfeng and Xu Yan looked at each other, and the two of them looked at Qing Feng, who was trembling in a tacit understanding.

Mu Nanfeng completely ignored Mu Beichen's words, and the yin bird stared straight at Qing Feng, as if to indicate something to Qing Feng.

Mu Beichen noticed that something was wrong, and he suddenly looked at Qing Feng with a surprised look.

"Are you in a group with them?"

Qing Feng lowered his head: "I'm sorry, boss."

This is tantamount to an answer.

Mu Beichen took two steps back, "Okay, okay, I didn't expect you to be such a person. Have you forgotten how I cultivated you? You are now colluding with Mu Nanfeng, you come today What do you want to do?"

The reality told him that Qing Feng definitely didn't come to join him today.

He came to betray him.

Mu Beichen roared in the last few times, because he really trusted Qing Feng.

The scream that Qing Feng faced him only lowered his head.

He didn't speak for a long time, not because he didn't know how to answer Mu Beichen, but because his conscience prevented him from speaking.

I think that when I first saw Mu Beichen back then, he was on such a ship.

At that time, he was still a notorious gangster. He was only a teenager. He was chased and killed because he owed money, so he had no choice but to smuggle to Xizhou.

His luck was not so good. He was discovered by the customs when he arrived in Xizhou. People in Xizhou have always been brutal and unkind. At that time, he was thrown into a container and beaten up by someone, almost out of breath.

When he was on the verge of despair, it was Mu Beichen who saved his life.

So later he became Mu Beichen's most powerful subordinate. It was Mu Beichen who trained him as a private killer and made him the boss of the killer organization.

Qing Feng has followed Mu Beichen since he was a teenager. He has devoted all his loyalty to Mu Beichen for so many years and has never done anything to betray Mu Beichen.

He has a bunch of good men, good brothers, and women who can't spend enough money and can't play enough.

All his scenery was given by Mu Beichen, and he never dared to forget this kindness.

If possible, Qing Feng would rather die than betray Mu Beichen.

But he can't do that anymore.

In this world, he has someone to worry about.

Ye Xingchen found his sister, and now his sister is in Ye Xingchen's hands.

In Qingfeng's heart, relatives are more important than the Enn.

Because he was an orphan since he was a child, without his father, mother, or grandparents.

He is a joke in the village. No one knows his origin. Everyone points to him.

He also wants to have his own family.

After most of his life, Qing Feng didn't feel that life was alive until now.

He has relatives, and he is no longer a lonely person in this world.

In order to save his sister, Qing Feng could only choose to betray Mu Beichen.

After struggling for a long time, Qing Feng finally raised his head and looked at Mu Beichen with a sense of helpless guilt in his eyes, "Boss, forgive me, I can't help it."

He took a deep breath, took two steps back, and distanced himself from Mu Beichen, then looked at Mu Nanfeng and Xu Yan.

"Everything you want to know, I will tell you all today, I just hope you can keep your promise and don't hurt my sister."

Mu Nanfeng replied coldly, "Don't worry, as long as you say, we won't do anything to her."

In order to get Qing Feng to speak, Ye Xingchen made no little effort and directly found Qing Feng's long-lost sister as a bargaining chip.

When Mu Beichen heard Qing Feng's words, his heart rose to his throat instantly.

He was a little scared, but also confused. When did Qing Feng have a younger sister?

Isn't he an orphan?

Before Mu Beichen finished thinking, Qing Feng spoke slowly.

"Then I started talking about it three years ago."

The conspiracy that was hidden in those years will come to light today.

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