Madam, She’s Abusing Scum Again

Chapter 638 Qin Ku's Death

beginning of summer.

Qin Ku was taken to the execution ground.

The location of the execution ground is relatively secretive, in the deep mountains and old forests.

Along the way, Qin Ku was frightened.

He still couldn't believe that he would go where he is today.

Now the whole world knew that Mu Beichen was his son Qin Ku, and he was very scared.

I was afraid that Mu Beichen would hate his father when he knew the truth, and even more afraid that Mu Beichen could not accept that he was the son of a servant.

He prayed, hoping that Mu Beichen had returned to Xizhou country safely at this moment and did not hear the news.

After getting out of the car, the armed police escorted Qin Ku to a barren grassland.

Qin Ku's arms were tied behind his back, and he couldn't move.

He was kicked to his knees.

Qin Ku raised his eyes, the surrounding environment was quiet and terrifying, and there was no bird chirping.

Qin Ku's body trembled instinctively with the cold gun on the back of his head.

He thought he was not afraid of death, but when death really came, he would still be afraid.

Qin Ku closed his eyes.

Tension and fear made him panic.

He waited...

Every minute and every second made him more afraid than death.

Suddenly, Qin Ku opened his eyes and saw a figure among the trees.

Mu Beichen.

Mu Beichen unexpectedly.

He has not left the imperial capital.

Mu Beichen hid behind a tree, and no one would find him if he didn't look carefully.

Qin Ku's deep-set eyes flushed suddenly, and tears filled his eyes.

His weather-beaten face was covered with deep wrinkles, and his eyes were slightly muddy.

Qin Ku got older during this period.

Every day in the prison is like a year, and his spirit has been tortured to collapse.

Half of his white hair is already on his head, his spirit is not as good as before, and the whole person exudes a depraved breath.

Qin Ku stared at the person behind the tree, tears falling in an instant, unable to stop the rushing.

At the same time, Mu Beichen also looked at Qin Ku.

However, there were no tears in his eyes.

Knowing that Qin Ku was his biological father, Mu Beichen was going crazy.

He doesn't understand why all this?

Is God joking with him? Or is someone teasing him on purpose?

How could he be Qin Ku's son? Qin Ku was obviously just Liu Yanru's lover, he was just a servant, a puppet, and a slave.

Mu Beichen didn't want to believe it, even couldn't believe it.

His surname was Mu for more than 20 years, but in the end he told him that he was actually surnamed Qin?

He does not accept it.

He hated the Mu family for so many years, but finally hated the wrong person?

He has killed so many people, and as a result, those people are not related to him at all? Are they all innocent?

This is absolutely impossible.

Impossible, impossible, impossible.

Mu Beichen clenched his fists and bit his posterior teeth.

He told himself over and over again that he could not be Qin Ku's son.

He is Mu He's son, yes.

Madly brainwashing himself, Mu Beichen's eyes suddenly became wet.

Well, he admits that he can't deceive his own heart, he must accept reality.

He is not Mu's family, this is the biggest blow to him in more than 20 years.

He took revenge on the wrong person.

The person he should hate is Qin Ku, because that is his father, and that is the person who caused him to be discarded since he was a child.

Mu Beichen couldn't understand why Qin Ku didn't want him?

Why let him become Mu's family? What on earth did he live for so many years?

Is everything he has done in the past two decades in vain?

He deliberately tried to get revenge on Mu's family, but in the end it was a joke.

They and him are just strangers.

Mu Beichen laughed, but also cried.

He didn't know who he was, or even what the meaning of his existence was.

His father is not his father, he himself, nor is he himself.

At the beginning, he just regarded Qin Ku as a servant who was called and used at will. Later, he gradually trusted Qin Ku and regarded him as a confidant.

He never regarded Qin Ku as his father.

He knew that Qin Ku was good to him, but he never regarded that goodness as a father's good to his son.

Now that he can accept that his biological father is Qin Ku, he can't do it.

Mu Beichen didn't know why he came today.

Are you here to see Qin Ku for the last time? Still want to watch Qin Ku die in front of him with his own eyes?

he does not know.

Mu Beichen loved Qin Ku but also hated Qin Ku.

He loves his meticulous love and hates him for abandoning himself and deceiving himself.

Mu Beichen was very tangled in his heart.

He looked at Qin Ku, tears rolling down unconsciously.

His body is unconscious, but his heart hurts.

His father is about to die, but he doesn't know what he should do.

Or maybe, what can he do?

He can do nothing.

His crimes with Qin Ku have been made known to the world, and Qin Ku will definitely die, and he is also in a disaster.

The two men stared at each other.

Mu Beichen and Qin Ku both knew that this was the last time they met.

Qin Ku resisted his emotions, not wanting to be seen by the police beside him.

He was just red eyes and tears.

a long time.

Qin Ku spoke softly and said to Mu Beichen with his lips, "I'm sorry, son."

"Dad, I'm sorry..."

After Mu Beichen understood this sentence, his emotions became even more uneasy.

Qin Ku smiled slightly, with his father's affection in that smile.

He hoped that before he died, Mu Beichen was left with a smile instead of grief and despair.

At this moment, Qin Ku was greedy.

How much he wished he could hear Mu Beichen calling him "Dad".

Even lips are fine.


With a gunshot, Qin Ku fell.

His extravagant hope became despair.

Watching his father die in front of him, Mu Beichen felt a pain in his heart.

He instinctively moved a small step, but the next moment his body froze.

He knew that he could not step forward.

He was finished when he stepped forward.

Mu Beichen didn't know what he was hurting, he thought he would hate Qin Ku very much.

But at this moment he really understood that he didn't have a father, he really didn't.

In this ugly world, he didn't even have a family member.

Mu Beichen has seen a lot of bloody scenes, but today this one makes him unable to keep watching.

He clenched his fist, turned around, and ran wildly.

Due to running too fast, he tripped severely by a stone and fell into a dog to eat shit.

Mu Beichen was lying on the ground full of weeds, splashed with muddy water on his face.

He didn't get up, just lay on his stomach, and then started crying again.

He hit the ground with his hands and muttered to himself.


"Why didn't you tell me earlier..."

"Why leave me again..."

Mu Beichen broke down and cried for the first time, lying on the ground alone, with his head buried, crying heartbreakingly.

He actually didn't want Qin Ku to die.

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