Madam Wants a Divorce Every Day

Chapter 125: 125, the female overlord is back

As soon as Huo Jingshen left, Su Houhou felt like a wild child who was let out, and he was in a beautiful mood instantly!

After finishing all the beds, she checked the time and prepared to go to the hospital.

Unexpectedly, when I got up, a newcomer arrived in the dormitory.


Su Huhou looked at her.

With short curly hair, long slender eyes, wearing a thin camisole and heavy makeup, the whole person is hot and sexy.

"Where did I meet you?" The girl frowned, Dan Feng's eyes full of shrewdness and inquiry.

Su Huhou raised his eyebrows, "Lin Qiao."

Lin Qiao's expression changed, "You... are you Su Hunhou?"

Su Huhou nodded.

Lin Qiao's whole body was ill in an instant.

I haven't seen each other in two years. Why did this Su Hunhou suddenly return to China, with such a big change, and just happen to live in the same dormitory with her?

"You live in this dormitory?"

Sure enough, Su Huhou nodded.

Lin Qiao asked again, "Are you also a journalism department?"

Su Hun Hun continued to nod.

Lin Qiao: "..."

She bit her lip, suddenly released the suitcase, and said with a warning on her face, "Jiang Shuhao is now my boyfriend. He is in the same class as us. You know what I mean?"

"Who is Jiang Shuhao?"

"You don't even remember him?" Lin Qiao's voice rose sharply, full of disbelief.

"Who is he? Do I need to remember him?" Su Houhou was inexplicable.

She really didn't remember. The reason why she remembered Lin Qiao was that she had been in the same class in high school for three years and lived in the same dormitory for three years. Lin Qiao's single eyelid eyes were so recognizable that she was deeply impressed.

The two had fought before, as if it was because of a boy. Could it be that tyranny?

But now she has no time to look back at the past, picking up her handbag and saying, "I'm leaving now."

"Wait a minute." Lin Qiao stopped in front of her, still in that aggressive tone, "Didn't you go to study abroad? Why did you come to Nantah University? How did you come in? Can the university still transfer?"

"No comment." Su Houyu smiled slightly and left her arm aside.

Standing there, Lin Qiao couldn't help stomping her feet.

damn it!

This female overlord is back, and she happens to be in the same class and dormitory with her. Would you like to be so unlucky!


Hospital ward.

After Mo Dui finished the phone call, he stayed in bed and played with his mobile phone.

On the other hand, Xiao Yebai was sitting on the sofa, always busy with his mobile phone, and knew that he was busy at work without guessing.

After a sound of "Gurulu", Mo Dui put down his phone, "I'm hungry."

"Princess, what do you want to eat?" Aunt Jiang asked immediately.

Mo Dui looked at Xiao Yebai, "I want to eat Shao Heji's crab noodle dumplings."

"I will order now..."


Xiao Yebai raised his eyelids.

Then I found that Mo Only was looking at him, holding his small chin, arrogantly, "Xiao Bai, I want to eat Shao Heji's crab noodle dumplings."

Xiao Yebai picked up the phone.

"I want you to buy it for me yourself." Mo only said one word.

Xiao Yebai looked at her with a cold tone, "Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is a difference. You go to buy it for me personally. It is your wish. If you call someone to deliver the food, this will be a 50% discount. I can call and order it myself?"

"Then you call to order yourself." Xiao Yebai said directly.

Mo Ziyi got angry instantly, "I don't, I want you to buy it for me yourself."

Xiao Yebai's tone instantly became colder, "I will have a meeting at two o'clock."

The implication is that there is no time.

Mo Zui snorted, and put his arms around him, "Then I don't want to eat, I'll starve to death!"

Xiao Yebai: "..."

Aunt Jiang looked at the two and couldn't help but interrupt, "Princess, let me buy it for you."

"No!" Mo Soong raised his chin proudly, "I'm going to eat what Xiaobai bought. If Xiaobai doesn't buy it, I won't eat it."

Xiao Yebai rubbed his eyebrows, "Mo Only, can you not be so headstrong?"

Mo Soong looked at him, his eyes suddenly red.

Mo only?

He hasn't called her this since he got married.

Whenever he called her by name and last name, it meant he was angry.

But why is he angry?

She's starving, so she wants him to buy a hot crab noodle dumpling, can't she?

And the reason for rejecting her is always work!

Is work so important?

Mo Sui thought more and more angry, and simply abandoned himself, "Yes, I am so self-willed. If you don't want to buy it, you can go to work, go to work with you, you let me starve to death."

After speaking, he lay down and stared at the ceiling with cat eyes.

Aunt Jiang was panicked.

After two years as a helper in the Mo family, the princess has always been spoiled and rarely loses her temper. Although President Xiao doesn't like to talk, she has hardly lost her temper. This is the first time she has seen this young couple quarrel, but she doesn't. Know how to persuade.

The atmosphere in the ward was a bit stiff for a while.

Then, Xiao Yebai picked up the car key and left.

Hearing the sound of the door being closed, Mo's mouth slumped, and tears fell.


"get out!"


Mo Sui cried, "You go out!"


"You go quickly! I don't want to see you!" Mo Youyou smashed the pillow directly on the ground.

Aunt Jiang was terrified, and turned around hurriedly, "Okay, princess, I will go out now."

When the door was closed again, Mo Soong turned to his side, and her thick dark linen curls poured down, covering her entire face.

A low sob sounded in the room.

At this moment, Mo Youyi really felt wronged.

I always felt that whether Xiao Yebai liked her or not, as long as he stayed by her side, he was her man, and even if he was so cold every day, she was happy, happy, and content.

But today, she was injured and she was unwilling to let him run errands to buy a crab noodle dumpling.

Thinking of his impatient attitude just now, she seemed to be a domineering and unreasonable woman.

He has always been so cold and taciturn, is it because he is tired of dealing with her princess temper?

Okay, then she can just continue to do this. In his eyes, her personal settings are like this, otherwise she would not lie to her before saying that her phone was lost.

The old hatred and the old grudges added together, and Mo Zui cried very sad. He might be tired in the end, and fell asleep with tears in his eyes.


I don't know how long it took.

In a daze, something suddenly touched his cheek.

It's warm, soft, and has a very strong aroma.

Mo Sui opened his eyes suddenly.

In front of him was Xiao Yebai's handsome and indifferent silhouette.

He sat on the edge of the bed, pinched two bamboo chopsticks with long thin fingers, and a small steamed dumpling was sandwiched between them, and looked at her facelessly.

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