Madam Wants a Divorce Every Day

Chapter 128: 128, your Xiaobai is a fool!

A light breeze blew in from outside the window.

Xiao Zhiwei felt very cold, as if chills were coming.

It was the weather in early September. The sun was shining outside the window, but her body couldn't stop shaking, and her heart was beating violently.

Xiao Yebai’s voice continued to ring in the room, "The Mo family arranged for you to be a servant, but you drove them away and asked her to call me, saying that you have an upset stomach and can’t eat, and persuade me to buy you porridge ."

"Brother, I really have an upset stomach. I can't eat the food in the hospital at all..." Xiao Zhi pointed his throat to explain, but when the man raised his eyelids and met his eyes...

Without the concealment and camouflage of the lenses, the pupils of those eyes are pitch black, the eyelashes are thick, deep, and beautiful, but at the same time they are covered with a layer of cold light without any temperature.

He looked straight at her, his eyes sharp and indifferent, as if he could see through people's hearts.

Xiao Zhiwei only felt choked, she closed her mouth and couldn't say anything.

"If you still want to recuperate here, take care of your mind, be safe and don't mess with her anymore, otherwise, I will call your parents and ask them to come and take care of you in person.

"No!" Xiao Zhiwei was scared and blurted out, "Brother, I beg you, don't tell them if it's okay, brother..."

Xiao Yebai did not speak any more.

He put his glasses back on, put his hands in the pockets of his suit pants, and instantly recovered his former gentle and indifferent elite male appearance.

Then he turned around and left.


The burns on Mo Only's feet were not serious, and the porridge was not so hot, so the skin was not broken.

After the doctor applied the scald ointment and bandaged the wound, he explained some precautions.

Mo Zui was sitting on the hospital bed, watching his feet wrapped in white gauze, his mouth was almost uplifted with anger.

"The only one, did you really fight with that Xiao Zhiwei?" Su Houyu couldn't help being curious.

Mo Su only pursed his lips, perhaps his mood eased a little, and when the doctor left, he finally explained everything just now.

At last she said, "Huohou, I really just gave her a little push."

Su Huhou nodded, "I believe in you."

Although Mo Dui had a princess temperament, he could still tell the difference.

I have known each other for more than ten years, even in the adolescence of the most rebellious girl, unless someone takes the initiative to provoke her, she will not do harm to others for no reason.

Besides, who can hurt her little kitten strength? What's more, the foot is still injured now.

"But Xiao Bai doesn't believe me."

This is also the only thing Mo cares about and sadness most.

Of course, Su Houhou knew that she cares about Xiaobai most, so he immediately said, "The only thing, if your Xiaobai really doesn’t believe you and thinks you pushed her out of bed, then if he is not a blind man, he must be A fool!"

With the generous statement she said, Mo Sui looked straight behind her, as if stunned.

Su Huhou felt that something was wrong, and turned his head hurriedly.


The idiot in her mouth was walking in from outside.

Su Huhu blinked and couldn't help but swear in his heart.

Fuck, why is this person like Huo Jingshen, walking without sound?

Fortunately, Xiao Yebai just glanced at her faintly, then walked to the coffee table and picked up the phone and car key.

"I'm going to the company to have a meeting, Aunt Jiang, I'll trouble you here."

Even the sound is very low!

"Xiao Bai." Mo Sui said grievously.

The man stopped, but didn't turn around, "There is an important meeting at two o'clock. I will talk about other things when I come back."

After speaking, he left.

Behind Su Huhou touched his little heart in fear.

MMP, who frightens with a face paralyzed all day long?

Huo Jingshen is better, at least not so cold.

She didn't even realize it, but now she would subconsciously compare other men with Huo Jingshen.

Then, "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here", the phone rang, and it happened that someone was calling.

"Only, I'll go out and take a call,"


Su Houhui answered the phone in the corridor, "Hello."

"Grandma called you?"

"En." Thinking of Mrs. Huo's inexplicable words, Su Hunhou asked hurriedly, "What happened?"

"It's nothing." Huo Jingshen said as usual, "I went to pick up Ziyang last night and was secretly photographed by reporters, which caused some misunderstandings."

"That's it." No wonder the old lady Huo kept saying sorry... embarrassing.

Huo Jingshen's conversation turned, "I will pick you up from school in the evening, and my parents have come back and have a meal together."

"Huh? But I..."

"That's it, I'm busy." After speaking, Huo Jingshen hung up the phone.

It! Su Huhou glared at the phone.

Just now I praised him for being domineering and bossy now, and sure enough, men are all big trotters!


Huo Yuan Group.

Just as Huo Jingshen put down his cell phone, Mrs. Huo's call came again.


"A Shen, what you said just now really didn't lie to me?" Mrs. Huo said in disbelief, "I tell you, you must not do things that are sorry for Houhou, otherwise I will take care of the family law. !"

Huo Jingshen squeezed his forehead, feeling helpless, "Grandma, I'm going to a meeting soon."

Old Mrs. Huo didn't seem to have heard it, "I just turned out the previous photo album, my goodness, that kid looks too much like you, right."

Huo Jingshen: "..."

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