Madam Wants a Divorce Every Day

Chapter 148: 148. Mr. Huo inspects his wife’s dormitory

Su Houhui's heart was straight when he saw him.

Such familiar eyes told her that there was a devilish air and it was very dangerous!

So when those black eyes suddenly squinted, Su Weihui, like an alarm bell, immediately reached out to push him, "Aren't you going to inspect the room?"

"I've been inspected." Huo Jingshen easily controlled her hands and said in a low voice, "The bed is a bit small."

Su Huhou blinked.

Is the bed small?

"Next time, let someone change a bigger one." Huo Jingshen added another sentence.

It clearly means something!

Su Houhou said hurriedly, "No, no, no, I think it's quite big, enough for sleep."

In this regard, Huo Jingshen agreed, "Well, although it is a little narrower, it is really enough for sleep."

Su Houhou: "..."

Why do you always find this conversation weird?

She coughed twice, "It's eight o'clock, won't you go back? I'm going to do my homework."

Huo Jingshen still babbled at her, "What homework?"

"English homework, the teacher will check it in class tomorrow."

"First do something else with your husband."

"Huh?" Su Hun Hun was stunned, "What else?"

"After having **** with your husband, your husband will do your homework with you."

Su Hun Hun's eyes widened suddenly, "Fuck, you bird... Um!"

The lips are blocked.

Huo Jingshen lowered his head so, her thin lips pressed directly on her soft lips, licked and kissed a few times, then quickly opened her teeth and pushed the tip of her tongue in.


From yesterday morning to now, nearly thirty-six hours later, the taste of the little girl is still so delicious.

Very soft, tender, and sweet.

The juice was sweet, as if inexhaustible, which made him gradually addicted.

He held her small tongue, grinding it again and again, sucking and entangled as much as possible.

This kind of extremely skillful and provocative deep kiss quickly made Su Hunhou defeated.

She was dizzy and her body slipped softly.

Huo Jingshen seemed to have a premonition, and with his long arms, he held her soft body tightly into his arms, preventing her from sliding down, and making it easier for him to kiss deeper.

The two people's bodies were closely attached to each other with a thin cloth. Soon, there was only a low gasp in the dormitory. The man and the woman were intertwined, ambiguous and sultry.

Su Huhou felt that she was being picked up in a daze. After a while, she was put on the bed in the dormitory.

Huo Jingshen took off his suit jacket and threw it away. People were already pressed up.

Su Hunhui lay there, the neckline of the dress was pulled down and faded. After finding it a little difficult to take off, Huo Jingshen directly put his hand on the button of the dress.

However, the dress she wore today was a bit of a retro palace design, and the buttons on her chest were densely packed, two rows from top to bottom.

After solving the two, Huo Jingshen frowned, and finally became impatient, and tugged hard.

There was a "stab pull".

The front of the skirt was directly torn apart.

Su Huhou blushed and scolded, "Why are you tearing my clothes again!"

Huo Jingshen disagrees, "Didn't grandma buy you a wardrobe of clothes today?"

"Then you can't do that. You can tear it when you say it. I like this skirt very much!"

"But I don't like it."

Huo Jingshen said, again with a "stab pull", "Don't buy so many buttons next time, it's troublesome, it won't take off."

This time even the hem was torn apart by him, the buttons splashed, and some even jumped to the floor with a crisp bounce sound.

It's a tyrant!

Su Huhou gritted his teeth angrily.

The tyrant threw the two rags away, his big hand had reached behind her, and he twisted his fingers.

Su Huhou only felt that when he was loose in front of him, the hidden button of the bra had been released.

Before she could react, the cloth quickly left her body, replaced by... a hot kiss from a man.

The thin white fingers slammed the sheets tightly under him.

With his movements, Su Hunhui's beautiful phoenix eyes were slightly narrowed together, where is there any thought to manage clothes?

Immediately after.


A cry that couldn't be suppressed came out of her mouth.

Listening to Huo Jingshen's ears is undoubtedly the most enthusiastic invitation and hint.

He no longer wasted time, his big hand went down, and he drew the last thin piece of cloth on her body...

"Boom boom!"

The door of the room was knocked suddenly.

The fiery atmosphere that was about to be triggered instantly condensed.

Su Hunhui's body was even more frightened, and then she hurriedly pushed the man away and sat up from the bed.

Fuck embarrassing.

Except for a pair of panties, she was no different from being naked.

As for Huo Jingshen, he was not much better. Although the clothes were still hanging on his body, the buttons of the white shirt were all unbuttoned, revealing a large and **** chest muscle.

Down, the zipper of his trousers opened wide, the black boxer shorts were clearly visible, and the belt was hanging loosely between the crotch...

If this is caught, it would be a lively cheating scene!

"Boom boom!"

The door was knocked again, and at the same time, a high-pitched woman's voice sounded impatiently, "Isn't this light on? What about people?"

Su Houhou had to bite the bullet and asked, "Who?"

"Dormitory administrator!"

"What's the matter?"

"Assault on hygiene!"

Su Houhou: "..."

Damn it!

A surprise check on hygiene at 8 o'clock in the evening

Do you want to be so dedicated teacher?

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