Madam Wants a Divorce Every Day

Chapter 160: 160, a large bag of papaya

The pain in the imagination did not come. After the scream, the crutch fell to the ground, and she fell into a familiar embrace.

Because of gravity, Xiao Yebai slammed backward into the bookcase behind.

A "bang" sound was accompanied by the man's snorting.

The only thing Mo was panicked, the first reaction was to grab his arm tightly.

"Is it okay?" Xiao Yebai asked in a low voice.

Mo Soong shook his head blankly.

Some were scared silly.

But obviously, he rushed over and hugged her, otherwise, given her current situation, she might be hurt again...

Mo One was moved and distressed.

Xiaobai actually gave up to save her. I heard him hit the bookcase just now, and his voice was still loud. It must be hurt?

She looked back and found that a corner of the bookcase protruded from the back, just as high as the man's waist.

"Xiao Bai, did you hit your waist?" Mo You only asked hurriedly.

Xiao Yebai's eyebrows narrowed slightly, before he spoke, Mo You Duan was already anxiously shouting, "Aunt Jiang, Aunt Jiang, come on!"

The servant hurried over, "Princess, what's the matter?"

"Xiaobai hit his waist, go call and call 120!"

Xiao Yebai: "..."

Aunt Jiang was also horrified.


Princess, are you sure?

"No need." Xiao Yebai finally said in a low voice, "No need."

"But you hit your waist." Mo's only small face was worried. "Didn't it all say that a man's waist is important?"

Xiao Yebai again: "..."

Aunt Jiang: "Ahem."

Suspecting that the young couple would discuss something not to be rude, she hurriedly said, "I will look for medicated oil for bruises. It will be much better for Mr. Xiao to wipe it."

When Aunt Jiang left, Xiao Yebai said faintly, "Your foot is injured. Don't walk around casually in the future. If you want to take something, let the servant take it if I am away."

Mo Sui nodded busy.

At this moment, I don’t remember any detective novels and photo albums. She was holding a cane and said anxiously, "Xiaobai, you turn around, I'll take a look for you first."

"It's okay to say."

"No, I want to see."

Every time I get injured, I'm fine, and I don't know how to be so tolerant.

Seeing her insistence, Xiao Ye Baimeifeng moved slightly and turned around.

Mo Only immediately pulled his shirt out of his suit pants, and lifted it up again, revealing the man's powerful and **** back waist.

However, I don't seem to see anything.

She glanced at the man, and then tried to stretch out her little hand, "Xiao Bai, does it hurt here? Does it hurt here? What about here?"

Feel on the left.

Touch again on the right.

The young girl's fingers were soft and slender, with a slight coolness.

Touching the man's fiery skin is like deliberately poking, and there is a burst of numbness in the person's heart.


Under her delicate and repeated questioning, Xiao Yebai pursed her thin lips and uttered two words, "It doesn't hurt."

There was a clear hoarseness in his voice.

He stretched out his hand, trying to pull his shirt off, but he was opened by the only Buddha.

Immediately afterwards, she bent down, her face approached, pouting her small mouth, and gently blowing into his lower back...

Xiao Yebai clearly noticed that her body was beginning to become tense and her nerves became extremely sensitive. As she blew her breath again and again, there was a commotion, and she began to accumulate slowly. , Condensed, and then rushed somewhere...

"Well, is it better? Xiaobai...Ah! Um!"

Mo Only let out two exclaims.

The first sound was that she was suddenly lifted by the man, shocked.

The second sound was her lips were kissed.

In the dark and solemn study, the tall man pinched a small woman in a red dress in his arms, lowered his head, and kissed her deeply and domineeringly without hesitation.

In the living room, Aunt Jiang finally found medicated oil.

When she came over, she heard an ambiguous conversation coming from the hidden door:

"Xiao Bai, your waist..."

"It's okay, you can move."

"Does it really get in the way?"

"Then wait for you to move..."

Old Aunt Jiang blushed and turned around hurriedly, packing up her things and getting off work at a speed of 100 meters.

Almost as she was leaving, the study door slammed on.

Indoors, spring is like fire.


Early the next morning.

The only one Mo was asleep hearing the man talking, "I went to the company."

"Hmm..." She opened her eyes, only feeling that her limbs were soft and weak, especially her waist, which was sore and painful.

Woo, last night she was worried about someone's waist being bruised, so she moved from the study to the living room and then to the bedroom. She rode all night.

It’s been a long time since I used this position, I’m really tired...

"Remember to take the medicine when you get up." Xiao Yebai said, putting two small pills on the bedside table.

"Got it." Mo Sui pouted.

When I did it last night, I found out that the cover at home was used up, but at that time, she didn't want him to bear it.

Although she hates taking medicine.

Xiao Yebai turned around, tied his tie, put on a suit, and left.

Mo Sui languidly slept on the bed, until the servant came to work, she got up to wash and choose clothes.

When she left the room, looking at the two pills on the bedside table, she stretched out her hand and threw them directly into the trash can.

Things like pregnancy still have to go with the flow.

Besides, taking too much birth control pills is not good for the body.

Her body is not easy to conceive.


There are plenty of reasons!

Coming downstairs, Aunt Jiang was cleaning the papaya delivered last night in the kitchen.

Mo Yuyi looked at it, raised his little hand and started pointing, "Aunt Jiang, you help me divide the papaya into three, and you will be given an address later, and you will send one to you. Take the other one home to eat, too Too much, I can't finish it by myself."

"Thank you princess." Aunt Jiang was naturally overjoyed.

Mo Dui smiled.

Aunt Jiang is a native of Nancheng, and she is also the servant she hired to live in this villa after her marriage.

Although he is not an old servant of the Mo family, he is practical and capable. He has done a good job in the past two years. Therefore, Mo You only trusts her very much.


South City University.

Su Houyu finished two news classes, and when he returned to the dormitory, he was called by the administrator.

"You're Su Houhou, right? Someone will bring you fruit."

Su Houhou walked over and saw... a big bag of papaya.

Oh my God.

This ink color is really an exaggeration.

With so much, she can't finish it all by herself, and she has breast enhancement. Does Su Weihou need breast enhancement?

Back to the dormitory, just put the papaya down, the phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, she couldn't help frowning.

Sure enough, as soon as the connection was made, Su Yuntang's yelling and cursing came, "Niezha, you come to the hospital for me now! Right away, immediately, get out of here!"

Su Hunhui rolled his eyes, "What are you doing? Your baby girl wants to frame me and push her downstairs?"

"Is it wrong that you know what you know! I'll give you half an hour, but if you come, I will come to you personally!"

After speaking, Su Yuntang hung up severely.

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