Madam Wants a Divorce Every Day

Chapter 164: 164, no tears without the coffin!

In the ward, the momentary silence was a bit terrifying.

Almost all the elders in the room were shocked and speechless.

Especially Su Xueqin, he couldn't believe his ears at all.

Su Yanyan turned out to be a fake pregnancy?

how can that be?

Just now, he beat Houhou for the first time for her, for the shed child...

"Yanyan!" Su Yuntang was the first to react and asked sternly, "You said to yourself, what Doctor Zhou said, is it true?"

Su Yanyan's face was already pale.

Deeds were revealed, except for panic, she was afraid, and at the moment, she was unable to speak for a while.

"Jiang Yi!" Su Yuntang looked at his wife again, "Say!"

"I..." Jiang Yi was also flustered.

What happened was so sudden, she hadn't even figured out how to respond.

"Not speaking is acquiescence." Nangongci's voice rang casually.

Su Yanyan woke up like a dream in an instant, "No, it's not true, she lied to you!"

Then, he stretched out his finger and pointed at Su Hunhou, "It's her! It must be her! She deliberately asked Huo Jingshen to come over. They have a good relationship with this deputy dean. They must have colluded to come and frame me! Yes, it must be so! They obviously did it on purpose!"

Su Huhou looked at her coldly, feeling like he was watching a clown.

"Su Yanyan, you insisted that I deliberately pushed you and made you fall downstairs to cause a miscarriage. If I knew you were a fake pregnancy, why did I stand here just now and let you pour dirty water!"

"I..." Su Yanyan had nothing to say for a moment.

"Sister-in-law is right." After Nangong Ci finished flattering, his face straightened, "I knew someone would not cry if they didn't see the coffin! So I was checked by someone yesterday."

He smiled slightly, "In order to conceal people's eyes and ears, Miss Su only left Dr. Zhou in the emergency room at the time. The examination time was less than half an hour. All the instruments were not turned on at all, and there was no trace of use. Later, I asked The secretary checked Ms. Su's pregnancy test files. As a result, guess what?"

Nangongci raised an eyebrow, and the secretary who had been waiting for a long time handed over the two documents immediately.

"Grandpa Xing, you can take a look at these two files. Except for the name and age, the other records are almost exactly the same. Because Dr. Zhou, in order to save trouble, every time she does a pregnancy test for Miss Su, she directly copies her other files. Of a pregnant patient."

Father Xing took the information and looked at it carefully.

But after only seeing two of them, he fell to the ground with anger, blushing and roaring, "Damn! What else do you have to say now!"

Su Yanyan was so frightened by the roar that her whole body trembled, her whole body trembling like a frightened bird.

"It's wasted that our Xing family treats you so well, you actually... actually..." The old man Xing was furious, feeling that his blood pressure was rushing, and he couldn't even speak completely.

"Grandpa." Su Yanyan recovered slowly, "Don't be fooled by them..."

"Iron proof is like a mountain, you dare to quibble!" Old man Xing put his crutches heavily on the ground.

Su Yanyan gritted her teeth, but at the moment there is no other way to justify herself. "I have no sophistry. I am really pregnant. I am pregnant with Brother Yun's child. I showed you a B ultrasound at the time. Have you forgotten all the photos? Have you all forgotten! Doctor Zhou deceived you, you must not be deceived by her, the information is all fake..."

Doctor Zhou said hurriedly, "Miss Su, just admit it, I have already recruited all..."

"Go away! You liar, why are you hurting me like this?" Su Yanyan screamed madly, "Did you get bought by the Huo family! How much did they give you and ask you to come and talk about this? What a lie! Ah! How much do you say..."

"I really didn't take the money..."

"Then you are colluding with Su Houhou!"

"I do not have……"

"You bullshit!"

"Enough." Huo Jingshen interrupted impatiently, "Whether Miss Su has been pregnant or not, it's up to the hospital to decide."

"Big brother is right." Nangongci continued to flatter, and then he looked at Doctor Wang who was standing on the side, "This Doctor Wang is the most authoritative director of obstetrics and gynecology in our hospital. Director Wang, You can help Miss Su to check her body now. Whether Miss Su has been pregnant or has had a miscarriage, you will know at a glance."

Su Yanyan never expected that Nangong would still leave her hand.

She opened her eyes wide in horror. When the female doctor walked towards the bed, she picked up the pillow and slammed on her, "Why is the child gone, not in my stomach? It’s all gone, you did it on purpose!"

Nangong shook his head helplessly, "Miss Su, are you ignorant or pretending to be stupid?"

From the beginning to the end, I know that ghosts are screaming and shirking responsibility, and there is no medical knowledge!

"Miss Su." Director Wang was also speechless, "I have been an obstetrician and gynecologist for 30 years and have very rich experience in clinical surgery. If you are really pregnant for three months, you just had a miscarriage yesterday. , Just need me to check your lower body and it will be clear."

Check the lower body?

it's here?

In front of so many outsiders, and reporters?

Su Yanyan shook her head fiercely.

No, how could she suffer such humiliation?

What's more, she didn't have a miscarriage at all, nor did her lower body flow red...

"I don't check, I don't want it!" Su Yanyan yelled in panic.

"Ms. Su is so reluctant to do the inspection, can I understand it as a guilty conscience?" Nangong Ci made up the gun in time.

But Su Yanyan seemed to have not heard her, she shook her head desperately, and kept saying, "I don't check, I don't check..."

Nangongci's eyes motioned, Dr. Wang hurried to the edge of the hospital bed, stretched out his hands to pull Su Yanyan's legs...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Su Yanyan screamed like crazy, and she hid back desperately, and she fell directly off the hospital bed and let out a "boom".

"Yanyan!" Jiang Yi rushed hurriedly.

"Mom, I don't want to check, I don't want to check, Mom!" Su Yanyan hugged Jiang Yi tightly, trembling and crying.

Nangong Ci put on the dean's posture, "Well, Miss Su, you really don't need to be so scared. Director Wang is a female doctor, she is very professional, and there are curtains blocking her. If you really don't want to..."

He ordered, "Director Wang, take Miss Su to do a B ultrasound."

"No! I won't do it! I won't do anything!" Su Yanyan raised her head, tears running across her face.

"So what does Miss Su mean?" Nangong said well and well.

"I...I am not pregnant." Su Yanyan finally cried and admitted.

"Asshole!" Su Yuntang walked over, raised his hand, and slapped it straight down.

Su Yanyan was beaten and fell to the ground.

But she didn't dare to cry out for pain, and quickly crawled over, pulling Su Yuntang's pants and crying, "Dad, I didn't mean it, I just like Brother Yun so much..."

"You still said it!" Su Yuntang slapped again, "Is this the reason you lied? Ah!"

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