Madam Wants a Divorce Every Day

Chapter 193: 193、Spend money like earth

Su's house, bedroom on the second floor.

Su Yanyan has been crying since she returned from the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"Mom, I don't want to go to South Korea. I want to stay in Nancheng. I have passed the university entrance exam. Why should I send me to study in South Korea..."

Jiang Yi sighed helplessly.

However, things have already reached this stage, what can she do?

"Mom, okay if you and my dad plead again, mom..." Su Yanyan took her arm and kept crying.

Jiang Yi could only say, “What happened in the ward that day was captured by reporters on the spot. If the Xing family hadn’t found someone to settle the matter, once the news was spread, it would have a bad influence on both of them. Especially your father is now turning right. During the assessment by the Bureau, everyone in the Bureau of Radio, Film and Television has their eyes fixed on him, in case something happened to you suddenly broke out at this time..."

"So in order for my dad to be the chief director, for his career, he unconditionally agreed to the Xing family's request. Isn't it enough that Brother Yun and I are divorced? Now you have to send me to South Korea?" Su Yanyan couldn't believe it. How could his father, who loved him since childhood, treat her like this?

"Yeonyan, this is the best decision we can get, and South Korea is very close to home. I can visit you every month, and I can live there with you..."

"I don't want it!" Su Yanyan wailed loudly, "I have never left the house since I was a child. I don't speak Korean and English is not good. I don't want to go, Mom, I really don't want to go..."

The phone ringing suddenly rang.

Jiang Yi took the phone, "Sister."


After finishing the call, she got up and said, "As soon as Aunt Yang will help you pack all your luggage, I will go downstairs first."

Upon hearing this, Su Yanyan raised her foot and kicked all the suitcases on the side to the ground.


Living room downstairs.

Su Xueqin was sitting in a wheelchair reading a newspaper.

"Dad." Jiang Yi shouted.

Su Xueqin did not respond.

Jiang Yi squeezed her hand and walked over and said, "Just now, my sister called and said that your mobile phone couldn't get through. She said that she had found Houhou at school, and she also told Houhou about eating together tomorrow, but Houhou refused to agree. , She also said..."

There was a "pop".

The newspaper was thrown on the floor, making a loud noise.

Jiang Yi was too scared to speak any more.

"What else did she say?" Su Xueqin's voice was hard and severe.

Jiang Yi said hurriedly, "She also said that no matter what happens in the future, she will never come back to this home again."

Hearing these words, Su Xueqin's old face instantly tightened with facial features, and his fingers gripped the armrest of the wheelchair. Because of his force, he turned pale and blue.

Jiang Yi looked at the old man’s expression and added, “What happened in the hospital that day, the Huo family was also there. It has been a long time since Hobori received the certificate, and the Huo family has not been at home. Now this kind of thing happened again..."

Some words, stop there.

Su Xueqin's lips were pressed tightly, her eyes wearing presbyopic glasses were sharp and deep, and she didn't know what she was thinking.


The next day was Su Xueqin’s birthday, which also happened to be Teacher’s Day.

In the morning, just after two classes, Su Hunhou received the only call from Mo.

Ten minutes later, the two met at the entrance of the school cafeteria.

The little princess was still dressed in a glamorous and glamorous outfit, not far behind, followed by Rong An in black.

"Why did you come to school today?" Su Houhou was curious.

"Isn't there a Teacher's Day party in the afternoon, I'm bored, just come and have a look."

"The party is three o'clock in the afternoon, why are you here so early?"

"I'll accompany you to lunch." Mo You only took her arm affectionately, "I'm almost tired of eating Aunt Jiang's dishes at home every day. The chopped pepper fish head in the small cafeteria upstairs is delicious. I made a special trip over, at eleven o'clock, they just started business."

"Are you so?" Su Houhou laughed.

A princess who wants something, is greedy for a chopped pepper fish head in the school cafeteria?

"It's really delicious. Haven't you ever eaten Hoobori? Let's go, I'll treat you."

There were not many opportunities for Su Houhou to eat in the cafeteria. Every time he queued downstairs to buy it and brought it back to the dormitory to eat.

As a result, I came upstairs today and found out that there is no heaven.

The decoration of this small canteen is antique, the windows are bright and clean, there are waiters, and it is almost the same as the restaurant outside.

It specializes in Hunan cuisine, and when it comes in, it has a strong aroma of pepper, which is particularly appetizing when you smell it.

As soon as Mo Yi sat down, he started ordering boldly, "I want to chop pepper fish head, dry pot bullfrog, boiled pork slices, glutinous rice ribs, organic cauliflower, blueberry yam..."

"Enough is enough." Su Houhou hurriedly held her.

It's just a canteen, just like a full feast of Manchus.

"I want another bunch of freshly squeezed papaya juice." Mo Sui added.

"Can we not drink papaya juice?" Su Houhou said with a bitter face, "The ones you gave last time, I haven't finished eating them in the dormitory."

"Then you have to... honey passion fruit, not breast enlargement, let's nourish and whiten."

Su Houhou: "..."

Soon, the first blueberry and yam cold dish was served. Su Houhou picked up the spoon and just took a bite when the phone rang suddenly.

"Hou Hou." Old Mrs. Huo's voice came from the earpiece, "I'll go to the school gate immediately. You clean up, come and go to the hospital with us."

Su Houhou was taken aback, "What's the matter with grandma? Who is sick?"

"It's your grandfather, he had a heart attack suddenly, and he is being rescued in the hospital."

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