Madam Wants a Divorce Every Day

Chapter 201: 201, kill a thousand enemies and lose 800

"Xiu Huang should be coming soon." Huo Jingshen said suddenly.

When he heard this, Mr. Chu yelled directly, "Keep it down! My unfilial grandson, who hangs out with flowers all day long, doesn’t have a serious girl, it’s all an internet celebrity. , Model, female celebrity... Can such a woman be reliable?"

"That's not good, I can't rely on it!" Old lady Huo made up her gun. "You have to find someone like Houhou to find a daughter-in-law, college student, beautiful, or my A Shen's eyesight, they fell in love at first sight ha ha ha ha."

Su Wanwan: "=, ="

"Oh." Old man Chu hates that iron can't make steel, "You said that Ahuang and A Shen have both played together since they were young. How can they choose a woman with such a big gap in perspective?"

Su Houhou again: "=, ="

The grandson was praised, and the old lady Huo laughed from ear to ear, "Don't worry, isn't Xiu Huang younger than Ah Shen?"

"What a little, it's only two months younger! I'll be 30 years old soon!"

"Grandpa Chu, Xiu Huang should arrange more blind dates for him." Huo Jingshen made a serious suggestion. "He lacks experience and the woman he chooses is unreliable, so he should let the elders of the family help him."

"A Shen is right." Mrs. Huo immediately seconded, "It's like my Nuanyang, almost twenty-nine years old, and I haven't found a girlfriend. I blush when I see a woman, and I don't know what to say... so I always ask my elder friends to introduce him, so I must know the roots."

Unexpectedly, Father Chu became even more excited, "I am even more angry when I mention this! A few days ago, the granddaughter of a friend of mine returned to China from studying abroad. She is a good girl who has her duty. He turned out to be good. It was the first time today at noon. On a date, I just told someone to open the room, but my friend called me and gave me a mess! He lost my old face! You said, what did the Chu family do? What happened? Bastard stuff? No, I have to go back and call him, this stinky guy is really going to **** me off..."

Mr. Chu became more and more angry as he spoke and turned to leave.

When the old man left, Huo Jingshen suddenly gave a low laugh.

Su Houhou: "..."

Was this guy retaliating against Chu Xiuhuang just now?

Being his friend is really stressful. This old man has too little eyes and loves to hold grudges...

"A Shen." Huo's solemn voice suddenly sounded, "You come to the study with me."

"Bad old man, it's almost six o'clock and I will have dinner immediately, and you have to talk about work again!"

Old lady Huo gave her wife a sideways glance, "You eat first."

Huo Jingshen raised his eyebrows and stood up, "Grandma, you take Wanwan and Ziyang to eat first. Ziyang, this is your grandma."

"Good grandma." Fu Ziyang opened his small mouth, yelled obediently, and then looked at Mr. Huo, "Good grandpa."

"Okay, let's go, grandma will take you to eat delicious food." Old lady Huo smiled and held his little hand, "Wan Wan, let's go, let's have dinner."



Fu Ziyang is long and beautiful, with a small face made of powdered jade, speaks milky and milky, he is only five years old but is polite and not picky about eating, he is even more clever and sensible at the table, and he really likes the old lady very much.

Not long after, Old Huo and Huo Jingshen walked in from outside.

After sitting down, he looked at Fu Ziyang who was eating obediently, and he didn't move for a long time.

"Old man, what's wrong with you old man?"

Elder Huo regained his senses and reached out for his chopsticks.

"What are you thinking about? I don't want to stay away." Old lady Huo said with a smile, "Hurry up, get the red envelope."

Su Wanwan's eyes lit up, and she has red envelopes again. Grandparents are very kind to her.

Then, I saw Old Man Huo getting up and going out, coming back soon, holding a thick red envelope in his hand and placing it in front of Fu Ziyang.

Huo Jingshen raised his eyebrows, "Ziyang, thank you grandpa."

Fu Ziyang opened his small mouth, "Thank you, grandpa."

"Good." Old man Huo looked at the sensible little guy, the rare Tieman was tender, his face was kind and smiling, and the corners of his eyes were still a little moist.

"Old man." The old lady Huo looked horrified, "What's wrong with you?"

Huo Jingshen coughed twice.

Elder Huo sighed and said slowly, "Let's eat."

Su Wanwan didn't notice the father's gaffe, she just bowed her head and ate.


I just thought I had red envelopes again, it turned out to be for Fu Ziyang...


After dinner, it is rare to start playing children's programs on the TV in the living room.

"Ziyang, what cartoon do you like to watch? Grandpa will help you adjust it."

Fu Ziyang sat there, his little face expressionless.

He hasn't watched such mentally handicapped children's programs for a long time, okay?

But looking at the warm-hearted look of the old man, he bent his small mouth and replied cutely, "Just this cartoon is ready, thank you, grandpa."

"Really good."

Mrs. Huo sat aside and couldn't help but touch her grandson's arm, winking at the hint, "Look at your grandfather, how much you like children, you play with Houho and give us a grandson earlier, have you heard?"

Huo Jingshen looked at grandma and suddenly shouted, "KO."

KO, who was lying on the balcony outside, immediately ran in, and when he arrived, he shook his head around the old lady's legs, and went back and forth.

Then, she heard Huo Jingshen say, "Grandma, Hobori is still studying, and the son is temporarily unable to give birth, so I can only raise a dog son first."

Mrs. Huo: "..."

and so?

"So grandma, you can treat KO as your great-grandson." Huo Jingshen said without changing his face.

Mrs. Huo once again: "..."

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