Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2886: Mr. Lu, we tried our best

"Okay, Jianzhu." The driver nodded.

"Yeah." Jian Jin rolled up the car window again.

The car window gradually obscured her face.

The red Ferrari quickly disappeared from the driver's sight...


A pure white villa stands quietly in the most mysterious place in the illegal zone.

Various flowers and plants are planted outside the villa.

Especially orchids.

Orchid grass stretches its branches and leaves in the sun, making the villa white and beautiful, so pure that it doesn't look like it belongs to an illegal zone.

In the villa at the moment.

Several of the most famous traveling doctors in the illegal zone were either forced or threatened to come here to treat a person.

Basically, they will only move within the scope prescribed by Lu Zhi, and they don't dare to wander around, let alone look around at will.

The main thing is that everything in the villa is high-tech.

Many technologies have not even been announced outside. There are only unimaginable technologies, and there is no technology that is not available in this villa.

There is surveillance everywhere.

Once they act out of line, they will immediately be caught by ubiquitous surveillance. In the next second, an inconspicuous robot may end their lives on the spot...

This is what Lu Zhi said in front of them when he called them over.

Therefore, these doctors You Fang are careful to only move within the scope allowed by him these days, and do not dare to go beyond the boundaries at all.

But the patient never regained consciousness.

No matter how unwilling these Youfang doctors are to provoke people like Lu Zhi, they still have to communicate with him about their progress every day.

Today it was Xiao Hu's turn to report the patient's condition to Director Lu.

He steeled himself to walk out of the bedroom where the patient was, and saw a man leaning against the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, looking out in trance on the balcony on the second floor.

He got off the elevator and stood nervously three steps away from the man. He swallowed and said, "Mr. Lu, the patient... the patient's physical indicators are showing a tendency to return to normal. His lung inflammation is also under control with medication. It has gradually stabilized, my physical signs are getting better, and there is a possibility of waking up.”

Lu Zhi turned the wheelchair and faced him face to face: "When will he wake up?"

"This..." Mustache touched his cold gaze and immediately lowered his head in fear, and said with a big tongue: "We can't guarantee this."

"When the patient wakes up depends on his personal physical condition, his desire to live, etc., and there are still some uncertain factors. For example, if his lung infection indicators relapse midway, and he has a fever again, then there will be Time...if he recovers well and has a strong desire to survive, he may be able to open his eyes and wake up today."

He was afraid of Lu Zhi, but he didn't dare to lie in front of Lu Zhi.

After all, telling the truth would make Lu Zhi angry at most.

If you lie...

Lu Zhi might kill him right away.

Mustache's voice gradually weakened: "So, we can't guarantee this. We can only try to stabilize the patient's physical indicators and hope that he wakes up as soon as possible."

Lu Zhi saw him peeking at himself while talking. But he raised his eyes slightly without paying much attention, and tapped the armrest of the wheelchair with his cold white knuckles: "I give you five days, and you will give me this result? I don't know when you will wake up? Huh?"

Mustache was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat: "Mr. Lu, we tried our best. The patient's previous condition was really not optimistic. In addition to multiple soft tissue contusions all over the body, several bones in the body were broken. There were also varying degrees of damage to the internal organs. …”

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