Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 5723 How did I offend him?

"Oh, where is this?"

Someone answered.

But a man's voice, as low-alcohol and as mellow as a violin, was slow and cold: "I'm also curious about where this place is, why don't you finish talking and help me answer the doubts in my heart."

The others glanced sharply towards the entrance.

I saw a man in a suit wearing a mysterious mask with only his cold jaw exposed. He was followed by two rows of bodyguards. The two rows of bodyguards lined up quickly as the man strode forward, turning Anna and others into scum instantly from their momentum. .


"Lance is here."

"It's Count Reims."

This time everyone could only lower their voices even when whispering. They were no longer as arrogant as before, just like mice restraining their claws after seeing a cat.

Lilian quickly tightened her handbag and hid behind Bethea, shrinking her shoulders to reduce her presence.

...Didn’t I say that Count Reims wouldn’t come?

The people present had different thoughts. Some were curiously looking at this new celebrity from the Sixth Continent, while others were watching Anna's excitement...

Only Qiao Nian, who was at the center of the typhoon, seemed to be alright. He put one hand in his pocket and even had a hint of impatience between his brows, as if he disliked the visitor for interfering without permission and causing unnecessary trouble for her.

The Earl of Reims didn't show any recognition of her in public, and never looked at her from beginning to end. Qiao Nian also lowered his eyelids, his face full of interest.

Lance walked to a few steps in front of Anna and stopped. Facing the woman who was having trouble standing, he said coldly and gracefully: "Sorry, I just heard you seem to be saying, is this your territory? "

"..." Anna was slapped with a big hat for nothing, and she opened her mouth. She was so anxious that she didn't dare to treat the man in front of her like she had done before.

"Are you from the Karl family?" The man spoke again politely, but he seemed to be looking at her condescendingly.

He continued calmly and coldly: "When did the Sixth Continent become the territory of the Karl family? Why didn't you notify me?"

Anna's eyes widened in horror, filled with unconcealable fear. Big beads of sweat seeped out from her pale forehead, gathering into streams of water and sliding down her cheeks that were twisted due to extreme nervousness.

"I...that's not what I meant."

However, the man raised his hand slightly to stop her from explaining. He still looked gentle and easy to talk to, but his tone was full of the superior person crushing the inferior person.

"I just came in and heard you scolding others there, and I thought I was in the wrong place. But if I understand correctly, that's what you just said."

"..." She was just targeting a country bumpkin.

"Theron knows you think so?" The man greeted him lightly again.

"I..." Anna's breathing was rapid and disordered, and her chest heaved violently, like a trapped animal about to suffocate. The once arrogant arrogance had long since disappeared. At this moment, she was swallowed up by endless fear, and there was only chaos in her mind. She didn't know when she had offended the Earl of Reims, causing him to target her as soon as he came. .

"I can explain. I..."

The surrounding air seemed to become solemn and oppressive, every breath was filled with fear of unknown doom, and everyone felt the intimidation from the Theron family.

Everyone looked sympathetically at Anna, who was sweating on her forehead, and were glad that she didn't cause trouble on today's occasion.

Otherwise, you will be the unlucky one now.

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