They slaughtered recklessly on this land, and almost no one could stop their atrocities.

Until god appeared for the first time and shot and killed the first of them.

And said to the remaining frightened poachers: "Confess your sins to God and he will forgive you."

Before the remaining poachers understood what she meant, they saw her raise her hand and shoot the corpse on the ground again.

Blowing the hot muzzle, the wind blew up the curly hair on her shoulders, the woman's charming eyes and flaming red lips said to them again.

"My name is god, go back and tell your people, if anyone lets me meet them poaching again, I will send you to see Allah. Allah will forgive you."


The poachers were also extremely vicious people. The scene was so horrifying that seven or eight grown men were scared and drove away.

From that time on, poachers in Continent F began to restrain themselves and narrowed the scope of hunting, from slaughtering animals on a large scale to only being able to catch a few animals secretly and carefully.

God comes every year and fulfills the harsh words he made at the beginning every year.

They hunt animals.

God sends them to see Allah.

Today, as usual, a woman in camouflage and a cowboy hat drove a jeep with bare chests outside the reserve.

Today, she received information from a local child, saying that a poaching organization planned a lion hunt, and that foreign businessmen were buying lion skins at a high price, which made them tempted again.

But what was different was that there was another person sitting in the passenger seat of her car, and she was no longer acting alone as usual.

"Master, when are you going to go back?" Guan Yan no longer paid attention to her image when she came here. She changed from bright and charming to casual and wanton. She went out every day without makeup and at most applied sunscreen. She squinted her eyes at the man sitting next to her, looking up at the sky in silence: "You have been in F continent for almost two months, isn't Beijing rushing you?"

Bo Jingxing was wearing a light blue shirt, with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his hands resting outside the car window, his handsome face wearing sunglasses, like a rich young man on a trip, he turned his head and smiled at her.

"I have my own pace, they usually don't rush me."

"Your parents don't care about you?"


"Your country Z is like this." Guan Yan realized that she seemed to be attacking a certain region, and quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, my eldest brother is from country Z, I have no problem with your country. What I mean is... you value family values ​​and regard elders and family as very important. Even adults have to listen to their parents. They don't care about you?"

Bo Jingxing said directly: "You are talking about Qin Si."

Guan Yan's face turned cold: "I didn't mention him."

Bo Jingxing apologized immediately: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

"..." Guan Yan didn't answer, she stepped on the accelerator and drove the jeep like a tank, the speed of rushing around vented her dissatisfaction in her heart.

Bo Jingxing noticed her mood changes very carefully, took off his sunglasses to reveal his gentle and elegant eyes, and turned his pupils to look at her: "I treated our chat as a casual talk between friends, forgetting that friends should also pay attention to the degree, and crossed the dividing line of degree, making you think that I was talking about your private life. I sincerely apologize to you again for my recklessness. Miss Guanyan, can you forgive me?" (End of this chapter)

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