Made in Hollywood

Chapter 181 Invincible

"I don't think it's worth it!"

Walking into the theater with his companions, Terry was still arguing with one of them, "War is to win the greatest victory at the least cost, to kill six people to save one person, not to mention anything else, from a purely war point of view , not worth it at all.”

"You can't say that."

When a few people walked to the ticket window, another person named Bridge retorted, "Imagine, today because of this feeling that eight lives are not worth changing for one life, and ruining a mother's only son, tomorrow another mother because of For the same reason, white-haired people send black-haired people. If things go on like this, solid traditional beliefs will become empty promises. Who would trust their relatives to enlist in the army to protect this country?”

Standing not far from the ticket window, Huntington, an investigator from the APP, smiled slightly. He had been here for an afternoon. He had heard too many similar arguments. This topic has obviously become a hot topic in the society. Like those who have seen the movie just now, the debate often ends with buying a ticket to enter the theater.

Clearly, the announcement of Saving Private Ryan did a great job!

Huntington, who has actual survey data, is very sure of this, but compared to yesterday, "Saving Private Ryan" also has some negative changes. Since yesterday, some media have hyped the protests of black people against the film. Today, the news has not decreased, although There are also some black history experts who have come forward to speak for the film, but based on what he observed in this theater, the proportion of black audiences today has dropped significantly compared to the opening day.

From point to point, public opinion obviously affects the choice of some black audiences.

However, compared to its competitor "Braveheart" in the same period, the box office performance of "Saving Private Ryan" in the past two days is more than two levels higher!

Let's just say that in the theater where he is now, only one theater is still showing "Braveheart". Perhaps there is a relationship between competition and suppression from other companies. The poor box office performance of the film is the key factor for the decline in the film placement rate. From the morning to the afternoon, according to his observation, the tickets for "Braveheart" were not sold. Forty!

This is not an independent theater chain in a remote area, but a well-known theater chain located in the bustling part of Manhattan.

Huntington has also been in touch with colleagues scattered across other New York theaters. It is not difficult to see from the information obtained that the box office of "Braveheart" will definitely not reach the $25 million expected by Paramount Pictures! $25 million is definitely too high a figure for them!

And "Braveheart" is so bad at the box office today, apart from the quality of the film itself, and the huge gap between Mel Gibson and Duke Rosenberg's commercial production that can't be compared at all, it is a piece of news that is widely hyped by the tabloids today. also matter.

Many tabloids under News Corporation suddenly broke out today. Mel Gibson's father was a Nazi who publicly denied the existence of the Holocaust, and Mel Gibson himself was a supporter of an extreme political party in Australia...

Although the tabloids did not explicitly say that Mel Gibson was a Nazi supporter, the meaning was implicitly revealed between the lines.

Come to think of it, this year marks the 50th anniversary of the victory of World War II. Tomorrow is Memorial Day. The United States is commemorating the war in various ways. At this moment, it was suddenly revealed that Mel Gibson may be a supporter of the Nazis, which has a great impact on his film.

During the day at the theater. Huntington has heard a lot of audiences talk about Mel Gibson's problems, and quite a few of them have given up or even spurned Mel Gibson's films because of this.

It was a very competitive day. "Braveheart" and "Saving Private Ryan" are constantly smearing each other, and the means are endless, and it can be made into a movie with twists and turns.

Even, Huntington thinks. If the winner Duke Rosenberg and the loser Mel Gibson meet here, there may be a direct fight.

Is screen tough Mel Gibson going to win? Or was Duke Rosenberg, who was a quarterback, better? Huntington thinks this is a topic worthy of study.

Perhaps Huntington's thoughts were subjective and one-sided, but Mel Gibson at this time really wanted to beat Duke.

His black Lexus was heading for Paramount Pictures, and in the back seat Gibson's face was darker than the night sky in Los Angeles, and even idiots and fools could tell he was in a terrible mood.

"These goddamn Jewish pigs!"

Mel Gibson's mind always reverberated with this thought. The movie that those bastards suppressed him even used such a method to turn over his old bottom in Australia.


As soon as the publicist sitting next to him spoke, Mel Gibson narrowed his eyes, "I said it, my father and I never said those remarks, they are slander and slander!"

Although he hates Jews, Mel Gibson is no fool and knows the influence of Jewish people in this circle.

Seeing Mel Gibson calm down a little, the PR patiently said, "Mel, no matter if any reporter or paparazzi asks about this, you must firmly deny it!"

"I'm going to sue them!"

The film he directed was not good at the box office, and when there was such a scene, Mel Gibson was a little angry, "Sue those media for defamation!"

"Calm down!" the PR raised his voice a little. "Those tabloids can't wait for you to do this!"

Do tabloids care if someone sues for defamation? They like celebrities suing them best to get eyeballs and attention.

Mel Gibson also knew a little about the virtues of the tabloids under News Corp. He said bitterly, "Send them a lawyer's letter! And..."

Who are the people behind the tabloids? The face of a young director automatically appeared in his mind, "Think of a way, think of any way to make Duke Rosenberg unlucky!"

He couldn't afford to offend the likes of Warners and Fox who were kidnapped by Duke Rosenberg for their own benefit, but after all, the young director was still young, and he was a lecher who liked beautiful women, so he might not have a way to deal with him.

The car stopped at the entrance of the Paramount office building. While Mel Gibson was waiting for the elevator, the CEO Shirley Lansing, who was sitting in the office, made a call with a dignified expression.

"Mandino. It's me, Shirley."

After a few polite words with the other party on the phone, she cut straight to the point, "Emperor Entertainment can maintain the number of theaters for "Braveheart", right? We don't want to increase, as long as we can maintain today's film scheduling rate and screen size Okay."

What she said didn't make any sense. After all, "Braveheart" was a miserable two-day box office on Friday and Saturday.

Sure enough, the refusal voice of Mandino, CEO of Emperor Cinema Line, came from the receiver, "Shirley, I can only say sorry."

"Mandino, do you think about it again, Mr. Redstone..."

"Sorry, Shirley. This is not something I can decide alone." The other party not only refused, but even the reason he found was very legitimate. "Braveheart box office was 2.75 million US dollars on Friday and 2.33 million US dollars on Saturday. Today So far, it’s only $1.56 million. Whether it’s a single-hall box office or attendance, it’s seriously below the theater side’s bottom line!”

Shirley Lansing wanted to say something, but the other party had already hung up the phone.

There is a contract between the two parties, but the North American Cinema Alliance is not stupid. Signed are floating contracts, if a film performs too poorly. The theater chain party can activate the relevant clauses in the contract, reduce the scale of the film's screening or even force it to go down.

Another phone call to AMG, Shirley Lansing got a similar reply, the theater company is the same as the film company. All are commercial companies, and the first pursuit is definitely the benefit.

Sitting on the large office chair, Shirley Lansing had a wry smile on the corner of her mouth. Paramount Pictures was ambitious to use "Braveheart" and Duke Rosenberg's "Saving Private Rui". Um" competed, but the result was as miserable as last year's "The Shawshank Redemption".

Shirley Lansing even felt powerless when she thought of the box office of "Saving Private Ryan" two days ago.

It was $20.54 million on Friday and $21.14 million on Saturday. Although the box office declined due to yesterday’s protests on Sunday, as of 7:30 Western Time, it still received $15.26 million, which is a phenomenal performance!

CAA and Paramount Pictures, and even Mel Gibson's PR team, have done so many behind-the-scenes actions and set off a fierce and fierce competition, but they are still unable to stop the progress of "Saving Private Ryan", as if Duke Luo Senberg is really like the king of summer gear!

How much would Saving Private Ryan's box office increase had it not been for this series of intense competition? Shirley Lansing can't say the exact number, but she estimates that it will increase by at least 15%. After all, many blacks and Latinos are boycotting this film.

Even so, Paramount Pictures and Braveheart fell flat.

"Is it true that Duke Rosenberg and his work are invincible during the summer?"

Even if she is determined, experienced, and the CEO of several major Hollywood companies, Shirley Lansing has such an idea.

There was a knock on the door of the office, and the secretary walked in with Mel Gibson, made him a cup of coffee, and went out again.

"Shirley!" Mel Gibson was a little anxious, his voice was particularly loud, "I heard that Paramount is going to withdraw the resources invested in "Braveheart"?"

"That's right."

This is a circle that speaks in terms of business achievements. Shirley Lansing looked at Mel Gibson with cold eyes, "Not only did the film not perform well at the box office, but the audience's reputation that can reflect the market potential also dropped to 66%. It's no longer worth Paramount's investment."

Mel Gibson opened his mouth, but said nothing. He is not a newcomer to Hollywood, so he naturally understands the rules of the game in this circle.

However, he would not be reconciled, only silent for a few seconds, and then said, "The film is still alive, Shirley! Have you seen the performance of "The Shawshank Redemption" in the videotape market? As long as we can win a few Oscars, we are completely be able to turn the loss around.”

"What if "Saving Private Ryan" also signed up for the Olympics?"

Will the producers of that film let go of the Oscars? Shirley Lansing wouldn't believe anything she said, with undisguised sarcasm in her words, "At this special time of the year, do you think Braveheart can beat Saving Private Ryan?"

"CAA will fully support us to win the award!" Mel Gibson seemed very confident, "What if the director of "Saving Private Ryan" had a scandal?" (To be continued ~^~)

PS: The third update will be delivered, and the fourth update will be sent after 9:00 pm, please ask for tickets~~~

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