Made in Hollywood

Chapter 211 We can start

On January 21, 1996, the 53rd Golden Globe Awards for Film and Television opened on time at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel. The awards ceremony was held in the form of a formal dinner. This is the most important award season apart from the Academy Awards. The film awards ceremony is also regarded by many outsiders as the vane of the Oscars.

No one in the circle sees it this way. Based on the voting rules of the Oscars, the real vane of each award is the union-like awards such as the Actors Guild, the Directors Guild and the Producers Union. Historical statistics show that the three major associations can win the awards. The person or film that wins the award is the real Oscar hit.

Moreover, the Golden Globe Awards are full of shady scenes, and there are not even a hundred judges. If the Oscars sometimes cramp, then the Golden Globes can only say that sometimes they don't cramp.

Because of the many nominations received, "Saving Private Ryan" sat for three entire tables. Next to Duke and Tom Hanks' table was "Escape from Las Vegas", which swept the best actor in the awards season. Nicholas Cage et al.

The Golden Globes are no exception. Nicolas Cage has just won the Best Actor in a Drama Series, and the winner is Tom Hanks.

In Duke's view, Cage's performance may not be comparable to Hanks' performance, but unfortunately, the role is not the only criterion for winning the performance award. There are too many off-site factors that affect the award.

"Congratulations, Nikolai."

Taking advantage of the performance time on the stage, Duke greeted Cage at the next table, and the two had a drink. He turned his eyes to the left, where the "Braveheart" crew was located. Mel Gibson was full of confidence. Full, it seems like the big prize is at hand.

"Don't worry too much."

Tom Hanks patted Duke's arm lightly, "You still have many opportunities in the future."

"It turns out that you are not optimistic about me winning the award." Duke looked back and smiled at Tom Hanks, "The two of us are going to be disappointed this year."

"Relax." Hanks swore to assure. "Duke, my vote will go to you."

Tom Hanks is one of the judges of the Oscars, but not the judges of the Golden Globe Awards. The truly famous people also disdain to be judges of the Golden Globe Awards. The judges are the team.

The awards are given out one by one, and no one can predict the Golden Globes. Duke actually lost to "Sense and Sensibility" in the pre-recognized best screenplay award for "Saving Private Ryan". Emma Thompson, the Oscar winner in previous years, took the award.

Just before the next award was presented, Duke looked at "Braveheart", Sophie Marceau was joking with Mel Gibson and others, and couldn't see anything different at all, the scheming and acting skills of these actresses. People have to admire.

"What I'm going to present today is a heavyweight award - Best Director!"

John Travolta stood on the stage in front, "I have always wanted to transform into a director, but no one was willing to invest, so I had to continue to be an actor. The one that appeared on my list tonight, They're the best in the director industry, let's see who they are."

"Ann Lee in Sense and Sensibility, Mel Gibson in Braveheart. Martin Scorsese in Las Vegas, Mike Figgis in Escape Las Vegas. And Duke Rosenberg from Saving Private Ryan!"

Even though he saw the live camera turn around, Duke still had the relaxed smile on his face, without any nervousness.

As expected, John Travolta read out the answer. "The winner is Mel Gibson from Braveheart!"

When the answer was revealed, there was a burst of cheers from the "Braveheart" crew. When Duke turned to look, he clearly saw Mel Gibson waving his fist faintly at this side, as if in a demonstration.

But the savage who didn't drink was still very clear-headed, and he knew that this was a live broadcast, and he didn't do anything else. Even after he took the stage to accept the award, he just said some routine comments.

"No one is stupid enough to say something provocative on a live broadcast."

Sofia Coppola, who was sitting on the other side, whispered in Duke's ear, "Are you sure you want to do it? Are you sure he's going to lose his temper?"

"Not sure." Duke shook his head. "So give it a try. Even if it fails, it doesn't matter to us, does it?"

Like those Society Awards before it, Braveheart took best director, Saving Private Ryan comfortably took home best picture, and after Tom Cruise's announcement as presenter, Robin? Grande took to the stage on behalf of the crew and took home the only trophy "Saving Private Ryan" won tonight.

This result was completely within expectations, and no one was surprised. In Duke's view, tonight's Golden Globes is a rare time without cramps in recent years.

The 53rd Golden Globe Awards has come to an end, but not many guests left, but at the invitation of the organizer, they walked into the No. 1 Ballroom of the Hilton Hotel to participate in the celebration that will inevitably be held after each heavyweight award. The party, the "Braveheart" crew and the "Saving Private Ryan" crew are naturally the focus of congratulations.

Duke threw most of the entertainment to Robin Grande. He knew how much he could drink. If he didn't drink too much, he would be unsteady. Wouldn't it be impossible to stage the good show he planned to direct tonight?

As the party officially started, there were more and more people in the banquet hall, not only actors, directors and producers, but also some well-known media reporters, publicists and agents participated in it, Duke saw many newspapers Magazine entertainment editors, such as Tina Brown, editor-in-chief of Vanity Fair, which specializes in celebrity gossip, and David Faith, entertainment editor of the Los Angeles Times.

This party can be said to be the epitome of the Hollywood ecosystem, with noises, congratulations, clinking glasses, and some people talking and laughing unscrupulously, floating back and forth in the banquet hall.

Winning the Golden Globe Award for Best Director, Mel Gibson's smile never stopped. He really doesn't pay much attention to this award, but he is still very happy, because it means he is once again in the Best Director award. Victory over Duke Rosenberg for the first time since awards season? He couldn't remember clearly, but he only remembered that in the best director, he completely swept Duke Rosenberg, and gave out a bad breath of box office failure.

Now the situation is very good, no matter what you look at, he is the number one favorite for the best director of the Oscar.

"Cheers, Mel!"

Someone from the crew came to congratulate. Mel Gibson was in a very good mood. He basically refused. In just a few minutes, four or five glasses of champagne and red wine had been poured into his stomach.

This bit of alcohol is nothing to him who is addicted to alcohol. After drinking two more glasses of wine, he suddenly remembered, what should I do with the best movie?

Putting down the empty glass and looking up, Mel Gibson walked to Sophie Marceau.

"When are you going to start?" he asked in a low voice.

"Tonight..." Sophie Marceau looked at Duke, "Don't you think tonight is a very suitable time? I'll talk to Duke Rosenberg later, last time At the party at his house, he was very interested in me, and if it wasn't for him, maybe we would have succeeded."

"The sooner the better!"

Nodding with satisfaction, Mel Gibson turned and was about to walk away, but Sophie Marceau stopped him, handed a glass of whiskey, and said, "I haven't congratulated you yet, Mel."


Probably satisfied with Sophie Marceau's words, Mel Gibson touched the glass of the French actress and drank half of the wine with her head up.

Sophie Marceau showed a pleasing smile on her face, took a bottle of whiskey, poured another half glass for him, and touched his glass without waiting for Mel Gibson to say, "I wish us a great Oscar. Total victory."

"It will definitely be a big win!" Mel Gibson was confident and poured the wine into his stomach again.

He drank too much and was in a hurry, but Mel Gibson was in a good mood. He waved to Sophie Marceau, went out to the bathroom, and when he returned to the banquet hall, he habitually looked at " On the crew of Saving Private Ryan, I saw that Duke Rosenberg was joking with people. He didn't feel the loss that he should have after losing to him. He couldn't help but stand up and frowned.

He didn't go back to the side of the "Braveheart" crew, but turned around and walked towards Duke. The two started fighting from the Irish set, and they haven't really faced each other. Now he has defeated his opponent. If you don't show off a Fan, how to find the joy of winning?

It was clear that Mel Gibson was a little alcoholic, and the arrogance and rebellious temperament that had been suppressed by the calmness of his sober head gradually began to emerge.

"Duke Rosenberg!"

Mel Gibson strode up to Duke, now that he wasn't drunk, his voice was lower, "How does it feel to fail?"

"very special!"

Turning his head, the first thing Duke smelled was the smell of alcohol from Mel Gibson, but he kept calm, "I'm experiencing the taste of failure you've been experiencing for the past six months!"


Taking a deep breath, Mel Gibson suppressed the anger he wanted to explode, looked around at the people who were watching, and said to Duke in a slow and low voice, "You have been trampled under my feet throughout the awards season, Oscar. I will be trampled under my feet, and what you give to me, I will double it back to you!"

"I'll be waiting for your gift." Duke smiled lightly.

"Sad loser!"

Coldly uttered the last sentence, Mel Gibson turned around and saw Sophie Marceau's gaze not far away, and gave her a quick wink, the French actress calmly circled to Duke Come here.

After tonight, everything will be different! Mel Gibson snorted inwardly.

On the other side, Duke nodded to Sophie Marceau, left his standing position, and found Tom Cruise not far away.

"Tom, we can start!" (To be continued ~^~)

PS:   There were some heavy raindrops on the way home from get off work. I thought it was going to rain. I ran all the way home and found that it was another tragedy! Code word for rain...

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