Made in Hollywood

Chapter 288: Advantages and Disadvantages of Film Rating

"A common competitor?"

Although he knew what Michael Ovitz was talking about, Steven Spielberg kept his head down, "Michael, we're old friends, let's just say something."

"DreamWorks' "Crash" will be released in North America on May 8th, and "Godzilla", which I packaged for Sony Columbia, will land in North America on May 15th."

Michael Ovitz had already done his work before he came, and at this time, he said with great momentum, "We had a weekend between us, and when "Godzilla" was released, "Clash of the Earth" was past its hottest stage. , it won't form too fierce competition, unless "Crash" has the trend of "Titanic"."

Both of them knew that this was impossible, and "The Clash of Heaven and Earth" was a simple summer popcorn.

"DreamWorks is very confident in Clash of Earth," Spielberg said lightly.

"I'm also very confident in the films you produce." Michael Ovitz's face gradually became serious, "I have the same confidence in the work I produce. So, Steven, we never do it in front of anyone. Any concession means, you are the top director and producer, there is no need to avoid anyone; I am the top packaging executor, and I have never thought about avoiding anyone."

His words were full of confidence, as if the CAA emperor who had turned upside down in the past had returned.

Spielberg nodded lightly, obviously agreeing with Michael Ovitz's words, he is the famous Spielberg!

"But we cannot deny that the adversary between us is extremely powerful."

After working in Hollywood for so many years, although his self-confidence is bursting, Michael Ovitz will not underestimate anyone, "Duke Rosenberg is back in the summer, and his "Matrix" deserves our attention. And from Judging from a commercial and a trailer released, it should be competitive enough."

"No one can underestimate Duke." Spielberg said the most solemn sentence tonight, "Neither can I. Duke is one of the top directors in Hollywood."

"So, he will be our common competitor!"

With a light tap on the armrest of the chair, Michael Ovitz increased his tone. "The release of "The Matrix" in the next weekend of "Clash of the Earth" will inevitably affect your next week's box office. If "The Matrix" is well received, it will also affect the "Godzilla" released next week to a certain extent. "."

He smiled. "Unless Duke Rosenberg will miss."


With a sigh, Spielberg said, "But personally I don't think Duke misses more than 10 percent of the time."

Michael Ovitz restrained his smile, "Steven. Duke's "The Matrix" threatened us at the same time!"

This is an irreversible fact, Spielberg is well aware that both sides are Jewish and will be in the same camp on certain events like Mel Gibson, but the rivalry between Hollywood. But everywhere.

Moreover, of the several films previously produced by DreamWorks, three have been missed, and such a big production as "The Clash of Heaven and Earth" cannot be missed.

"Go ahead. Michael." Spielberg lowered his eyelids, too lazy to look at Ovitz on the opposite side. "What are you going to do."

It's only mid-March, and it's still too early for the film to be released. According to DreamWorks' plan, the competition will not heat up until May.

"I heard something."

Michael Ovitz turned a blind eye to Spielberg's attitude. "Although the final film of "The Matrix" has not been completed..."

"Michael, you should know where my bottom line is!" Spielberg reminded.

With the status and status of him and Duke, some methods are easily useless, otherwise it will end in endless fighting, or even lose both.

And Hollywood's Jewish clubs won't sit back and watch them compete without a bottom line.

"You misunderstood me, Steven." Michael Ovitz frowned and said quickly, "The Matrix is ​​not finished yet, but Warner Bros. has already started activities within the MPAA and wants to contribute to this film. The film strives for a PG-13 rating."

Spielberg raised his eyes, as if he didn't quite understand what Ovitz meant.

Michael Ovitz explained, "The Matrix is ​​a sci-fi film, and it must have Duke's signature explosion. In fact, looking back, except that "Independence Day" was more restrained because of its macro-level production, including last year's evaluation as a Including PG-13's "Chicago," it is not difficult to find that Duke's films have more plot points."

Hearing this, Spielberg already understood what Orvis wanted to do.

"With the full support of Warner Bros., The Matrix will certainly not be a problem in terms of publicity and distribution."

Taking a serious look at Spielberg's face, Michael Ovitz said again, "But Warner Bros. is a new member of the MPAA and has a relatively light voice. The issuer of "Godzilla" has clearly stated that it will comprehensively Support me, but it's not enough."

"DreamWorks doesn't have an MPAA seat," Spielberg reminded.

"I know." Of course Michael Ovitz knew this. "So, Steven, what I want to win is your personal support. You have a close relationship with Universal Pictures, and you have always been on good terms with Paramount Pictures. As long as it affects them, The Matrix can only be R-rated in the end!"

"At the same time, "Godzilla" and "Heaven and Earth Clash" are trying their best to achieve PG-13!" Ovitz raised his head and said confidently, "One R-rated film against two PG-13-level films. How difficult is the film? The natural disadvantage of the audience alone can make Duke Rosenberg unable to make a comeback!"

Spielberg was silent, and Michael Ovitz didn't speak anymore. He was also Jewish. He knew that Jewish competition was equally fierce. He also knew that Spielberg was a director when he picked up the camera, but it was a standard when he put it down. Businessman, even if he denied it, he would not come to him!

After about ten seconds, Spielberg said slowly, "I will call Universal Pictures and Paramount Pictures."

Michael? Ovitz laughed, grading can often determine the life and death of a film!

There were dark clouds in the sky, and the Greater Los Angeles area, which has always been dry, unexpectedly started to rain in the early morning. Duke closed the window, went to the bathroom to wash, put on his pants, and looked at the messy room. There was no trace of the shirt, so I had to recall the madness with Charlize Theron last night, slowly walked out of the bedroom, followed the spiral staircase down to the first floor, followed the scent of breakfast, and entered the kitchen.

Charlize was preparing breakfast in an oversized men's shirt, revealing her long, straight legs.

She probably heard Duke's footsteps, turned around and smiled, "Honey, you can go to the restaurant, breakfast will be ready soon."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Duke's sturdy upper body and protested deliberately, "Can you find something to wear? If you keep doing this, I can't help it."

Duke tilted his head, "The kitchen is also good. We tried the balcony last night, and now we can try the kitchen."

"God, aren't you crazy enough?" Charlize immediately put on a begging expression, "My dear, let me go, my legs are still soft."

"Can you give me the clothes back?" Duke asked.

Charlize pointed to the living room, "There are clothes I prepared for you in the closet."


Duke turned and walked towards the living room, and suddenly looked back, Charlize Theron always showed a bright smile.

Back in the living room, he casually found a brand-new shirt from the closet and put it on his body. It fit very well. Charlize Theron is really a caring person.

He retrieved the socks and shoes that he had thrown aside last night. After putting them on, Duke went to the bathroom to wash his hands. When he entered the restaurant, Charlize Theron had already prepared breakfast for him, a piece of toast. Fried eggs and a cup of oatmeal.

She's got a glass of skim milk and a couple of fruits, which is the price any actress who wants to look photogenic has to pay.

Charlize sipped the milk, his eyes kept on Duke, as if thinking about something.

"Can I ask you a question, Duke?" She put down the glass.

Duke looked up at her and nodded slightly. Charlize immediately asked, "How can a young and beautiful actress achieve a breakthrough in acting or get professional praise."

Swallowing the toast in his mouth, Duke took a mouthful of oatmeal and put his hands on the table. It was impossible for him and Charlize Theron to get together. Whether it was him or the woman across from him, he knew very well about this. A little bit, but just like Naomi Watts, Charlize Theron got along very well with him, everyone had a good time together and was in a good mood...


Anyway, in a few years, Charlize himself might be able to think of such a thing, Duke simply said it directly, "When you have enough qualifications, find a role that can make you ugly..."

"Ugly?" Charlize froze for a moment.

"Become an ugly monster!" Duke pointed to his forehead, "It's better to have a character with some problems here."

Characters such as self-mutilation, ugliness, and neurosis have always been the only way to win the Oscar. If you want to win the best actress through a normal female role, you often need to experience hardships.

After breakfast, Duke left Charlize Theron's villa and drove into the city of Burbank, but instead of going directly to the Duke studio near the Warner Studios, Duke turned a corner and headed to the Warner Building first. Met with Warner Bros. director of distribution Doug Walter and discussed the release of The Matrix before returning to the studio to continue post-production.

Doug Walter left the Warner Building and drove towards the place where he had an appointment with the people from Sony Columbia Pictures, where they were going to discuss how to suppress DreamWorks! (To be continued ~^~)

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