Made in Hollywood

Chapter 694: The Actor's Willfulness

The third-party guarantee system is an important part of ensuring the normal operation of Hollywood. Actors and other types of work will also use this system to protect their own rights and interests.

In order to protect their own rights, star actors will not foolishly trust the producers completely. They will advocate third-party payment or third-party guarantees in case the producers cannot pay or delay paying their own performance remuneration for various reasons.

When negotiating with producers, investors or unstable financial institutions, star agents can require them to obtain third-party guarantees for the full salary of actors before the actor's work begins.

In this way, by providing a guarantee to increase the reliability of the producer's payment, the producer can deposit the entire salary of the actor in the bank, and then use the deposit basis as a guarantee to provide better protection for the actor. With such a guarantee, actors can naturally perform their work wholeheartedly.

However, setting up a payment account guaranteed by a third party in this way will increase the cost of the producer. If the actors do not take the initiative, the producers who are eager for talents will not express their sincerity in this way.

In addition, even with various guarantee systems, there are endless examples of Hollywood film studios' manipulations.

This is actually a game process. Who can take the initiative depends entirely on the relationship between supply and demand in the market. Stars like Leonardo or Tom Cruise will take the initiative when facing most of the crew. status, and put forward many unexpected conditions.

Like banning the crew from using someone they hate.

Yes, you read that right, there are such clauses in the contracts of many big Hollywood stars!

Hollywood stars will write such demands into their contracts as an item of 'right of approval'. For example, they will negotiate 'reasonable approval'-meaning that they can do the promotional work to cooperate with the performance of the film, but how should it be done? Get their prior consent, if they meet someone they hate to host or participate in the follow-up promotional activities. They can refuse to participate in the activity.

For example, when they encounter a talk show hosted by a host they hate, they can rely on such terms to claim not to participate in the recording of the show.

In the same way, this kind of approval and decision-making power can be used in the publication of scripts, stills, stunt actors... as long as there are enough coffee spots, there are all of these.

Hollywood has never been a place of goodness and innocence. Here is a battlefield without gunpowder.

Here, countless actors fight openly and secretly just to be able to win a place. The signature contest is also one of them.

And unlike the Writers Guild of America agreement, the SAG agreement doesn't have a detailed stipulation about actors' bylines in films, so savvy actors and their agents will fight for themselves on 'TOP. BILLING' what actors can get The best location, in terms of location, size, format, and production company.

They took the trouble to agree on various complicated terms for this, such as requiring the actor's name to appear first in the "subtitles that are not displayed alone", and the number of signers in the same scene should not exceed two.

This rule seems strange, but in simple terms - I want the most prominent position. I want the front row order, and I want the audience to see my name at a glance—especially those A and super A stars, whose names sometimes appear before the title page of the movie.

There is also a more hypocritical statement about the right to authorship - wherever the director appears in the signature position, the actor must have the same size, the same position, and the same font as the director's name.

Of course, it also depends on the position of the director. No director like Duke, Spielberg or James Cameron was foolish enough to make such a hypocritical request.

This is an extremely complicated industry. It is just wishful thinking that you can stand out simply by playing your own role and making your own film well. If you want to get what you deserve, including actors, you must fight for it with all your strength.

Although no one in this industry is irreplaceable. But the appeal of star actors is not a bubble.

Most people may not have heard of the term equal placement, even in Hollywood, it is only used by some star actors with a certain status.

After the filming is completed, the producer may produce some paid advertisements or audio to promote the film. Among them, the portrait photos or names of some influential movie stars will be used as a means of publicity. This kind of publicity is mutually beneficial to the movie and the stars, so of course the big-name movie stars who participated in the filming will not miss this opportunity. It would raise the right of equal placement - that the producer should include a photo of their likeness at the same size in any advertisement where other actors' likeness or photos appear.

Anyway, the producers can't let them go where there are advantages. After all, they also have a certain value, and it is precisely because of the value of star actors that the producers have to consider making such a right agreement with the other party in the contract.

Regardless of any film, an advertisement or audio is only such a big space, it is impossible to put too many people.

Out of the consideration of maximizing profits, the producer definitely wants to put the most topical movie star as a selling point, so he will rack his brains to tactfully reject the actor's request.

For example, when a producer commits to credit an actor in a paid advertisement, there are customary exclusions that may include bulletin board advertisements, other outdoor advertisements, and print advertisements that are smaller than the required size. In many cases, the exclusions are so broad that it doesn't make sense for a studio to credit an actor.

But it doesn't bother those star actors and their representatives, who in turn agree with the producers that if other actors get credited in the 'exclusive ad', he should get credited as well, but only the credits are mentioned. Advertisements of personal congratulations or nominations are reasonably excluded.

Decades ago, the production side occupied an absolute dominant position in Hollywood, such as sofa auditions and various forced transactions were not uncommon, but after Hollywood has developed over the years, forced transactions are not absent, but more and more Situations like couch auditions have become rarer and less likely to be forced to happen to big-name stars in that line.

Today's deals are all about your wishes. In the past, the situation where big-name stars could take off their clothes and audition for a passionate scene, basically don't even think about it. Except for the extremely chaotic independent film circle, if you want to make stars in mainstream productions The producer has to pay a high price for the actor to strip naked.

There are always nude scenes or bed scenes in Hollywood movies. For this kind of special scenes, there are corresponding contract clauses in the industry to guarantee the protection of producers and star actors before, during and after shooting. Benefit.

The Actors Union has a relevant agreement on this, requiring these actors or substitutes to sign a 'nudity waiver statement' before they perform these scenes. , must also include a description of the degree of nudity or physical contact, to ensure that in the subsequent shooting process, the shooting will be carried out within the range accepted by the actors in accordance with the agreement reached by both parties.

If the actors go back on their word after signing the statement, they are also allowed to withdraw their statement, and the producer will send a stand-in directly. Without the consent of the actor, even the stand-in cannot be used casually.

Due to the particularity of nudity or bed scenes, in order to avoid being used by others and spreading them to adversely affect the actors, the actor union also has strict regulations on the procedures for shooting these scenes, except for the main actors and staff , the scene shall not be disclosed to any party.

No one is allowed to take stills of these scenes without the actor's prior written permission, and sometimes experienced star actors use prohibition in negotiations to prevent producers from using nudity or sex scenes in other places. clauses to dispel the wishful thinking that producers may have, so that they are not allowed to use these clips outside of the feature film. Even if they are used in the feature film, it is necessary to let the actors themselves have the right to review the nude appearance during the dailies.

Becoming a big-name star actor is no longer as simple as a Hollywood actor, they are completely separate parts.

When filming on location, first-line actors usually have a dedicated high-end RV. They will require the same level as other actors of the same level to enjoy the best treatment in terms of size and facilities. The must-equipped facilities in the RV include private bathrooms, Stereo, TV, Internet, Fax, VCR, Refrigerator, Oven, Bed or Sofa, Heating and Air Conditioning.

Some stars require refrigerators to be stocked with specific foods and drinks, or other special requests, and in studio jurisdictions, star actors may also request an upscale dressing room with the above-mentioned top-notch bespoke amenities.

Hollywood's big-name stars have rights in the crew beyond the imagination of outsiders.

Before shooting, they will watch the script, especially to confirm the role they play. Some actors will insist that they have the right to confirm the actual change of their role during negotiations. After all, the change of role may affect many aspects of the actor, even some Actors simply demand confirmation rights to the current script.

In addition to the need for script confirmation, some female stars and high-level male actors also require confirmation rights for makeup, hair and clothing to ensure that they can appear in front of the audience with the most perfect posture.

These are the most normal powers of star actors in Hollywood.

After all, in Hollywood, the top actors have the right to directly decide the actors and directors to cooperate with!

This right is the willfulness of super-A actors alone. When they encounter people who don’t want to cooperate, they directly refuse. Producers generally don’t refuse this request, because they themselves represent a huge market appeal.

It is also based on this that the upcoming project "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" is facing a difficult delivery. (to be continued ~^~)

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