Made in Hollywood

Chapter 703 Cannes Project

Anyway, Duke and Tom Cruise have cooperated in many aspects, and the attitude of the other party is not bad, Duke also said a few words patiently.

“Everything in the film had to be logical and orderly. First, we identified one thing, the MacGuffin—a film term for an object, person, or object used to advance the plot— — must be a person."

Looking at Tom Cruise, Duke said unhurriedly, "Then the next question is, who is this person? In the story, there are a group of wives struggling in the toxic wasteland, and they hope to create healthy offspring , instead of being reduced to a dictator's reproductive machine, who will be their leader?"

If the relationship between the two hadn't been good all these years, Duke wouldn't have said so much, "Obviously it can't be a man, because men will only fight with them and they can't figure it out. So we have to find a strong and powerful guard. They are warriors, so this character must be Firoza. Then she leads the team to the oasis, her childhood homeland, which is a matrilineal society, and they are the survivors. So the whole story is very natural, smooth and well-organized."

Tom Cruise seemed to be listening carefully, occasionally nodding his head instead of loudly rebutting Duke's words as he had done ten years ago.

Duke knows very well that even a director like him or Cameron needs to throw out some sweetness if he wants a superstar to accept a role willingly.

Therefore, he said, "The film I envision will be carried out in a series of speeding hurricanes. The audience understands the background, skills, and personalities of the characters, experiences the psychological world and emotional changes of the characters, and how they interact with each other. The progress of the relationship between friends and enemies, relatives, and even the two protagonists continue to make crucial decisions are accompanied by the entire action process. All of this is done through action.”

"And your character is the key to promoting the action scene!" He finally emphasized this sentence.

As long as someone reminds him, Tom Cruise will not do inexplicable stupid things. He thought for a while, stood up and said, "Duke, I believe in you. I'll go first. Don't forget to go to Beaver if you have time." Li Shanzhuang came to see your goddaughter."

Duke patted him on the arm, "I'll go see Suri in a few days."

In fact, in Duke’s plan, the role of Tom Cruise will definitely not be less than that of Charlize Theron, but more. Technology - editing!

In the post-editing, Charlize Theron's Firoza is the key to connecting the scenes.

really. The current feminist movement is not as prosperous as it will be a few years later, but the femininity reflected in "Fury Road" is not tit-for-tat with men, nor will it arouse the disgust of mainstream male audiences.

Most importantly, this kind of film wants to have a soul. Charlize Theron's character is key.

If "Fury Road" is a subversion of the sci-fi action film mode triggered by Duke, then the role of Furiosa is a subversion of traditional female roles.

Even Duke doesn’t know when to trace back the movie law of “beauty deserves a hero”. Audiences are familiar with the western style of “the prince riding a white horse to save the princess” and the eastern style of “the hero saves the beauty”. plot settings. Most of those beauties who are well-known at all times and in all over the world are male heroes.

In modern times. With the rise of the feminist movement, the position of female characters in movies has begun to be promoted, but in hero films, women still play a supporting role. Such as the classic 007 series, each one has a Bond girl, who is extremely beautiful and has various skills. While becoming the object of Bond's flirting, she cheers for the hero to save the world or does a little favor.

I don’t know when it started, in every hero movie, every action movie, the hero must always be accompanied by a confidante. When the main plot highlights the masculine charm of a man, it needs a hot, charming and beautiful figure. The women who come to be the object of his love. In the various action scenes of hormonal outbreaks, there is another lingering and gentle adjustment of love between children, just like going home after a hearty fight and finding that there is another wonderful person who will massage you and comfort you. heart of.

But any film and characters that are too similar will cause aesthetic fatigue. I have to say that if you watch too many such plots, it will indeed make the audience feel boring and disgusted.

This is a doomsday movie. The world is polluted by nuclear explosions, and the earth has become a vast desert with water shortages. In this case, warlords who occupy most of the resources appear, and rulers who stand at the top of the resources also appear, and such rulers are generally men. , Naturally beautiful and healthy women have become the property of men

—except Ferosa.

A unique one-armed female general under extreme patriarchal rule.

When Charlize Theron, stubble-haired, oiled forehead, piercing eyes, and long legs, appeared in the camera, Duke could imagine the audience's reaction.

In a society dominated by patriarchy, a woman is not reduced to a reproductive tool, nor is she exiled to the lowest level of the disabled, but becomes a female general under one person and above ten thousand. It is conceivable that this How strong is the strength and will of a woman!

Only such a character will be the key point connecting the whole film.

And the filming of this film is different from other films. Duke will shoot according to the chronological order of the events in the story.

Leaving the conference room, before Duke had gone far, Jamie Johnson chased him up from behind.

"Hey, Duke."

Seeing Duke stop, he speeded up and said at the same time, "I have something to discuss with you."

The other party was mainly in charge of the distribution business of Warner Bros. At this time, he must have been approached for matters related to film distribution. Duke and he returned to that conference room.

Jamie Johnson was well aware of Duke's style of work, and said directly, "The film is tentatively scheduled to be released in June or July next year. I would like to ask, can you complete the production of the entire film before mid-May?" ?”

"I can only say my best."

It's already September, and the film is quite complicated. Duke doesn't dare to say that it will be completed in May, "Jamie, you know, there are always many uncertain factors during shooting and post-production."

"I think if possible..." Jamie Johnson said seriously, "This film should be able to catch up with the Cannes Film Festival next year."

"Cannes Film Festival?" Duke didn't quite understand, "Do you want to participate in the competition?"

"Duke, the audience of this film is relatively narrow." Jamie Johnson explained, "So we have to think of ways to promote it as much as possible. The North American market of the film should not be a problem, but overseas audiences ..."

Indeed, it is impossible for such a film to run rampant all over the world like "Transformers".

Jamie Johnson added, "The Cannes Film Festival is a good opportunity for publicity. It is still too late to sign up for the competition. Although the Palme d'Or has no market in North America, it still has a certain influence in the world. If we can operate This film won the Palme d'Or or other heavyweight awards, which will greatly promote the film's future box office and other peripherals."

I have to say, this is indeed a very suitable way of operation.

Although he doesn't have much interest in European film festivals, Duke is also generally aware that if he wants to participate in some film festival competitions, he usually needs to sign up half a year in advance. With Warner's influence, it shouldn't be a problem to push "Fury Road" into the competition. .

After thinking for a while, he nodded and agreed. After all, this will help the overseas market of the film.

"Jamie, I will try my best to complete the production of the movie before May." Duke still didn't say anything, "Other things are up to you to operate."

Just like the Oscars, if you want to win awards at the three famous international film festivals, you need more than just the quality of the film.

Just like Quentin Tastineau, as the chairman of the jury of the Cannes Film Festival, strongly suppressed the opinions of other judges and handed the Palme d'Or to "Fahrenheit 9/11", there are countless elements that can affect the three major film festivals.

In this era of economic crisis, although many Hollywood film and production companies have reduced their promotion to Europe due to financial considerations or the risk of the film, the Cannes Film Festival, as the top three European film festivals, still attracts A large number of Hollywood crews participated.

For example, after Duke left the Warner Building and returned to the Duke studio, Tina Fey mentioned that Quentin Tastineau would also take his new film "Inglourious Basterds" to compete in competition at the Cannes Film Festival next year.

For the films invested by the Weinstein brothers, participating in various awards will always be their routine project.

In addition, it is said that French actress Isabelle Huppert will serve as the chairman of the jury for this Cannes Film Festival.

In short, if you want to win awards in the film industry, no matter whether it is in North America or Europe, you must operate. Not to mention those public relations, media publicity is sometimes critical.

However, Warner Bros. professionals have more experience in this field than Duke, and Duke has almost no intersection with the European film circle, and there is no relationship to draw. He just told Tina Fey that he will participate in the Cannes Film Festival next year. After notifying the public relations manager Pani Kelis, he devoted himself to the preparations for "Fury Road".

Like all film crews, it is impossible for the director to break away from the preliminary preparations. The formulation of each plan needs to be reviewed by Duke. After working with the entire team to formulate a series of work plans, he and Hannah Serena and John ? Schwarzman rushed to New Mexico, where the field trips to the desert location. (to be continued ~^~)

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