The next day, Lin He went to work, and instead of going to the original office, he went directly to the new office on the 29th floor.

In the 80-square-meter office, there are shoe cabinets, hangers, green plants, and even a small bedroom.

It's much better than the original supervisor's office.

This is the treatment of only senior partners of law firms.

After signing the contract yesterday, Nie Feng specifically asked him what he meant.

Lin He naturally asked Nie Feng to find another supervisor to manage the newcomers without hesitation, and he took the burden off his shoulders.

Anyway, they all get the same salary, so why don't you take some time off yourself?

Stepping on the soft carpet under his feet, Lin He felt satisfied for a while.

Feeling at ease, Nie Feng knocked on the door and came in.

"How is it, you are satisfied with the newly arranged office." Nie Feng said with a smile: "The windows of this office are facing the south, and the lighting is super good."

"I'm still thinking about moving in when I have time, but I didn't expect it to be cheaper for you, kid."

"Director Nie, you are very elegant, a small office, you probably won't care about these details." Lin He smiled.

The so-called wear is thousands of times, and the flattery is not worn. When Lin He saw Nie Feng, he quickly slapped him with a big flattery.

"Haha, it's still your kid who can talk."

Nie Feng laughed so much that the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes came out, obviously being photographed very comfortably.

"By the way, you are also a senior partner of our law firm now, and you are qualified to have an assistant."

"Look, are you picking two people from the new recruit department, or recruiting people from outside?"

Lin He thought for a while, then raised his head and said, "Let's recruit people from outside. It's not bad to train more new people."

In the rookie department, there was only one Wen Ling who was quite handsome.

But that woman was too stubborn, and he called her as his assistant. Lin He was really afraid that one day he would not be able to hold down the gun and make a principled mistake.

Simply, just recruit people again.

"That's fine, I'll let the personnel department go to the Internet to publish the information." Nie Feng nodded.

"Director Nie, I mean to recruit two assistants, one to help with reception and consultation, and the other to edit live video." Lin He pondered.

"No problem, you are now the 'top card' of our law firm, let alone two assistants, four are no problem." Nie Feng laughed and turned away.

"By the way, the tea thing is not in a hurry. Anyway, I still have a small pot there."

When he walked to the door, Nie Feng suddenly turned around and said such a sentence, leaving a meaningful smile and disappearing from the door.


Lin He slapped his forehead and wondered how he had forgotten about this.

Yesterday, I originally planned to buy tea for Nie Feng after buying the car.

I didn't expect too many things to happen, all of which were forgotten.

This old boy, didn't he just come here to ask me for tea?

Not in a hurry? I see you are in a hurry.

Lin He thought for a while, it would be fine anyway, so he just went to the nearby tea shop.

In the end, he spent a huge sum of 26,000 yuan and successfully bought two cans of one pound of the best Dahongpao.

After buying the tea, Lin He sent it directly to Nie Feng.

"Look at you, I said I still have tea here, why do you have to give it to me?" Nie Feng looked at Lin He with a look of resentment.

"Director, you can see that I have taken it all, so you can take it."

Lin He twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a smile on his face.

"Okay then." Nie Feng was full of embarrassment. After gritting his teeth and accepting the two cans of Dahongpao, he said, "Since you are so sincere, Lin He, I can't refute your face."

"But next time it won't be like this."

"Thank you, Director, then." Lin He said gratefully.

It has to be said that when a leader speaks, the efficiency of the personnel department is fast.

Just after lunch, the supervisor over there, Chen Hai, told Lin He that the newcomer who was interviewing was already waiting in the conference room and asked him to come over and take a look.

After arriving in the conference room, Chen Hai hurriedly stood up to greet Lin He: "Lawyer Lin, since you are here, let's start the interview."

Lin He is now a senior partner of the law firm, and Chen Hai has shown due respect.

Lin He nodded in agreement.

The first person to come in was a dark-skinned, handsome young man who was somewhat similar to the principal Gu in the Hong Kong film.

Lin He looked at him and nodded secretly, yes, he was half as handsome as me.

"Hello, interviewers. My name is Gu Xiaotian. This is my resume."

The young man was very polite. He bowed to several people first, and then handed over his resume with both hands.

Lin He got up, took his resume, and just opened the first page, when he heard Gu Xiaotian exclaim: "Are you a lawyer Zhang San?"


Lin He smiled helplessly: "I'll look at your resume first."

"Okay, okay."

Gu Xiaotian was very excited, he thought it was just an ordinary interview.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the assistant of the outsider who applied for the job.

This time, we must seize the opportunity.

A few minutes later, Lin He put down the information in his hand.

This Gu Xiaotian has a very good resume. He graduated from Southwest University of Political Science and Law.

After graduation, he worked as a judge's assistant in a township for two years.

Judging from his resume, there is no problem with his entry into the power scene.

"Well, your resume is very good. I will test you with a question next." Lin He smiled.

"Okay, lawyer Zhang, please ask." Gu Xiaotian said confidently.

The interview questions of the extrajudicial fanatic Zhang San will be very exciting, Gu Xiaotian thought to himself.

"The first question, can you tell me which courts have jurisdiction over arbitration enforcement cases?"

"It shall be under the jurisdiction of the intermediate people's court where the person subject to execution resides or the property of the person subject to execution is located, and the parties do not perform the arbitration decision..."

Gu Xiaotian thought for a while, and quickly gave the answer.

"Second question, how long is the statute of limitations for theft?"

"This depends on the sentence imposed by the people's court. If the legal maximum sentence is less than five years in prison, after five years..."

After a few questions, Gu Xiaotian answered very beautifully.

Lin He saw that his answers were like flowing water, and when he thought about it, he couldn't help but want to increase the difficulty.

"Well, it's very good. If you can answer the last question correctly, I can announce you passed the interview on the spot."

After speaking, Lin He's mouth showed a faint smile.

Come, come, really come.

Gu Xiaotian often watches Lin He's live broadcast, so he is no stranger to this smile.

Whenever the madman Zhang San appeared, nine times out of ten, he had this expression and didn't run away.

"Lawyer Zhang, you said, I'm listening."

"OK, a girl and three boys were drinking in a hotel. Because the chat was so excited, all four of them drank too much."

"The next morning, when the girl woke up, she found that she had no clothes on, and the three men were lying on the side."

"After waking up the three boys, after asking, I found out that after I was drunk last night, the three boys actually..."

"If the girl is angry, she goes to the police station to report the case."

"It was originally just a normal LJ case, but what the girl said gave the prosecutor a headache."

"She said that the first man was her ex-boyfriend, and she agreed, and the third man was her goddess, and she agreed."

"But... the second boy himself didn't like him, and only asked the prosecutor to sentence this man to the point of a gun."

"Excuse me, how will this case be judged?"

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