Mage Joan

Chapter 1044: Youkai

In the end, everyone stood in a circle, and the priest stood in the center, holding the holy emblem, and made a short and sincere pre-war prayer, blessing all the companions with "blessing technique", to further enhance the combat power and morale, for the coming Prepared for the **** fight.

Joan performed the "mosquito finger technique", sent blood mosquitoes to explore the way, and led everyone along the road when they came, hurriedly leaving the cave.

As soon as they walked out, the blood mosquitoes returned an alarm!

Qiao An sighed, stopped quickly, and looked back at the cliff behind him.

On a hundred-foot high cliff, I don't know when a group of ghostly figures appeared, all in black clothes, riding a lizard on the ground, so quietly guarding the cliff head, coldly overlooking the rushing people on the mountain .

Joan took a quick glance and visually inspected no fewer than twenty people on the cliff, presumably all elite warriors belonging to the Bellamy family in the city of Oxnil.

He thought that he had been careful enough to arrange for the blood mosquitoes to spy on the investigation. However, he still fell into the drow's envelopment circle unconsciously.

The current predicament forced him to admit that these dark elves are the real masters of the dark area. They are unfamiliar with their own life and want to do things on other people's sites. It is really a bit overwhelming.

Now that he couldn't get away, Joan simply bent his mind and reminded everyone to prepare to fight through the magic communication network.

Hailar, Audrey, Holden, Angle, Ryan, and Lowry, all aware of the situation at this time, quickly fired their weapons and prepared to cast spells.

The hunting team on the cliff saw the actions of Joan and others from the top. The drow warlock headed sneered and whistled.

The hunting team received the signal, raised their left hands uniformly, and pointed to the crowd down the mountain.

Almost at the same time, Joan noticed a turbulence in the magic net distributed around him, as if the calm sea suddenly lifted many vortices. Each group of magical vortices spewed a large piece of shiny fire, which will include him. All seven were enveloped.

All adult dark elves have three types of natural spells, one is "darkness", the other is "dancing light", and the third is "demon fire" they cast collectively at the moment!

Joan, they were marked by "Demon Fire", and a circle of violet cold light appeared around their bodies, just like being outlined by a glowing paintbrush.

The enigmatic "demon fire", although it will not cause harm to them, makes them particularly conspicuous in the dark, making it more difficult to escape the drow's tracking. In addition, illusions such as "haze", "shift" and "invisibility" will also be disturbed by "enchanted fire" and will not be effective.

A sharp whistling came from the top of the cliff, and the twenty drow warriors urged the lizards one after another, rushing down the cliff almost perpendicular to the surface.

With a terrible murderous wind, Lowry sighed and took off the magic crystal shotgun with his backhand.

"We have all been marked with the "Demon Fire Mark". Escape cannot be escaped. Let's break through!"

Audrey drew her sword in her hand, and Shen Sheng reminded her companions: "Pay attention to keep the communication smooth and avoid falling apart!"

In an instant, the ground lizard had climbed down the cliff, carrying the master from the left and right wings.

The sharp blades and crossbows in the drow's hands shone coldly under the reflection of the demon fire.

Holden had already applied three rings of "Daylight" on his dagger in advance, and suppressed the light energy inside the scabbard. It was not revealed until the drow warriors rushed into the range of spell radiation. Pull the sword out of the sheath, chant out the start spell!


The young poet held up his sword, as if holding a torch, and the fiery radiance spewed out from the blade, spreading rapidly.

The few drow warriors rushing to the fore were trying to shoot their prey with a crossbow. They were irradiated by strong light, and their fragile eyes were immediately blinded, and their bodies were burning as if they were on fire.

In the light enchantment created by "Daylight", a beam of light that was hotter and brighter than "Daylight" suddenly flashed, hitting the chest of a drow warrior straight, screaming and falling over the mount. People were engulfed by the raging flame, and they froze a few times after struggling.

In the distance, the drow samurai hurriedly strangled the reins to avoid strong light radiation.

The glinting glance in the darkness moved between Holden's dagger and Lowry's holy symbol, revealing hatred and fear from the heart.

The drows are accustomed to the eyes under the dark environment of the ground. They are very sensitive to the strong sunlight glow simulated by "Daylight". When exposed to direct light, they are dazzling and blind.

However, in contrast, the young Pastor Perot had a greater impact on them.

The "burning brilliance" that Lowry just released can cause additional damage to the natural photophobic creatures such as dark elves.

At the level of the priest's spellcasting, all the drow warriors present, including the drow warlock who is behind the stealth commander, should be weighed as long as they are close to his cast range, and he can still go home alive.

The dark elf is not an impulsive creature, and immediately withdraws from the threatened areas of "Daylight" and "Scorching Radiance", taking out a bottle of black potion and pouring it into his throat.

This magic potion specially prepared for high-light environments is attached with a ring spell called "Dark Cloak", which can wear a layer of shadow magic woven shield for the user to deflect the light and protect it from strong Light damage.

After taking the medicine, the dark elves temporarily overcame their natural weaknesses and jumped out of the ground-dwelling lizard, which was also afraid of the sun, and gathered from all around, constantly shooting poisoned arrows with a crossbow.

Holden, holding a glowing dagger, is really a conspicuous sniper target, attracting countless arrows.

Audrey hurriedly stopped in front of her brother and lifted his shield to block the poison arrow.


Ryan completed preparations for casting spells in time, waved a circle of wind walls, and whizzed around the crowd, like an invisible curtain, blowing arrows shot around.

Joan stood in the area surrounded by the wind wall. Although he had to be safe for the time being, he knew clearly that a wind wall could not protect himself and his companions for a long time.

The number of enemies is too much, and each one is a powerful player. There are only seven people on my own. Against the nearly twenty cold-blooded drow warriors, once they break through the defense line, they will only be killed by slaughter!

The urgent sense of crisis prompted Joan to use his brain, and he must try to do something to try to smooth out the disparity between the enemy and us.

After a little thought, Joan had an idea, opened the storage bag, took out the blue ice box specially used to keep the eggs of the insects, and opened the lid. At this time, he could not choose anymore. He hurriedly grabbed two and threw them on the ground .

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