Mage Joan

Chapter 2338: Hanged Warlord (Ⅱ)

The thunder roar that shook the world, heralding the imminent disaster of the defenders on the ground.

The violent magic power rolled in the clouds, followed by the thunder that landed on the ground with strong corrosive acid rain, and lightning and hail were also brewing.

Qiao An stood on the hillside, frowning and watching the sudden weather in the sky, and recognized that the Hanging Warlord was casting the 9th-level spell "Vengeance Storm" to attack the defenders on the ground.

This spell lasts for 10 rounds in total, and the more destructive it goes later, if the magic power of the "Vengeance Storm" is fully released, the ogres on the ground will have more than half of the casualties.

Qiao An drew the power of three myths in one breath, used the "higher mythical countermeasures", forcibly took over the "revenge storm" in the sky, maintained the focus of casting, and the remote control clouds drifted away from the position and hovered over the trenches in front of the position. Acid rain, thunderstorms, and hail poured down on the hanging trees that were struggling in the trenches.


What's happening here? !

The Hanging Warlord was shocked, staring blankly at the "storm of revenge" out of his control in the air, and couldn't believe his eyes.

Suddenly he came back to his senses, followed an abnormal wave of magical power and looked to the back of the position, finally locked his eyes on the hillside, the human teenager wearing a black robe.

Thad did not know what means the black-robed boy used to reverse the target of the "Revenge Storm", nor did he need to think about this problem. In his view, it was easier to solve the problem than to solve the problem itself.

Lifting the kinked arms of countless branches, the Hanging Warlord pointed at the black-robed mage with full of anger, and the magic power surging in his body burst through his fingertips, turning into a series of scarlet bifurcated chain lightning blasting towards Qiao An.

The bright red lightning looks a bit weird, but Joan doesn't pay attention to these appearances.

The moment the Hanging Warlord raised his hand to cast the spell, he had recognized that the opponent was planning to use the 6-ring "Chain Lightning", without thinking about it, inspiring a piece of mythological power, once again using the "Higher Myth Countermeasure" to forcefully reverse the "Chain Lightning".

The Hanging Warlord was backlashed by the spell he released, and countless crimson little snake-like electric arcs ran across it, but did not cause harm.

This scene surprised Qiao An, and quickly turned on "Advanced Inner Vision" to check the details of the Hanging Warlord.


Investigation target: Hanging Warlord (Super Giant Plant, Evil Subspecies, Electric Subspecies)

Life level: 24

Attributes: Strength 42, Agility 27, Constitution 30, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 22, Charisma 25

Special abilities: plant characteristics, blindness, rapid self-healing at 3 levels, damage reduction at 5 levels of cold iron and cutting, immunity to electric shock, flame and cold resistance at 10 levels; spells (chain lightning, whirlwind, revenge storm; other Spell-unknown), other (unproved)


"It turns out that this monster is a subspecies of electricity, so it's no wonder that it is immune to electric shocks." Qiao An's heart suddenly felt.

After two consecutive spells were cast back by Qiao Ann, Thad couldn't help being frustrated, and simply gave up the spell to attack Qiao Ann, and rushed towards him.

The monster's body, which is a hundred feet tall, looks cumbersome, but in fact it is extremely agile, with eight lower limbs galloping on the ground, like a huge spider, in a blink of an eye, crossing the trenches that trapped a large group of hanging trees, broke into the position alone.

The ogres quickly picked up their battle axes and tried to intercept the Hanging Warlord.


Thad didn't bother to pay attention to these low-level creatures, raising his hand to blast out a cone-shaped energy wave.

The iron axe held by the group of ogres on the opposite side seemed to be repelled by a mysterious and strong magnetic field, and they all broke free and flew out.

Worse still is those ogres equipped with armors. The metal armors they wear are also rejected by the 8-level spell "Remove the Stones". The whole person flies upside down, falling to a **** head and black eyes, and unable to get up for a while. .

The Hanging Warlord cast a spell to force the defenders who were blocking the road to disarm, without stopping, leaping over the heads of the ogres and rushing to the hillside where Joe was placed.

Seeing the enemy leader rushing straight towards him, Qiao An didn't have the idea of ​​shrinking, but was excited.

It's rare to encounter such a big opponent, just to use it to move the bones.

Qiao An became a "advanced treeman" form, and incidentally incited "beast claw technique", "magic tooth technique", "multi-arm technique" and "righteousness like rainbow", which fully strengthened his combat power and increased his body size by one level. The feet gathered from the roots to the "explosive head" canopy is 120 feet tall!

Qiao An took a big step and jumped directly from the hillside. The moment his feet landed, he made an earthquake-like rumbling, and the mud and sand lifted by the shock waves filled the sky.

Seeing through the dust, Qiao Ann stared at the Hanged Warlord who was flying over like a giant insect, with high morale in his eyes, and he was determined to have a good contest with this monster to see who was the most attractive tree on the street!

The barren mountain where the two giant trees are located has a relatively large slope. The Hanging Warlord stands at the bottom of the slope, while Qiao An is on the mountainside.

After observing the terrain on the battlefield, Qiao An decided to use the hillside to use a handsome "slip shovel" to bring Thad down with a thunder and steal the bell, and use the grappling techniques taught by Clark to hold the opponent down. Hammer on the ground.

Counting the spell enhancement effects, the "High Treeman" incarnation of Qiao'an is 20 feet taller than the Hanged Warlord. He is a lap larger and has obvious strength. Unfortunately, his agility attributes are much worse than his opponents, resulting in a "handsome slippery" The shovel failed to achieve the expected effect.

Thad faced the giant tree sliding down the slope, jumping horizontally with eight claws, avoiding the frontal impact, turning to the side and giving Qiao An a heavy claw, tearing off a large piece of bark.

Electricity was conducted to Qiao'an through the tip of Thad's claws, and the arc flickered at the rupture, crackling, and the fiber layer under the bark was burnt to black.

In the first confrontation between the two sides, Qiao Ann suffered a little loss.

Fortunately, the "multi-arm technique" blessed in advance adds four pairs of thick branches to the "high tree man", which grow around the canopy of the tree. The moment it is attacked by Sadr's claws, he swings the nearby long arms and makes a move. "Looking back and digging out", scratched three deep scars on the Hanging Warlord's face, without letting it take advantage of it.

The Hanging Warlord staggered back, covering his face and cursing.

Qiao An took the opportunity to stand up and threw his ten long arms to pounce on him.

The Hanging Warlord was not to be outdone, unable to resist with his arms, so he used the eight spider-like lower limbs to embrace the "high tree man" and kick and kick frantically.

Two towering giant trees, one with more hands and the other with more feet, just like street hooligans fighting each other with one punch and one kick. The branches and leaves were broken and the sawdust splashed.

This kind of brutal and savage fighting style, combined with the huge size of the two sides up to a hundred feet, punched the tree trunks like a "siege hammer" hit the city wall, and the ear-splitting roar echoed in the valley for a long time.

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