Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 576: Ladder to Heaven Ready

"F*ck!" some members of the Sky Knights blurted out, and only restrained their exclamations after receiving a death glare from Tanya.

It is a very strange thing to witness the 20-meter iron ring that you put together explode in the air.

It's quite cool, as I don't have to wait to fly out to dismantle it later.

Fortunately, there were enough spellcasters present to successfully control the situation. Otherwise, the eight load-carrying airships and one carrying the empty knight would have to be wiped out at once. The twenty-meter-diameter ring device had turned into cannonballs and ended its existence. .

"Measurement and control team, adjust the attitude of the test aircraft and try to recover. The first section of the ladder ring disintegrates, repeat, the first section disintegrates. The safety team initiates the plan"

"The measurement and control team received it."

"Security team received."

Failure is normal in the experimental stage. After all, this is completely Rorschach's fantasy. Every link must be 99% sure. If anything goes wrong, the entire system may explode.

The aerospace center's "Ladder" project team recovered the exploded test ring. Although it has been modified and optimized several times, unfortunately it still failed to withstand the test when it was tested on a high-speed aircraft.

Next comes the sweat-soaked session of the design team, where several mages and engineers discuss together:

"At the moment of charging, all lines and loops will pass through magic power with extremely high energy density. Since the teleportation array is open for a short time, it must work at full capacity before it reaches a steady state.

"We may need to find ways to set up a pre-charge stage to blunt the 'peak' of instantaneous power."

The above is the dwarf engineer's investigation of the working conditions. The mage from the Tower of Stars proposed other factors that may cause the teleportation ring to disintegrate:

"Due to the high-speed passage of aircraft, the impact of the spatial distortion effect may exceed our expectations. Although the details of the entire component under the potential field are not yet clear, it is certain that there was a moment when huge stress was conducted within the component, tearing it apart "Support"

Their analysis was clear and logical, and they even took out fragment samples for analysis, which was quite convincing.

"That's very well said." Rorschach patiently listened to the design team's reflections and then expressed his valuable opinions: "Why were these not considered before the test?"



Facing the "outstanding tower friends", the mage of the Tower of Stars argued bravely: "Actually, we have considered it, but during the real test, all indicators exceeded expectations, whether it is good or bad."

The second valuable opinion came again: "Then why not do a real load test on the ground first? You can build a horizontal teleportation array on the ground and then launch a simulated aircraft against it, right?"

".Yeah, why didn't you think of it?"

The co-authored title is "Ladder to Heaven", you just think about going to heaven, right? Luo Xia wanted to say a few more words, but finally held back: "Forget it, I haven't followed up on the project during this period, and I have been pressed too hard. Thank you for your hard work, please keep working hard."

However, he still added: "The engine project team also knows how to test cars on the ground."

The dwarf engineer immediately answered: "Didn't you say that the ground test car almost flew out?"

"Only you can hear with your ears, but you can talk if you have a mouth!" This dwarf man was brutally beaten by other colleagues in the design team.

After some improvements in testing, the project moved forward.

The new design was tested on the ground and met the standards, followed by aerial exercises. This time it is a teleportation ring group, with two doors, one entering and one exiting.

It's a pity that the doors cannot be stacked together. This is the consensus of all mages with common sense about space magic: never pass through two portals at the same time.

The airship's ultimate altitude above the ground is about 15 kilometers, which can only provide support for the first ring step. But this is enough. The next construction of the "ladder" is like stepping on the left foot and the right foot:

The load-bearing aircraft departs from the first ring stage, releases the second ring stage about fifty kilometers upward, and then starts from the second ring stage and releases the third ring stage upwards.

In order to meet the needs, the Sky Knights were given new tasks. The instructor told everyone: "You have passed qualified training and successfully mastered the disassembly and assembly of the first level. But there will be a greater test next.

"The good news is that the next task only requires installation, and there is no need to practice dismantling. The bad news is that your working conditions will be even worse than now."

Starting from the second ring stage, they can barely be counted as being in low-Earth orbit, and they neither need nor can they be supported by airships.

They will float in the air for a long time with the support of the [Levitation Technique] component, and start the engine to adjust their attitude and pull up when the altitude drops.

The equipment of the Sky Knights has also been changed into Space Knights, wearing bulky protective clothing.

Just say "Master, I want to be an astronaut", and Master Master will give you your favorite [Resistance to Extraterrestrial Damage] [Elemental Resistance] [Protection from Energy Damage] [Stoneskin].

They hold a pile of scrolls and activate them one by one, and then put on bulky uniforms with the help of others. [Stoneskin Technique] makes the ends of the limbs of the members of the Sky Knights slightly numb, and coupled with the bulky protective clothing, they are really inflexible.

"With so much protection, why do you need these clothes?" someone complained.

When the person in charge heard the complaint, he glanced at the guy: "There are so many protective effects, and each effect has a different duration. I don't know if there is any conflict between the superimposed effects.

"And what Master Rorschach said, that oxygen is what you need to breathe anyway, and it's not available in the sky. I need to put it in your backpack for you. This clothes can't leak. It's so expensive.

"If you think it's foolproof, you don't have to wear anything after using the scroll."

"That's fine, I'll wear it, I'll wear it right away."

Originally, all the magic arrays should have been integrated into the protective suit, but unfortunately there was no time to design the circuit, so they were temporarily put on like this. Anyway, the time to go out for work would not exceed five minutes.

After the stasis field and the micro-weightless environment created in the water, they hurried to the battle. The first ring level lit up, and a small rocket rushed out, reaching the predetermined height almost instantly.

The side nozzles began to spin, and the steel cables opened under the pull of the counterweights, forming a supporting mesh structure with a diameter of 20 meters. After fully unfolding, the enchantment will harden and fix it.

Then release the components and (space) knights, and start assembling at the edge of the support net.

This was repeated eight times in four groups, and finally the five-level transmission ring level was ready.

"Time is up, start recycling." The aircraft issued a notification, and the winch began to turn, pulling the knights back to the crew cabin.

At this time, they were hundreds of kilometers above the ground, with clouds under their feet and the gorgeous transmuted dust layer flow and the starry sky refracted by it above their heads.

Through the glass cover, Tanya opened her eyes wide, wanting to see this unforgettable wonder for a while longer.

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