Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 580: Brewing a conspiracy

In the palace, the faint roar of machines can be heard.

Since Byrne's defection, the Empire has theoretically been unable to receive supplies of mana and import more collectors.

But there was an unexpected seller involved in the deal. Although the seller did not want to be named, now the world can only do either/or.

That's why William looked down on these people. In the past, they were just dank otakus hiding in towers and caves of ruins. Now they are messing with their noses and faces, and some habits still cannot be changed.

But he doesn't care.

Gregory doesn't care either. There are three words that can describe him these days: dirty, drunk, and laughing.

Whether it was the emperor discussing military affairs or interpreting the queen's dreams, there was nothing this bastard monk wouldn't dare to say after just a few sips of wine. But even so, William II still gave him amazing trust.

Because their heirs were involved in the National Salvation Alliance, many nobles looked for ways to save themselves and their lives. In the end, they found out that the most effective method was to use Gregorian relationships.

All he had to do was open his big mouth that smelled of wine and fish, and say something casually in the ears of the emperor or empress, and someone would be pardoned or executed quickly.

The Empire's Parliament was at a standstill at this time, and representatives of any area occupied by the Alliance would be imprisoned, regardless of whether the imprisoned individuals supported the Alliance or not.

Even if some people wanted to change the situation, they were unable to do so - they found that it was very difficult to meet the emperor, and the only person allowed to deliver oral instructions from the palace was Gregory.

William noticed that his left hand was a little tired. He stood up and patted his luxurious silk robe: "How many were executed yesterday?"

"You should tell me how many people you have purified." The demon monk contradicted the emperor carelessly. Anyway, what he said next would definitely satisfy him:

"Eleven. Eleven living, old, decaying, whatever. The most important thing is that they are not loyal.

"Your newly appointed Imperial Speaker blatantly made nonsense remarks at the banquet and slandered you in every possible way. Do you need me to repeat it?"

"No, who else?"

"Among the people at the table, there are also the special envoy from Württemberg and a few old men from the military department. Sorry, I didn't remember the names, but it doesn't matter, no one has escaped punishment." Gregory introduced proudly. How he and the cult foiled a conspiracy to subvert the empire.

"Very good, very good."

The emperor closed his doors to his ministers and ignored government affairs, but he could rely on Gregory and his order to secure his throne. Because the demon monk used mysterious means.

In the imperial capital, all those who tried to harm the emperor would die suddenly due to various chances and coincidences. Over time, invisible and unknown terror enveloped these powerful people, and no one dared to talk about William II.

Now it seemed that the only loyal subject the emperor had, and the only loyalty he needed, was Gregory, a drunken and insane monk.

It's a pity that he has to leave the imperial capital for a while. There is an important and secret mission that must be completed by the emperor and must be completed by him.

"Your Majesty, you must protect yourself while I am away. I dare to say hello to Her Royal Highness the Queen and His Royal Highnesses."

When Gregory said goodbye, he bowed deeply again, so that the head supported by his tall body could be closer to the earth, so he liked to do this.

The emperor looked at the top of the other person's head, where the roots of greasy hair were sticking to his somewhat festered scalp, and he felt nauseated: "Go. Go to the city that is about to turn against me, Opfer."

Ninth-level Archmage Saga Erikson has recently received many pieces of information indicating that the cult of the Earth Mother Goddess is active near the imperial capital.

Now, another report compiled by the magic guild claims that a large number of abnormal phenomena have occurred in the state capital at the junction of the imperial power and the National Salvation Alliance. They suspect that the power of the Mother Goddess is infiltrated, and they are requesting support from the Senate and the Thirteen Magic Towers.

"I will handle it personally." He replied to the guild personnel who asked for help.

Sakya's words were low and reassuring.

He was a stern man, with no trace of age beneath his shaggy, disheveled facial hair, and a stocky, low-altitude build that suggested subtle rumors of dwarf ancestry.

Intermarriage between humans and dwarves is a taboo that both races will strictly prohibit, but is it allowed? It is said to give birth to "mules" - sterile. However, mules will have better performance and inherit some of the advantages of "horse" and "donkey".

It happened that the Tower of First Fire was located at the junction of the Human Empire and the Dwarf Confederation. Such rumors plagued him for the first half of his life, until he became the chief of one of the Thirteen Magic Towers and told others to shut up.

Saga was about to go out, and the place for help was Opfer, a city in the center of the empire.

The outside of the tower is covered with snow, but the inside of the tower is warm as spring, even a little hot. It is like a blast furnace. In addition to the surface part, it also goes directly underground for dozens of meters, and the original fire is stored deep inside.

According to legend, the sacred fire that constantly burns and dances at the bottom of the tower was the first flame obtained in the mortal world, stolen from the chest of the Creator by a demigod hero.

After feeling the warmth of the fire, the chief of the Tower of First Fire stepped into the teleportation array and arrived at the place where the guild asked for help.

His thick brows furrowed, and Sakya intuitively felt uncomfortable. As a great mage, he was keenly aware of the changes in the magic environment here.

The state capital requesting support was on the lower Oder River.

It might be a pollution incident, Saga judged, because the Oward disaster happened in the upper reaches of the river. Perhaps the evil things that had leaked the power of the Mother Goddess were also fish that slipped through the net and drifted here.

"Is there anything unusual?"

"Recently, many people have started to have special nightmares, most of which are about various monsters, while a few people see some ancient temples in their dreams and hear vague female voices calling.

"In serious cases, they start to hear them when awake, and then they go crazy. Some can still stay awake, and they say they feel the voices are getting clearer and clearer. We plan to find out what the female voices in the dreams are saying through these people."

"." Saga restrained his temper and did not scold the members of the guild in person. How stupid it was to want to listen to the whispers of the evil god.

He arranged: "Calm down the people who have nightmares, and distribute diluted water of life and death and tranquilizers to them when necessary to prevent them from continuing to dream.

"Purify all the crazy people and those who can hear unknown calls."

"How to purify?"

"As far as I am concerned, use fire." Saga's hands burst into a ball of fire, and the confusing sparks and flames conveyed a sacred meaning.

"The fire purifies everything, provided it is burned clean."

"Among those who heard the call, there are many important people in the city, and even spellcasters."

"I have said it once, and I won't say it again." Saga asked again: "Have believers of unknown faith appeared in the villages around you?"

"Yes, we are communicating with the city officials to see if they can be banned."

"Don't waste time, use the 'purification procedure' for everyone."

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