Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 583 Unexpected Letter

"From the time you came to this city, Opfer, until what actions you and the firewood bearer took, it was all within my prediction."

Gregory was clearly fatally wounded, but he was still able to talk and laugh.

Saga in the form of the Grand Lord did not say a word, he was eager to shut up the madman opposite.

He began to exert force, trying to use the greatsword to extend and penetrate the sword body of the demon monk to change its position, that is, to split the pierced person as much as possible.

But Saga soon found something wrong-he could not move the flaming greatsword at all!

You know, the Molten Lord is the top existence in the fire element plane. It does not have an exaggerated body (although it is a very tall existence for Saga himself), and the corresponding energy density is extreme.

In other words, the strength and temperature he can burst out are extreme.

However, Gregory did not move and was not afraid, and his commentary also had a mocking meaning.

Saga noticed that the wound of the demon monk turned from the color of carbonization after burning to pure black, and then the shape of the twisted black wound was twisted, the tip of the sword was twisted, and time and space were trembling.

If Rorschach was present, he would not be unfamiliar with the black viscous substance on Gregory's abdomen.

The viscous dark wound began to generate suction, and the great lord Saga, who was holding the hilt tightly, would be dragged closer to Gregory.

Saga decisively let go, he quickly grabbed the hilt and injected his own energy. In an instant, an expanding energy ball spread rapidly along the long sword and then injected into Gregory's black internal organs.

The eight-ring magic [Yangyan Explosion], in the elemental transformation, Molten Lord form, Saga can attack instantly without chanting, auxiliary materials, and gestures.

It really worked. Gregory's strange abdomen swelled up, and the seven orifices first gushed out a nearly black blood mist, and then a nearly incandescent light and pressure burst out.

The demon monk's eyes were gone, leaving only dry holes, and his mouth, nose, and ears were almost gone. The most important thing was his stomach - it was still moving, but it no longer produced suction to swallow Saga.

Gregory, who was almost a mummy, fell on his back.

Solved. Although there were some twists and turns, it was still fast and did not affect the progress. Saga breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are so arrogant."

It was a familiar, annoying voice again. Gregory is not dead yet?

Saga was startled, and then he found a more serious problem - the words were echoing directly in his mind!

"If you can investigate, you will find that the sacrifice of Odwo began with fireworks and burning. And you dare to use fire for the so-called "purification".

"At the time we met, the sacrifice had already begun, and thousands of people were sent into the fires all over the city. Their nature had long changed, and you dared to absorb these fires to help yourself transform.

"You don't understand us, you don't understand Mother Earth, but we have done our homework.

"The declaration of war on spellcasters starts with you, Archmage Saga, an old master of arcane.

"Correspondingly, the blessing of the mother will start from the beautiful city of Opfer and spread to the territory of the so-called National Salvation Alliance.

"You should feel honored to be the turning point of historical transition and the container of the great mother's power."

The skinny and charred corpse in front of the flame giant came back to life. Gregory climbed up with difficulty. The flowing blood solidified on the surface and then separated from the body surface with the dead skin, forming a broken and dirty robe.

The demon monk was injured by the last explosion, but it was worth it. His arrangement and purpose had been achieved.

The body made of flames began to stiffen, and then gradually changed from red and yellow flames to dark blue and dark green colors.

He heard clearly, he heard clearly the decree of God!

The flames in other places also changed, and countless monsters still burning with fire rushed out from them. They attacked and assimilated all creatures, especially those with high magic reaction, which were attacked first.

The ghost fire spread, and Opfer began to turn into a part of hell.

The imperial army that could still be organized and dispatched gathered in the east, a city with no important strategic location. Opfer was circled by the emperor and required to deploy as many troops as possible.

The reason was that it might turn against the "traitorous alliance" and become a door open to the traitors in the center of the battlefield.

The General Staff accepted the emperor's request.

After a round of dismissals and appointments, In addition, a mysterious force was harvesting the lives of disloyal people. Although the new emperor was almost isolated from other heads of the empire, his authority rose.

No one regarded William as a child anymore, but as a crazy emperor with unpredictable grace and power and a rather neurotic mind.

Richard was in the team that was confronting the alliance and monitoring and deterring Opfer, and was entrusted with an important task by the emperor:

His troops enjoyed the treatment of taking trains, and they also had to escort the empire's most powerful and possibly the last "ultimate weapon": the railway gun.

And William waved his hand and directly stuffed him with three artillery trains, a total of six huge cannons.

The railroad tracks that had been passed needed to be repaired because the weight exceeded the design load.

Others thought that the emperor's decision was another proof of his madness: this Richard was a person who was loyal to the National Salvation Alliance!

He was a good man and a principled man. Anyone who had contact with Richard, whether it was his superior, the chief of staff and marshal, or his subordinates, and William who had been saved, all recognized this.

Therefore, he must be loyal to the alliance!

The superiors were so suspicious, the subordinates were so expectant, only the emperor still trusted him and entrusted him with important tasks as a loyal minister and a good general.


Richard felt inexplicably sad. It is true that Richard somewhat agreed with the slogan of the National Salvation Alliance at the beginning, but he really did not participate. In fact, Richard later learned that his eldest brother was actually the backbone of the alliance in the imperial capital!

Now the whole army has misunderstood Richard. After experiencing the imperial capital incident, he will no longer respond to any movement with mindless enthusiasm, but will think carefully and make self-judgment.

It's a pity that it was useless. If it weren't for the emperor's support, he would soon be one.

"Yi——" The brakes of the train gun made a teeth-grinding sound, telling everyone that the metal was being squeezed and deformed.

They have arrived at the predetermined location and can launch a fierce bombardment on Opfer, which was originally a central city of the empire, at any time, and send a shell comparable to a small building.

Richard thought of something, he stroked his ring, and then there was an envelope in his hand with the golden eagle logo of the empire on it.

This was the letter that the Emperor personally handed to him before the troops set out, and he told Richard to open it only after he arrived at the position.

After unfolding it, Richard was extremely surprised.

"To my dear:

"Compared to postmen, teleportation magic and newly emerged communication methods, I trust you more to abide by the agreement and open this letter at the right time.

"Opfer has been occupied by a cult, and there are also magic guilds that are plotting to overthrow the empire. When you open the letter, the two should be biting each other, and this is a good opportunity for us to give both sides a blow.

"I, William II, in the name of the Emperor of the Empire, order you, Lieutenant General Richard von Dahlberg:

"Immediately launch an artillery attack on Opfer, do not retain any ammunition, and eliminate all evil!"

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