Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 594 The Corruption Legion and the New Bomb

Because the command center in the west of Bomya was built, these constructs have stronger projection capabilities and can move to the front line of the "Corruption Legion" expansion.

The only thing that bothers people is that these creatures blessed by the Mother Goddess naturally have the ability to pollute. When the scale of their gathering reaches a critical value, the communication between the constructs and the operators will be interfered with, causing delays and confusion.

"The airship can carry a relay broadcast station to keep the signal delay at an acceptable level, but those corrupt creatures also have air units, so they need escort." Andre explained the significance of the next mission to the air knights.

In comparison, performing "surgery" on the capital of Bomya and being an aerial welder are both quite safe jobs, and the enemies they are facing now are definitely more threatening.

Generally, a cleaning team composed of twelve constructs needs an airship to strengthen the signal, and every three teams will be equipped with two additional spare boats to relay.

If you encounter a small enemy team, they may just be villagers from a village, who were sacrificed to the Mother Goddess and mutated into cannon fodder under the conspiracy of the cult. Then, there is no need for airship coordination. The steel quadrupeds with a spell launcher - usually spewing [Fireball] and continuous [Scorching Ray], can easily defeat them.

When the corrupt army takes over the town, or originally developed from a slightly larger population gathering area, they will not only be numerous, but there may also be members of the cult who become "ground flies" similar to humanoid insects like Gregory. They are commanders, preachers of the Mother Goddess, and high-speed mobile hunters. At this time, it is a bit difficult to deal with.

After the two teams were careless and the constructs were destroyed in an organized manner, the allied forces quickly summed up their experience. Once a corrupt monster of this scale is discovered through reconnaissance, several teams will be combined into a regiment for combat.

First, long-range artillery bombardment consumes the flesh and blood they need for regeneration. Then, several constructs need to maneuver quickly with the determination to be abandoned and insert into the corrupt army. Other constructs need to quickly rush into the enemy's flank. After the division, all constructs launch [Lightning Chain] at the same time.

At this time, most of the low-level follower monsters can be eliminated, and elite units with higher resistance or better evasion will naturally be exposed. Subsequent troops will make up for it and use the more powerful five-shot [Explosive Fireball] to focus fire.

At present, it seems that the ground flies and units that are more fragile than them can only dodge such attacks, and there is no bomb-resistant king who can withstand five fireballs.

However, in the end, two large-scale corrupt legions appeared in the central part of the empire. One originated from the gray elves infected with the plague spread by monsters. They unconsciously entered a medium-sized city. Among them, some elves, for some unknown reason, polluted the well water in the slums with their excrement.

The entire city quickly fell into mutation. At first, they just vomited and had diarrhea, but later their skin began to fester and their hair fell off. Many people began to have hallucinations. In fact, the Mother Goddess began to influence them.

When the city hall reacted, it was too late. An unprecedented corrupt army appeared. There were no high-level individuals like ground flies among them, but there were abnormally many "meat balls". The rotten balls with a diameter of more than ten meters rolled through the streets, and no one was spared wherever they passed.

Especially this city is famous for sausages. Now a large number of slaughtered livestock and minced meat have become the "arsenal" for producing monsters. Soon the entire city will be "digested" by these "giant meat mountains".

Finally, these huge corrupt masses began to devour other monsters and each other. When they merged into one, the pus secreted would gather into a small lake, becoming another wound for the Mother Earth to infiltrate the world.

The city's stench alone has formed a deadly field. All creatures will die first and then be reborn in a new form. The foul gas and the degenerate magic power are mixed together, and only the yellow-green poisonous fog can be seen in the sky. When the airship approaches, its engine will quickly fail and the frame structure will quickly rust and collapse.

In the end, no one can know what has become of the inside, and can only monitor from the outside to confirm that the space has not been broken.

The height of the second ring level can shield its influence, so in the end the guild will maneuver the ladder system again and aim the portal at the sky above the city.

This time, Rorschach is unwilling to make a human-shaped nuclear bomb again, but instead experiments with a new type of bomb - the fuse ignites the spell string pre-set in the core - [Fireball] [Wind Wall] is lit in sequence, fully providing enough temperature and pressure for the aluminum-containing explosives filled around the magic circuit in an instant.

These metal powder explosives will carry sufficient heat and kinetic energy to break the shell, come into contact with the oxygen in the environment, and form an aerosol group with a radius of tens of meters with the impact point as the center, and the explosives are fully mixed with the oxidizer in the air. Then, within the explosion limit, the powders exploded again with the heat provided by the [Fireball].

The original idea was to use the [Explosion Fireball] as the primary explosion source, but the engineers of the Alchemy Department found that splitting it into [Fireball] and [Wind Wall], using the characteristics of the spell chain, would help fine-tune the diffusion radius of the explosive powder, and [Wind Wall] could provide a stronger initial pressure.

The first batch of bombs, 36 in total, were airdropped to the surface at once with the help of the portal.

Soon, flashes began to appear in the diffuse yellow-green mist, and in the blink of an eye, the poison was replaced by dozens of rising black and red mushroom clouds.

Another city with a population of ten thousand people disappeared from the map and the guild's communication node. At this point, most of the meat and monsters have been completely charred, and the power of the Mother Goddess in them wanted to be activated again. Unfortunately, the caster intervened and interrupted the process, and they were successfully eliminated.

Engineers were divided into two groups over the subsequent debate over the new model of bomb being less powerful than expected. Some believed it was a design flaw, while others believed it was due to the low "oxygen" content in the poisonous mist. By the way, the Special Administrative Region has accepted terms such as "oxygen", but alchemists and mages elsewhere insist on calling it "phyllogen".

The origin of another corrupt army cannot be investigated. It is an extreme example of the first "meat ball army" that sticks to city development. It wanders around, even cleverly avoiding many cities and abandoning some villages, but prefers to infect and devour Flesh in the forest.

When they expanded to a certain area and even the mountains and forests were transformed into a corrupt and deadly environment, they were finally discovered. At this time, in addition to the rare meat balls, they were mainly monsters mutated from animals. They had no specific shape and just rotted repeatedly. After healing, the organisms stuck together and became aggressive.

Only then did they dare to attack human settlements without hesitation, and launch multiple attacks at the same time.

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