"Kepler" commemorates the legendary astrologer of the Empire, who was born in Württemberg and died in Regenburg, Bavaria. The current Starship No. 7 was born and launched in Bavaria.

The Starry Tower has some complaints about this. They believe that Valois should lead this launch, but its own ladder system has not yet been built. Number 7 is a special number, which has a different meaning in mysticism, and it is the first officially named spaceship and performs a very important mission.

A wizard from the south looked at the starship about to be launched and said, "Damn it, if it is built and launched in our place, how about calling it "Ptolemy"? The Tower of Light and the Tower of Darkness will definitely vote in favor. Bavaria has too much say."

Snow, who came to observe on behalf of the Alchemy Department, glanced at the chattering guy: "It's just a code name. If you are willing to contribute money and effort, it's not impossible to use your name." After that, he left with his luggage, showed his identity card to the staff, and boarded the starship.

After entering, they passed through a long and very narrow corridor. The surrounding walls were not integrated, but were made up of modules. There were also many unactivated circuits. These modules were prepared for launch. When they reached a height in the astral world where the interference of transmutation dust could be eliminated, they would be manually activated to expand a wider space.

"What are these made of?" Snow noticed that the surface of the module was very flat, a material he had never seen before. He couldn't help but brush it with his hand while walking, and there was a warm touch.

The engineer who was traveling with him immediately answered: "High-strength resin, a newly developed alchemical material by Basif. It is said that it has good plasticity and has almost no conductivity to magic after hardening."

"Can the circuits be prevented from interfering with each other?" Snow immediately understood the key: "Then how to ensure that the circuits are available? Oh, I saw the embedded coating." He silently wrote it down and planned to purchase a batch from Rorschach after returning to the ground to see what else it could be applied to.

The passage was indeed long and narrow. They walked all the way to the bow before they suddenly saw the light. In other words, apart from the power system and fuel tank, most of the space of the "Kepler" was prepared for "expanding a larger space".

Before arriving at the destination, the crew needed to squeeze into the head. They embedded themselves in the soft but airtight semi-enclosed cockpit. In addition to the physical safety belt, there was also an independent shield deployment. Such things were called "eggshells" and were fixed on layers of "egg racks", with about dozens of seats.

"I don't need it. I'm a mage." Snow tried to squeeze himself in, but soon found that he was not used to this all-inclusive protection, or confinement.

"Sorry, this is the rule. There may be bumps on the road, and there must be no mistakes during the transmission." The crew insisted on squeezing the head of the Alchemy Department in.

Snow frowned: "It's really hot, is there anything to drink?"

"You can bite the straw next to you. But I advise you not to do this, because you are not allowed to relieve yourself during the launch, and you may choke when drinking water."

"Then why don't you cancel this thing?"

"Yes, the No. 8 ship is going to cancel it."

"Oh my God." He gave up and lay motionless inside. Anyway, the Space Association claimed that the whole process was very fast. It only took a few minutes to get out of the ground. What really took time was to replenish energy and adjust the posture before and after touching the transmutation dust layer flow.

Some crew members left, and some stayed and stuffed themselves into the "eggshell". The crew cabin at the bow was lit up, and it seemed that all the magic circuits were fully connected at this time, including the various systems behind the seats. A small, regular hum came into Snow's ears. He was sure that only the caster could hear it. This was the background noise emitted by the alchemy equipment behind him after it was activated. He and other brothers in the alchemy department were very familiar with it.

Suddenly, the fabric that fits him feels cool and dry. It's the temperature control system of the chair that's online. Snow exhaled and felt much more comfortable now. Of course, if you don't adjust the temperature, but choose to cover everyone with [Alien Environment Resistance], it's also a feasible idea, but that will increase people's tolerance and dull their perception of cold and heat. In comparison, providing a comfortable temperature is more humane, but it may not be the most efficient.

Learning the law should not be too inhumane, otherwise, in pursuit of efficiency, all passengers can be turned into zombies and stuffed into containers that don't need much protection.

The crystal ball in front of the cabin began to flicker, and a strange voice came: "Ahem, hello, everyone who is about to fly! Welcome aboard the Kepler, I am your tower ship spirit, codenamed Gargen, and will assist Captain Johannes in completing the launch mission."

After that, the crystal ball suddenly had a projection, a middle-aged man with a short haircut, who was also fixed in the eggshell seat, but there were many operating buttons and levers integrated around it.

"Hello, it's my honor to carry out this mission with all the elites. I'm Johannes."

"Okay, you talk too much. Just concentrate on preparing for the launch. I'll talk." Gagen actually cut off the captain's screen and voice and began to seriously talk about safety matters and this trip.

"If you don't want to die, please remember the above points I said. This launch will pass through the Epsilon channel of the new ladder. Don't ask where the first four channels are and what they are used for. This is a secret. Those who know it should shut up!"

This ship spirit is unexpectedly lively, no, it's just a chatterbox. Is there something wrong with the production material? Snow frowned slightly. He hoped that the navigation would be completed by a quiet, capable and accurate ship spirit, not a chatterbox.

"Jiagen. Jiagen? I know, you are the red dragon from the Tower of Secrets! No! I want to get off the spaceship! Let me out!" The eggshell next to Snow suddenly erupted into a wail and the sound of struggling. .

As soon as these words came out, many spellcasters immediately started to commotion. They were all or had been apprentices/mages of the Tower of Secrets.

The crystal ball snapped again and started to project again. This time it was a menacing red dragon. It was a showdown of "I won't pretend anymore": "Do you have any dissatisfaction with this dragon? Cyril Kings, you are here." The guy who had been in the tower for a few years and was about to be kicked out, but after moving to Luo Xia's mage tower, his stock price rose and he was able to go to heaven, but he still fell into the hands of this dragon? "

"You ****, if you hadn't reported it to Teacher Elizabeth"

"What are you reporting? If you keep arguing, I don't mind revealing it to everyone here. When Cyril was in the Tower of Secrets, he liked to go to the northwest toilet cubicle on the third floor late every night."

"Enough! I was wrong!" The cry in the eggshell was particularly loud.

After shouting this, the other passengers chuckled. Only the spellcasters who had stayed in the Tower of Secrets didn't laugh. They couldn't laugh at all.

"That's right, it's your honor for this dragon to lead the voyage for you, a group of guys who can't pass the 'Symbolic Concept Theory' and 'Advanced Arithmetic'." The ship spirit. No, it was the tower spirit of the Tower of Secrets who sneered, and then said : "I will only 'take care' of you until you reach low-Earth orbit. After breaking through the laminar flow, a new ship spirit will take over. Cherish this time together! Three - two - one, launch!"

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