Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 604 Interstellar Banquet

The rope tightened, pulling Snow back from the sky to the observatory.

At this time, all the crew members have been released, but they cannot move around in other areas at will. The wizards from the Starry Tower need to adjust the internal space of the expanded observation center.

Although the expansion in the module is automated by the ship spirit, it does not mean that it is completely reliable. It still needs to be checked and fine-tuned manually.

The second day of the launch of the "Kepler".

"The distortion here is a bit serious. It may collapse after multiple in and out." Snow also found a problem. He was in an accommodation cabin.

The layout here is a bit like the dormitory in the magic tower. The furniture is made of lightweight fast-growing wood. There are two sets of beds and tables. The biggest difference is the embedded aluminum alloy storage box, and the desktop and box cabinets have cable ties and net bags to fix scattered items, and all furniture is connected to the wall of the room with buckles.

Although there will be gravity wells, there will always be times of weightlessness, which must be taken into consideration when designing.

He first shrunk and put away the wooden bed and the cotton and linen blended sheets, and the assistant he hired temporarily peeled off the wallpaper - the polymer plate and metal frame were exposed behind the imitation wood grain, and the coated magic circuit was flashing regularly.

Now this space has gotten rid of the "medieval college style" and is more like a shielding room and practice room in a magic tower.

Snow realized that this spaceship... no, the magic skills used in the observatory had appeared a long time ago, but why hadn't they been manufactured on such a large scale and applied here before?

The voice of the ship spirit interrupted his thoughts: "Room 2β_401 will cut off energy supply and space control, are you sure?"

Snow and his assistant left the emptied room and looked at the house number again: "OK."

"Please take precautions. It is recommended to deploy a force field that can isolate matter and radiation, and it should be no less than three rings.

"30, 29"

Snow did as he was told. To be on the safe side, he first placed a [Space Anchor] in each of the two adjacent cabins. This spell was originally used to prohibit the enemy from escaping by teleportation, but it is now often used to repair cracks infected by the Mother Goddess, as well as occasions where local space needs to be changed.

There were still 7 seconds left after the release. He didn't have time to cast another spell. He gritted his teeth and crushed an expensive crystal, releasing the shield inside to separate him, his assistant and Room 2β_401 from other entities.

Then the observatory itself activated the shield.

". You should have said you had your own isolation!" Snow gritted his teeth: "And your countdown is too short."

"In fact, you can interrupt the countdown at any time. It is detected that you have advanced permissions. If there are similar situations in the future, the countdown time can be extended and applied to the whole system. "

". In non-emergency situations, it can be extended to 60 seconds. In the future, it will be clearly explained what level of isolation shield it comes with and whether the countdown can be paused. "

"Okay, I am a new intelligent assistant. I am still improving. Thank you for your understanding and feedback, Lord Snow. "

Snow wanted to lose his temper but had no place to vent. Why did he feel that this ship spirit ship ship was not as good as that red dragon?

It is easy to be mean in public, but difficult to defend against it in secret.

After the circuit was cut off, the whole room began to collapse. The part that was hard-connected to the main body of the spacecraft did not change in size, but the part that was extended inward began to twist and deform, and shrank proportionally, or restored.

Finally, it returned to the way it looked when it was launched, a cabinet as big as the door and about half a meter deep. Originally, there were furniture in it, but now it was taken out by Snow.

After checking that there was no problem with the hardware, he activated the circuit again and participated in the shaping of the space himself. Just like Like blowing up a balloon, the structure becomes soft and slowly stretches.

When it reaches the predetermined size and touches the [Space Anchors] on both sides, the frame is fixed first, and the magic flowing in the loop first spreads along the rigid frame to the wall to complete the final shaping.

Snow feels and measures it again with auxiliary instruments. After confirming that there is no problem, he releases and installs furniture and lights up the magic lamp.

Similar work was carried out for three days. Mages with experienced brothers like Snow only need a temporary partner, and most of them are in groups of three. Generally, the Star Tower mage who is good at space magic takes the lead, and other spellcasters act as Completed for the assistant.

Not all problems can be "restarted and solved". A total of three dormitories and two functional cabins were not properly deployed or had major defects. They were sealed and cannot be used, waiting for the ground to launch replacement parts later.

Since the star gate was opened, another major benefit is that the star world and the main material world can communicate in real time. Although there will be delays and interference, it is much better than nothing.

The scheduled rest time is ten days. The docking and maintenance took four days. For the rest of the time, Johannes, who was appointed as the station chief, waved his hand and said: Let's have a party!

There are two reasons:

The observation station is four ships in one, and the crew members need to communicate with each other Feelings, we will be colleagues in the future, we need to do team building;

Take advantage of the abundant supplies now, hurry up and splurge, wait until the middle and late stages of the mission period, you will not have everything you want, and you have to spend it cost-effectively, it will be frustrating, and you will definitely not be able to drive.

The fifth day of the launch of the "Kepler".

The bow of the "Kepler" is now the top of the axis of the observation center. All the eggshell seats have been removed and transformed into a banquet hall.

The big head is a country song of Valois, the lyrics are quite "open", and it is suspected that the singing wizard learned it from the Moulin Rouge; later there was a dance music of Bain, which was moved from the opera house in Würzburg to the sky.

When the human performances were almost over, a few dwarves, under the influence of alcohol, picked up their drums and metal tools and began to beat and bang, singing and shouting with their rough voices.

The atmosphere reached a climax. Although the young crew members could not understand what they were singing, it did not prevent them from dancing wildly as if they were cursed by madness. The [illumination spell] floating above their heads emitted colorful glare, and harmless small spells were shot at each other.

In the end, a few elves actually boarded the center of the banquet. Snow didn't know which ship sent them up, and they were not as enthusiastic and high-profile as the dwarves.

But they came after all, took out the ocarina and harmonica they carried with them, and played around a pretty girl. The girl in the middle was a singer, her singing was melodious, and the accompaniment was also soothing.

This was a style completely opposite to that of the dwarves, and the rhythm of the entire venue also slowed down. Some tired participants began to rest under the melody and look for food, while those who still had energy danced social dances in pairs.

Snow stacked cheese from his hometown and smoked sausage slices from the Empire together, and drank oak barrel-aged wine from Istani. This combination was a bit novel anyway, especially since Istani's wine smelled of kerosene.

"Master Snow." A young man in formal clothes came over with sparkling wine. On his chest was not only the magician emblem of the magic guild, but also the star emblem of the space guild.

Snow looked and saw that it was Cavendish: "William! Long time no see. Since you left the Starry Tower, it seems that you have always been in the sky?"

"Yes, the team of the zero ship, I don't know how I became the captain. At that time, there were only three people, and we had to go through laminar flow." He looked around the banquet scene: "Now, there are so many people, incredible.

"I also became the captain of the fifth ship, but now there is no fifth ship. I am the deputy station chief of the 'Kepler' station."

"Congratulations, toast to the youngest deputy station chief." Snow raised the wine glass and gently clinked it with Cavendish.

"To our ambition, sad wish and unity. ” Cavendish praised.

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