Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 619 Aurora, Polar Region

With Snow's order, the observation agency on Kepler recorded a large amount of outrageous data truthfully.

After the analysis of the links of the Tree of Truth and the unremitting iteration of researchers on the ground, the current visualization system has taken a big step forward. Now they can not only identify which link is activated, but also display different colors according to the active situation. The result is that the output tree-like link cluster is constantly flashing, as if dancing.

"What is going on?" It happened that the deputy station chief Cavendish was on duty today. He originally planned to spend a leisurely day by stargazing, but he didn't expect to encounter a big one during his tenure. He hurriedly ran from the station chief's duty room to the observation hall.

Snow raised his eyebrows: "Although it is not confidential, I think we should talk about it later, when everything calms down."

"Will it be calm?" Cavendish felt that both the core crystal ball that displayed visualization and the countless Nixie tubes were crazy. All the movable parts visible to the naked eye were running at the fastest speed since they were manufactured, and the paper tape was gushing and rushing like the vomit of the machine. He gritted his teeth and said to Snow: "Damn it, tell me quickly, I am the deputy station chief, on duty today, which means I will bear all responsibilities if anything goes wrong."

"Okay. Someone is performing super-class magic."

"Super-class?" Cavendish smacked the first word, and quickly raised his voice in the hall and repeated it: "Super-class magic!"

"I'm not wrong, and you heard it right." Snow took the front-page report and now had a preliminary understanding of the activated link. For the observatory, it was the first time to receive node signals from the tenth and thirteenth rings.

"Who started it? Is there more news on the ground? Is it an enemy or a friend? A wizard or a charlatan? Or a true god?"

"How should I put it?" Snow touched his chin with a wicked smile. He forgot to bring a handy razor to the star realm, and his stubble was a little prickly: "In terms of age, he is your senior brother, and in terms of the number of years in the magic tower, he is your junior brother"

"Master Rorschach." Cavendish still felt that the suffix was a bit awkward: "Ah, this is not strange, this is right."

"No, this is not right." Snow suddenly restrained his smile, his expression and tone were quite similar to Poincare: "According to the record of Master Kano witnessing the launch of super-level necromancy at the time, there wouldn't be so many The super nine-ring nodes are activated."

"Maybe different magics cause different phenomena on the Tree of Truth?"

"No, no, no, the span between the nodes is too large. This is a string, representing a spell, and these are another string, which means" Snow hesitated and pinched the report, and the terrible inspiration came through: "Not just one! There is also super-level magic activated! Report to the guild! Report to the Senate!"

Rorschach's actions have been informed to other spellcasters by Humboldt. This is public and known, and there is another miracle of the same level or even higher level that will come to the world, almost at the same time as Rorschach's spellcasting

Is this intentional? Now Snow's heart began to guess Cavendish's initial doubts: Is the initiator an enemy or a friend? Is he a human or a god?

Several wizards stood sparsely in the snowfield, surrounding today's "executor". Although the person in the center of the circle has the youngest face, he is the core of several spellcasters and the center of magic power in the entire area.

Rorschach is ready. He was both in reality and at the border, and he was like a window connecting the mysterious space and the material world.

He deliberately chose to cast the spell in a deserted place and refused to be spectated. It was not that Rorschach was arrogant, but objectively no one could help at this moment, unless the ancient sage was resurrected in his complete form.

That's what Rorschach thought.

A gorgeous and pure blue light shone from under the skin, outlining a magic circuit. This circuit looked like a biological structure when viewed up close, similar to blood vessels and other veins.

From a distance, you can feel that these veins are like inscriptions engraved by alchemists, which can interpret countless information. The body of the caster gradually became ethereal, and in turn these veins gradually solidified and connected with the magic string knots woven by the distant organization.

Next to the seven weavers that have arrived at the predetermined position are several tons of transmutation dust, which are compacted and loaded in alchemy tanks. If the energy contained in them is released in the form of explosions at once, it will be seven "auspicious clouds" that can be seen with the naked eye at the Kepler Observatory.

The machines have been started. The magic strings they create are concentrated to a certain extent due to polarization and convergence, and part of them are converted into other energy overflows, causing the electrons of air molecules to transition, and also emitting beautiful blue light like Rorschach's body.

These light paths construct a type that can be expanded or reduced. The staff next to the machine sees that they are constantly changing, and they find that the transmutation dust is evaporating rapidly, and the speed of releasing energy far exceeds the original design power of the weaver.

"It's not going to explode, is it?" The technicians next to the seven machines trembled at the same time. They knew very well that if something went wrong, they didn't have to run or hide at all.

Fortunately, their worries were unnecessary. Even the machines showed changes similar to Rorschach's body. The energy they drove and constrained gradually spread into a mass, while the physical parts of the mechanism seemed to be refined. The shape did not change at all, but the phenomenon of incandescence and metal liquefaction could be seen.

However, they still operated well. The overclocking did not turn into ashes, but sublimated the form. When the connection with Rorschach was completely completed, the thickest magic string soared into the sky, changing from blue to golden purple, spreading to the sky and then dispersing, like a tree trunk and crown.

The entire northern border can enjoy the aurora from green to blue-purple. The northern residents who survived in the howling cold wind looked up with a look of confusion and worry.

They didn't understand what happened, and they just hoped to get back to normal soon.

Rorschach's will seemed to cover the vast land in the north of the Floren continent, covering the narrow and barren frozen land in the northern border of the entire empire. With the main body and seven terminals as the center, he could not only feel the roar of the wind and snow, but also experience how the magic power flows and is distributed.

The gods are no different. He had this idea, or it was difficult not to have such an idea.

Because next he would shape this land according to his own ideas. He said there should be no wind, and the wind would stop; he said there should be no ice and snow, and there would only be flowing water and white clouds; he said there should be light and heat, and there would be no darkness and cold.

Rorschach eliminated distractions and concentrated on rearranging the reality under his control.

Under the aurora, the magic power began to become thin, either concentrated and condensed, or transformed into light and heat energy and fed back to the earth.


The temperature can't go up! Rorschach felt that the more heat he converted, the more it would be offset by the cold air from the north. Not only that, another force in the symbolic world began to interfere with his shaping of reality.

A magnificent voice suddenly sounded in the minds of other mages who were admiring the aurora, but the voice was hesitant: "Have the elders who went north sent back any news? What happened in the polar region?"

He decided to split a force to go north to investigate. Just as he was about to mobilize, a voice suddenly sounded in his consciousness, and it was very familiar:

"Don't use your precious power to rashly test it. The situation in the far north is very dangerous."

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