Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 620: Long-standing spiritual friendship

Dryats? !

"It's me." Not only did his voice come, but also a familiar power spread over, which was sensed by Rorschach.

After confirming that it was him, Rorschach quickly asked: "What happened in the polar region? And what should I do?"

He was now casting a super-level magic that was magnified seven times, and the energy mobilized was huge and violent, and there was no room for error. And now the north was like a bottomless pit, always balancing the heat he created, and the result was that the temperature did not rise as expected. If he continued to invest, the magic power of this area might be temporarily exhausted.

Obviously, Dryats came here for some reason, and Rorschach urgently needed his information and guidance.

"【World Weaving】 is not just about changing the distribution of energy, you can also try other methods. Let me also connect to the system."

"Okay" Rorschach was about to ask how to connect, and he felt that Dryats "came in".

This somewhat shameful expression is literal, because Rorschach's entity at this time was virtualized, becoming a property similar to magic - between the material world and the symbolic world, better to exert influence. This also loses the boundaries formed by the actual physiological structures such as skin-mucous membranes, and the entire field associated with him and controlled by him can be said to be a part of Rorschach.

And Dryatz broke into the field he controlled, and communicated with consciousness, and it can even be said that they were temporarily blended together.

Suddenly the energy field settled down. Not only that, Rorschach was able to perform more detailed operations on the area covered by the aurora. It was Dryatz who supported Rorschach to better perform the [World Weaving Technique] with his experience and divine power.

In an instant, all the winds stopped, and a wind wall stood up at the junction with the polar region, isolating the flow of cold air masses. Thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in the sky south of the wind wall, thick arcs flowed densely between the clouds, and deafening thunder rolled without stopping.

These lightnings did not strike the ground, they just stretched in the air, and even replaced the sunlight and aurora to illuminate the world.

And his purpose was to change the composition of the atmosphere and quickly construct a "greenhouse" under windless conditions.

As the air stopped circulating on a large scale and the speed of heat dissipation decreased sharply, the spell finally took effect, and people on the ground felt that the temperature began to rise slowly.

Not only that, a warm energy rippled in this area, as if the second spring of the year had arrived. The bodies of animals and plants that were frostbitten by frost and cold quickly recovered, and the lush green spread out, replacing the endless paleness when the disaster came.

When the rolling thunder subsided, the North recovered from the horror of being close to the forbidden zone of life to the vitality it should have in summer.

However, the source of the problem has not been solved.

Dryats's voice sounded again: "In the polar region, there is a corpse of a god in the core area of ​​the plane."

"Like you?"

"." Rorschach couldn't imagine the look of a deer head rolling his eyes, but what if he was in the form of a big sister? Anyway, he was speechless for a moment, and then quickly said: "Yes, but my past remains were separated from the main world along with the peeling of the secondary plane, which can be regarded as a disguised seal. And the polar regions can also be regarded as his sealed place.

"The corpse of the god belongs to the God of the North Wind. In the past, wherever he went, he would suffer from the biting winter cold.

"And the biggest difference between him and me is that he is indeed dead after the God War. Considering that his body can still exert influence, the victorious side of the God War drove his believers to transfer him to the underground of the polar region at the cost of a Knights of Redemption - it was already very cold there, so it wouldn't matter if it was a little colder."

"But now something is wrong, isn't it?" Rorschach commented: "So is he resurrecting, or is there something else that makes him work?"

"Obviously you already have the answer in your mind. I think so too - it should be the Mother Goddess who infected him.

"But this doesn't make sense. The authority of the God of the North Wind is far from his. He wants to swallow up this dead power. He has no foundation - either he controls the upper position of 'cold', or he has the authority of the lower position to guide him. What does this have to do with the Mother Goddess of the Earth? And there is no meaning in annexation"

"No, if the Mother Goddess of the Earth really represents the end of all things, then the cooling and extinction of all realms is also a possible ending. "The mythology of this world combined with the knowledge of Rorschach's previous life explained the first puzzlement of Dryuyats: "Then compared to ordinary Binghan, he definitely has a higher level of authority."

"What is the purpose?"

".I can't continue to speculate, but it's right to stop him. Ah, and we have to stop the investigation team heading north from going deeper! "Rorschach was startled. He hurriedly finished the spell.

When communicating with the soul of Dryuyats, he was still consolidating the results of [World Weaving]. If there is no interference from the power in the north, then his super-level magic will be released, and the place where the spell is cast will have a self-consistent and long-term climate system and landforms. Even if the cold and heat in other areas are exchanged, they will be offset by the special balance mechanism of magic and other energies until this mechanism gradually collapses in the symbolic world.

Unfortunately, there are now antagonistic factors, and Rorschach can only free himself, and the seven machines still need to be fed with a large amount of transmutation dust to keep the whole spell going to fight against the extreme and strange cold wind from north to south.

Polar center.

This is a collapsed cave. On the edge of the cliff, you can see man-made tombs, holy emblems and altars covered with ice and snow. The above architectural traces are all relics of the ancient Church of Order. They are similar to the structure of the Valuvana Catacombs. Saints who sacrificed here are placed inside. They were all powerful and firm paladins in their lifetime. They were ordered by the Lord to transfer a dead evil god to the end of the world.

The place of suppression is the magnificent church. It is not strange to be frozen underground, because the contractor is a dwarf. They came here at the invitation of the paladin and completed all the projects, including the resting place of these saints.

The miraculous building has been completely destroyed. A strong tornado with countless ice and snow blades rose into the sky, continuously enveloping and demanding heat from the outside, and returning it to the extreme cold of the world. The eye of the storm is relatively calm, which is where the corpse of the god is.

His image is a white giant bear, dozens of meters long. Most of the body was buried deeper, and the huge bear head was lifted up, and the thick and frozen fur from the forehead to the neck exposed on the ground was peeled off.

The skinner must be a skilled hunter, who separated the gray membrane that was not rotten but intact from other tissues, and nailed the edges to the ground of the church ruins. Whether it was the inside of the exposed dermis or the top of the head and muscles, there were blasphemous spells written in blood.

"Praise the great mother with your soul! The ban imposed by the false god of order on this bear is getting weaker and weaker. We will soon be able to sacrifice it to the mother of the earth! Is there any more noble sacrifice than the gods?"

The gray-robed man shouted loudly, and the choir beside him, which was also the skinning gang, began to recite the spell painted on the bear head, using the vocalization method passed down from generation to generation in the north, making a strange, low, and penetrating chanting sound, and burning their own souls.

The gray-robed man who presided over the entire ceremony held the ashes of the primordial fire extinguished by the Mother Goddess, and walked step by step to the center of the bear's forehead, where there was a crack deep enough to break the bone, and the sacred golden fire was still burning around and inside the crack.

The ashes in his hand had been contaminated into a sticky turbid liquid, and he opened his hands and poured them on the wound of the God of the North Wind, extinguishing the prohibition of the God of Light and Order. In an instant, the ice and snow storm became several times stronger, and the blasphemous spells made a crackling sound and emitted creepy smoke. These spells corroded and engraved the fascia, skull and texture of the bear god.

The hood was lifted by the smoke, and it was Richard Hench's face, but with Gregory's sinister and fanatical smile.

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