Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 86 Staying Overnight

Are there no believers in the gods within the empire?

Of course it does, and it's very common. It’s just that the Imperial Parliament stipulated that all faiths must be registered, church activities must be approved by the Inquisition and the resident magistrate, and...

No tithing or indulgences allowed!

The end of the old empire coincides with the coming of the Silent Age of the Gods. When people discovered that the signal between the Kingdom of God and the mortal world was not as good as before, the divine religion was impacted. In particular, the Church of Light and Order, which has dominated the mainland for a long time, has suffered the greatest losses:

The bishops and priests who usually drank the newly brewed "Holy Blood" and ate the soft white "Holy Communion" were kicked away by a group of old farmers and businessmen holding batches of printed "Oracles of Light and Order". The rulers of the principalities north of the Holy Kingdom took the opportunity to get rid of the political dictates of the Church.

Some people may say that among these pastors and bishops there are some blessed ones. Although they are fat and round, they are still able to perform miracles. How could they be poked by the hoes of the North Country bumpkins?

The magic guild passing by said that they just shouted when they saw injustice and gave a little help to the righteous people. Why does the Pope declare someone a heretic? Just because they don’t want to pay you? Can you ask God to come to this world and say a few words in person? If you can't, just shut up and get beaten. Times have changed!

Of course, the Church of Order is not completely showy. After the defeat in the north of the continent, it made many changes and stood firm without losing its basic base in the Holy Kingdom and the south.

Since the Silent Generation, the bridge between the Empire and the Holy Kingdom has been forged. Another negative impact is that the religious order established by the Imperial Order Church has been chipped away, and various pheasant sects and cult groups have emerged.

Therefore, there is a registration management system and a resident mage to suppress the chaos of demons in the faith and supernatural realms.

Now the Archmage needs to know where the "tree god" mentioned by the hotel owner is from or where the devil comes from.

The boss also realized the seriousness: "Master, actually I am not a believer in anyone's family. Many people here worship the tree god. I just said it casually after hearing too much."

"Are there any followers of the 'Tree God' in the village now?"

"Yes, yes! There is only one family left, and they worship every day!"

The boss identified the only couple left at this time. The man's face was red and smelled of alcohol, while the woman's eyes were evasive, and her eyes and messy hair looked particularly haggard.

It was Archmage Humboldt who still spoke, and he took this question very seriously: "Hello, do you have a statue of the 'Tree God'? Can you show it to me?"

"Hahaha, there is no need for statues or paintings." The man burped and emitted an unpleasant smell: "This is the black forest! There are incarnations of gods everywhere! You guys are surrounded!"

Not referring to Dryac or Sylvanos?

The man's words probably meant that the image of the so-called "tree god" was really a tree, which was beyond Rorschach's expectation.

The woman kept biting her lip and said nothing. Her winter coat did not fit well, covering up the shivering all over her body.

Humboldt turned and looked at Peterson. Peterson shook his head. The Archmage stopped pestering the drunkard: "Okay, thank you. Excuse me."

Back at the hotel again, the boss had packed his luggage and was putting a noose on the donkey.

"Master mages, let me tell you the truth, you are here a little late! If you could have come when we reported the resident mages, the people in this village would not be deserted. God, it will snow at any time, and when it snows, there will be more That, that beast tide, maybe there is something worse!"

"What happened to that couple? Why didn't they leave with you?"

"Them? Their precious son died a few nights ago, and it's as good as dead now." The boss muttered and got on the front of the car.

"We're staying at a hotel."

"What? I have to leave, you guys."

Peterson directly threw a gold coin and said impatiently: "How much is your shabby shop worth? We can buy it if we want, and we won't tear it down."

The boss almost didn't catch the gold coin. He had changed his face and was smiling: "The Master Mage is right. I wish you a pleasant stay!" The hotel key was thrown to Cavendish and he happened to be picked up by Cavendish. live.

"Farewell! Farewell!" The donkey pulled the cart and swayed, leaving Luo Xia and his group behind, and then disappeared on the forest path.

In the hotel lobby, the fireplace was burning for the first time in a long time, spewing out bursts of warmth. A temporary meeting of the investigation team was held here.

"There is a problem in the forest, so why don't we leave while it's dark?" Cavendish's words made the other apprentices nod, except Ella.

Ella frowned and said: "The empire does not have a church of order. It is the duty of mages to deal with such abnormal situations."

"That is the obligation of the resident mage and your Forest Tower!" The other two apprentices who nodded after saying this also looked at Cavendish with unkind expressions.

Archmage Humboldt stopped the discussion. He explained his decision to stay overnight in a tone that left no room for doubt: "We cannot sit back and watch abnormal developments, and we must restore balance to the forest. Judging from the fact that the villagers can still resist the beast tide at night, the situation at night should be Not a threat to us.

We should obtain more intelligence from the anomalies at night, assess the seriousness of the situation, and decide the next action. "

Peterson added: “If the tide is just a disturbance, we might consider going deeper into the forest to find the source of the problem.

If there are other, more complicated situations, we can contact the Forest Tower and the resident mage here for help. After he finished speaking, he looked at Rorschach: "Master Rorschach, do you have any other opinions?" "

"I agree with your plan." Although Rorschach is not sure whether the situation will escalate, he has shouldered the promise of the gods and he has backup plans.

"Anyway, we just won't withdraw." Cavendish whispered, and only Rorschach, who was sitting next to him, heard it.

This guy was deceived by one credit, and Kano also has a dark heart. Rorschach felt sympathy for his students.

The next part of the meeting was to allocate rooms: "Everyone will live in pairs. Well, Ella, you will live in a single room, but there must be official mages living next door on both sides.

Everyone should live on the second floor, with a window facing the couple's cabin, and take turns monitoring them. "

Then there was the restoration of the defenses around the village. Juma and Luzhai were rearranged by the apprentices, and the gap was filled by Master Humboldt summoning thorns. The spiky vines tightly entangled the Juma on both sides.

Rorschach approached the thorns, and the plants sensed and automatically let go of the entanglement, just like a sensor door.

"[Druid Woodland], the master chose to arrange entangled shrubs." Peterson explained: "We can inherit the master's will to entangle the enemy and protect us. These shrubs and thorns are very spiritual, right?"

Rorschach nodded. The sensor gate that can distinguish between friend and foe is really convenient.

He discussed with Peterson and used [Stone Shaping Technique] to construct an earthen wall behind the Juma fortification. After a while of busy work, the simple bastion began to take shape.

In order to save time and magic power, Rorschach only compressed and hardened the outer wall of the earth wall, and the earth slope inward. After finishing, he returned to his room, slowly infusing magic power into his body to speed up recovery, and unfolding the message scroll he carefully drew.

It was getting dark, and everyone nervously patrolled the forest around the village. Only Cavendish began to play with his instruments on the roof of the hotel.

Master Humboldt was sitting at the door of the hotel with his eyes closed, as if he was resting his mind.

I don't know when three or four jays were in Humboldt's arms, rubbing against the Archmage's hand as if vying for favor, and then fluttered their wings and took off, hovering over the village.

Night is coming.

Thanks for the monthly ticket support of "Blowing Clouds", "Beautiful Lady in Tianshui", "Great Ruins Candle Dragon", "BurstStream" and "The Return of the Monkey King"! Thanks to book friends such as "There is a Bear", "Her Toes Are Each of My Alps" and "Gold Foil is Used" for their recommendation votes and encouragement! Awaited

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