Magic Apprentice

Chapter 126: Infinite scenery

Suddenly waves rippled on the otherwise calm sea, as if a naughty child threw countless small stones into the sea.

The mist suddenly came from all directions, enveloping this piece of sea dough.

The mist was light and thick, and eventually became as dense as pudding.

Breathing the humid air, Xi Ling felt uncomfortable.

"It's so foggy! The clothes are soaked." The little girl complained.

"I feel very comfortable." Feiana said with a smile.

"Of course you are a water elf." Xiling replied.

"This is an anomalous change that occurred during the long-distance transmission. You'd better be careful." Enleco warned.

"It's not bad! I can actually see the essence of the whereabouts of Kaiqin Island." Kris rarely praised Enleco.

"Can Kaiqin Island tear the space for long-distance transmission?" Feiana asked in surprise, after all, even the singing bell couldn't make the whole long-distance transmission.

"I'm too lazy to answer." Chris said, the ball fell naturally in front of Enleco.

"Israel's long-distance transmission is probably not the same as the long-distance transmission in the usual sense. I guess, I am more specifically saying that it should be a special energy node composed of water for ultra-high speed gliding. Lecco said.

"Ha ha ha-my personal belongings are useful." Chris said with a sharp smile, this sentence embarrassed everyone.

"However, the transmission device of Ketchen Island was broken tens of thousands of years ago. It has been unable to determine its position and target, and can only jump between several energy nodes from time to time." Chris said suddenly.

"Why don't you fix it?" Xi Ling asked puzzled.

"Hehehe--because the guys living on Kaiqin Island are all a bunch of idiots." Chris said excitedly, but apparently she said this out of the resentment that she was exiled that year. .

Xi Ling gently pulled Lafiana's hand, and Fiana gave hints and responses. This was a tacit understanding that the two of them had practiced since childhood. The result of their discussion was to stay away from Kris as much as possible.

After all, in this place where she was once exiled, Her Royal Highness Princess is suddenly more likely than any other place.

When Xi Ling and Feiana negotiated properly, suddenly a huge shadow slowly rose in the thick fog.

If the giant dragon is already astonishingly large, then the scene that Xi Ling and Feiana see now is far hundreds of times greater than that giant dragon.

After all, this is a real island, a battleship built by ancient gods.

When Kaiqin Island appeared in front of everyone, the mist gradually dissipated. Obviously, the enchantment of dispersing water had already been placed on the island. Not only the mist but also the stagnant water on the island was completely eliminated.

When the fog cleared, Enleco found himself standing on the top of a balcony, and the others were on the square below.

When Enleko wanted to fly down, he suddenly heard a scream of horror.

Enleco looked back through the floor-to-ceiling windows and the thin curtains, and saw five or six girls holding their wands at themselves.

Seeing the red light shining from the top of the wand, Enleco immediately understood that it was not the right time to explain. Although he was not worried that the magic could hurt him, he would cause conflict when he arrived here, which was definitely not what he wanted.

What's more, his teacher's high princess's reputation is not good.

Thinking of here, Enleco jumped off the balcony.

A red fireball, a blue wind blade, and a blue ice scratched his spine across the sky.

After falling to the ground, Enleko immediately cast illusion magic to completely hide the figure. This was his special show. At first, he even suggested that Xi Ling and Fiana would use him to hide the figure with him and go to the Monta Kingdom.

The girls chased the window and looked around, but all they saw was Kris, Xiling and Feiana.

Xi Ling and Feiana gestured repeatedly to prove that the guy who had peeped at them on the balcony fled towards a side road.

After the girls thanked Xi Ling and Feiana, they returned to the room angrily.

"Don't you always be in trouble?" Chris glared coldly at Enleco.

If other people say this sentence, Enleco is absolutely willing to accept it, but this sentence comes out from the mouth of Her Royal Highness Princess, which can only make him stunned there.

It seems that the high princess is really not qualified to teach others.

Following sullenly behind Kris, Enleco walked towards the center of Ketchen Island.

Although I have heard Kate and Bertina describe the beauty and splendor of Ketchen Island, everything you hear cannot be compared with what you see.

Kaiqin Island can indeed be called a fairyland on earth. Looking at everything around him, Enleco couldn't help thinking of the singing bell.

There are trees everywhere. The buildings are covered by trees and various green vegetation, but those trees are not as cluttered and dense as in the forest. They and the buildings form an organic whole, although in Canerio There are also many trees. Although Weston, the father of the Kingdom of Reading, who has visited Golling designed and planned the magical city of Canerio according to the pattern of Golling, the city built by humans is after all to be inhabited. In the meantime, it is far from being able to form a harmonious and unified whole with nature like Ge Ling and here.

However, there are many differences between Kaiqin Island and Songling. The people who live in Songling are all elves. The elves have no family and no room. The lifestyle of the elves on the singing bells is closer to those of animals in nature. .

After all, Kaiqin Island is a place where humans and elves live together. After thousands of years, the elves gradually adapted to the human lifestyle.

Because of this, countless buildings have been built on Kaiqin Island, the whole island is a city, a strange and unimaginable city.

Looking at the magical city in front of him, Enleco's heart suddenly burst into heat.

At the beginning, if it was not because of the day when the trial began, I got up early and met Kate ’s teacher, Mr. McAllen, chairman of the New City Magic Association. It should have been a destination for him and his companions to try out.

If he went here instead of the laboratory that Teacher Chris built in the magic forest, maybe everything would change accordingly.

For a moment, Enleco didn't know whether he should be happy or sad. He glanced at Kris who was walking in front, and suddenly felt that there was a little more sadness.

Although he did not meet Chris, he could not have such a powerful strength, and even more so noble fame, maybe he would eventually return to his hometown to inherit his father ’s grocery store, but at least he can live a peaceful and happy life. Life, unlike now, he struggles every day on the edge of hell.

As soon as he thought of the torture that Kris had put on herself, and the fateful shackles that tied him and Kris tightly because of the wicked and evil monster Most, Enleco felt very sad. .

Since that incident, Enleco finally understood the full meaning of the prophecy given to him by the elder elder.

His life and future have indeed been completely controlled by Chris.

There is really nothing more miserable than this.

Enleco complained there.


When everything calmed down, the mist completely dissipated, and even when a mist was no longer visible in the surrounding waters, the pedestrians on the island gradually increased.

All the people here are wearing magician robes.

"Sophie has so many magicians?" Enlecco said in surprise.

Both Kris, Xiling and Feiana shook their heads helplessly. Enlecco's ignorance made them feel unbearable. As a magician, this guy didn't even understand the situation in his own country.

"There are probably more than two thousand magicians and more than three thousand elves on Kaiqin Island. In addition, there are nearly 15,000 ordinary people. They were the workers who built and repaired Kaiqin Island. Descendants, they have inherited the work of their ancestors for generations, and because of this, the island is fully self-sufficient in addition to the experimental materials. "Fianna whispered to Enleco's ear.

"But everyone here is wearing a magician's robe." Enlek said.

"Keqin Island is a bit different from other places. The earliest human immigrants on the island arrived here 2,300 years ago. At that time, the elves on Kaiqin Island had just separated from the elves of the Kingdom of Leding because of war The reason is that Kaiqin Island is badly damaged, and the elves are not good at repairing. Although they are wary of human immigrants, they finally received human assistance. "

"The descendants of those people all have extremely high magic talents, and many of them became the first founding ministers of the magic empire. Because of this, Sophie was able to be recognized by the magic empire as an independent county. Accept direct rule like elsewhere. "

"The reason is that in addition to Sophie's merits and many Sophie people in the bottom bureaucracy of the magic empire, the existence of Kefalonia is also a pinch for the magic empire. Strong shelter, and at that time there was no slight connection between the elves of Sing Ling and humans. "

"Because of this, more and more humans have moved to Kaiqin Island, and eventually built it into a special city. The years of the millennium make everyone here more or less have some magic potential, the so-called ordinary people call They can still do a small thing like a fireball to light wood, but it is difficult to achieve further achievements. "

"So everyone on Kaiqin Island is wearing a robe of a magician, but people below the trainee magician are not regarded as real magicians, of course you are the only exception." Tell Enleco what she knows.

"However, more than half of the magicians in the Sophie Kingdom come from ordinary people's families on these islands. After all, people living here are more likely to have magical potential. Kaiqin Island also allows humans and elves to live together. "Xi Ling interjected beside him.

"The" sinister "guy's idea elf family is simply impossible to accept." Feiana said disapprovingly.

Xi Ling shrugged her shoulders, she would never argue with Feiana on this matter.

Walking on the boulevard, Enleco, Xiling and Feiana thought that passers-by would recognize them soon, and Enleco even wondered how those people would flee in panic.

But to his surprise, the people around him turned a blind eye to them.

"How can no one recognize us?" Xiling couldn't help asking, apparently her thoughts were exactly the same as Enleco.

"Although I used to be a celebrity here, after all, I have been banished for many years. Now the guys who have impressed me are either transferred to other magic associations or promoted to teaching." Xiling was thinking about something, but she didn't care about it.

"By the way, I went to meet those guys and see how they reacted to my violation of the banishment order to come back here, hehehe—" Chris smiled excitedly, and they finally became the target of everyone.

But obviously no one recognized the identity of Her Royal Highness. Everyone regarded her as a mad woman, and immediately turned her head away from staring at her.

"You guys go shopping around yourself," Chris said excitedly, leaving three people behind.

Looking at the back of Kris away, Xi Ling said softly: "This guy obviously wants to get some prestige in front of the old rivals."

Enleco and Feiana nodded next to each other, and what kind of guy Kris really was.


Her Royal Highness is not around, which is definitely a good thing for the three of them, because they no longer need to feel constrained and afraid.

Walking on this island, it is like a fairyland on earth, with green trees, fragrant flowers, elegant and solemn buildings. Perhaps only the scenery of the heavens can transcend all of them in front of you. What makes Enleco happy Elves can be seen everywhere.

What envied him was that people and elves here lived in perfect harmony.

You can often see a few people and elves walking lightly on the avenue, or relaxing on the grass beside the road.

All this was a great shock to Feiana.

After all, the blood of the elves and humans flows in her body. In the song bell, she always feels that other elves are incompatible with her. Some of the blood in her body does not agree with her, which makes her feel unbearable. Sorrow and loneliness also made her more and more indifferent to everything around her until she met the playmate of Xiling.

But everyone here and the elves are so kind and harmonious, which makes Feiana suddenly feel a bit of jealousy. If she lived here in her childhood instead of the indifferent song bell, maybe she ...

Fianna prevented herself from continuing to think about it. After all, she now had the best friend and lover who loved her and cared about her.

Suddenly Feina felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy. The five people chatting in a circle beside a flower bed in the distance were also watching her.

This feeling is very strange, as if suddenly meeting a loved one in a strange environment.

Fianna looked closely at the five people who were about her age.

"Are you ... do you have elf and human bloodlines?" The girl headed among those asked tentatively.

Feiana finally understood why she was so interested in these people. This is a peculiar instinct of her kind: "Yes, I am a half-elf."

Suddenly she turned around and pointed to Xiling and Enleco. "These are my two good friends. We just arrived in Kaiqin Island today and we are not familiar with it."

"Welcome to you, and your friends to join us. I originally thought that there were a few half-elves of the same age on the island. Although there are still a few of them, they are all our senior teachers." The half-elf boy said, "My name is Jim."

The enthusiasm of the half-elves made Xiling and Enleco happy, but what made Enleco embarrassed was that the half-elves took them to the place where they received the robe of the magician.

The costumes of Feiana, Xiling and Enleco are aliens at a glance. Although aliens will not be discriminated on the island, it is indeed inconvenient. Most places on the island can only be accessed by magicians of a certain level , A robe of a qualified magician can often save a lot of trouble.

To everyone's surprise, Xi Ling and Feiana were not trainee magicians or magic apprentices as everyone expected. When the two of them came up with the proof of the median magician, the faces of the half-elves showed difficulty. Letters and envious expressions, the eyes of the two younger half-elves even had a look of admiration.

In fact, what surprised people most was not Fianna but Xiling. After all, Feiana was a half-elf, and half-elves possessed a talent far beyond ordinary people. This is already a well-known thing, and Xiling is not only older than Feifei. Anna Xiao, as an ordinary human, she was able to achieve such a superb level, and naturally surprised everyone.

Even the person who issued the magician's robe also claimed to praise "genius, great genius."

For this kind of thing, Xi Ling and Feiana have already experienced much, and they are not interested in it at all.

What's more, they knew very well that they were followed by a freak who was nothing but a magical apprentice.

Seeing Enleco put on that short, unremarkable white trial growth robe, Xi Ling immediately laughed at the side. This guy tried to embarrass Enleco whenever he had a chance. Sometimes, En Lecco really doubts, what is the bottom line of her relationship with him?

And Enleco was also surprised by the identity of Xiling and Feiana. He also did not expect Xile and Feiana to be the median magician. In case of danger, he or Chris always needs protection.

"Are we going to meet up, or find a quiet place to have a good chat?" Asked the half-elf girl led by Nia.

"Gather?" Xi Ling and Feiana looked at each other.

"Isn't he a trial student who came to complete the trial? I remember that the trial students are going to gather in the central square." Nia glanced at Enleco and said.

"Yeah, I forgot, okay, let's go quickly." Xiling coaxed beside her.

After staring at Xi Ling for a while, Enleco was planning to let the troubled little girl dispel her mischief. Suddenly, Feiana leaned into his ear and whispered, "Today is a good opportunity. On the island, I and Xiling helped me to find a way to let her pass you, so that once-in-a-lifetime opportunities were missed, they would not appear again. "

Enleco thought about it for sure.


The central square is the only city on the island that is closest to the human city. It is surrounded by high-rise buildings, especially a towering tower towering into the sky, although it is not like the **** tower in Vedsk. Endless courage, not as mysterious as the headquarters of the master, this tower is the most beautiful building seen by Enleco. The white walls are dotted with countless golden stars, and each floor is built. With a ring-shaped eaves, the tower looks slender and exquisite under the sunlight.

In the middle of the square stood a group of people, most of whom were of the same age as Enleco. Obviously they were the trainees.

There are at least twenty trainees. Enleco figured out that only the capital Sophie could send so many trainees.

Sina City is also a huge city, but the maximum number of magic apprentice trainees sent each year is no more than ten. Last year, there were only four of them.

"Go ahead and let the instructor sign your trial certificate, and you will truly become a magic apprentice through the trial." Jim the half-elf said to Enleco.

"Oh! My trial certificate was not brought with me." Enleco shrugged helplessly.

"How could it be? Didn't you do the trial with them?" The other half-elf said puzzledly: "Recently, only Sophie's trial students, and only the beginning of autumn Those batches of trial trainees have been born, so you won't be here for months. "

"Perhaps, he came from a small place, and he was the only one to participate in the trial." Jim didn't wait for Enleko to explain and then found him a reason.

"Oh, that's unfortunate, the more people there are, the more opportunities there are, and the worst one can try." Another half-elf immediately interjected.

Looking at these self-talking half-elves, Enleko shook his head helplessly in his heart. These half-elves did indeed inherit the blood of the elf family, and even their shortcomings were completely inherited.

"I'll help you get a trial certificate. This time the tutor An Kou is a good old man who speaks well." Jim the half-elf said.

"Yeah, if you can't find the instructor who was responsible for your trial on the island, you will be lucky, and the Ankou magician will definitely sign your certificate." The half-elf Nia headed kindly and kindly Enlightenment for Enleco.

Enlaiko shook his head helplessly and said heavily: "I know my trial instructor must be on the island because she brought me here."

"Wow! This is cheating. You are so lucky to have such a good mentor. She must have brought you here because you haven't found it in so much time. But rest assured, we are absolutely tight-lipped. Say it. "Half-elf Nia said softly.

Enlek was a little bit crying and laughing. There is really nothing more incredible in this world than saying that Her Royal Highness Princess Kris is a kind mentor.

Xi Ling and Fianna obviously think the same, as long as they look at their unbearable appearance.

Walking to the instructor who had to make white hair, Enleko carefully asked him to fill in a trial certificate for himself.

The appearance of Enleco obviously surprised the mentor and several assistants next to him, because there was no such a sudden trainee on the list.

In fact, no one knows where Enleco came from. There was no one who failed the trial in the record of last year's trial.

The original magic apprenticeship trial was not very difficult. As long as the luck was not too bad, or the trial was done by a single person, almost no one could pass the trial. Although the location of Kaiqin Island was erratic, but it was also a place to go around It won't take much time.

Although it was a bit strange to see Enleco, the mentor still gave Enleco a trial certificate.

This kind of thing happened a few times before. Some children wanted to be a magician, so they came to the island as impersonators.

For these children, in general, they will get what they want, at least let them stay in Kaiqin Island to learn magic.

Maybe it takes a certain qualification to find Kaiqin Island. These children who sneak on the island often have the talent to learn magic.

The peacemaker tutor didn't even mind signing the certificate, but Enleco didn't notice that he had lost such a good opportunity in vain.

Holding the trial certificate, Enleco returned to Feiana excitedly.

The smile on Enleco's face made Xiling and Feiana unbelievable.

"Do you need such excitement?" Xi Ling couldn't help but ask, in her opinion Enleco was really strange. Does he still need to care about a magic apprenticeship test certificate with his strength?

But others clearly don't think so.

"Probably this is your second trial." A half-elf asked.

"Yes." Enleco nodded.

"No wonder, this is your last chance." Said another half-elf.

"However, why can't you pass the trial? It's not difficult to find Kaiqin Island." Jim the Half-Elf asked, puzzled.

"Our trial content is not to find the island of Ketchin." Enleco said helplessly.

"You are not a student on the island, only the students on the island cannot find Kaiqin Island as a trial content." Another half-elf said in surprise.

"We were a little special that time," Enleco said quietly, and suddenly he remembered meeting the great magician of McCallen that morning.

"Can you tell us what your trial content is?" Half-elf Jim asked curiously.

"Go to the Magic Forest." Enleco said, and he never forgot that it was the road of trial that changed his life.

"Are you mistaken, who do you think you are? Are you the four sages? Does the guy who designed this trial content really make sense." Jim half-elf screamed, and the half-elves beside him nodded.

Although I have never heard of the names of the four sages, Enleco is absolutely sure that it refers to Kate, Jerry, Bertina and him.

However, he did not intend to clarify his identity. Maybe that would cause him a lot of trouble. Although he no longer has to worry about Princess Flanney hanging around him, it is better not to divulge his identity.

"What are the four sages?" Enleco wanted to conceal his identity, but Xi Ling, a guy who liked to play tricks, had to mess with him, she asked.

"You don't even know the four sages!" Said a half-elf in surprise.

"It's impossible not to know. At most, I haven't heard of this name." Nia said: "Jerry, the magic knight Kate, the virgin Bertina, the cursing mage Enleco, these four names are not Some people may not have heard of it, because they were originally trainees sent by the Xinna City Magic Association, so they were called the four sages of Xin Na. "

"Have you seen the four sages?" Xi Ling asked badly.

"I'm not so lucky, but Kacha has seen that she participated in the closing ceremony of the four sages trial, which was held at the Sophie Magic Association headquarters." Niya said, her tone full of regret.

The half-elf called Kacha was a shy but slender girl. She said with great admiration: "That scene is so grand, the atmosphere is unbelievably warm, and all the high-level magicians in the Magic Association are present. The Naga Magisters personally presided over the ceremony. "

"All the people who came to attend the ceremony that day were all big figures, Her Majesty the King and Queen, Her Majesty the Pope, Her Royal Highness the Princess and the Prince, countries even sent special envoys, and the spacious auditorium of the headquarters was filled with people. Listen to my teacher. Even if the ceremony in which he was awarded the title of Grand Magician was far less grand. "

Jim the Half-Elf immediately said: "That is a matter of course. There are so many magicians in the world, but there are only four such magic apprentices. It is a matter of course to hold a grand ceremony."

"Yeah, that Saint Lady Bertina is the heir to the next generation of the Pope, and Mr. Enleko is a cursed magister who is proficient in more than three types of cursed magic. The second person can be qualified to preside over such a ceremony. "Half-elf Niya interjected.

"It's a pity that at that ceremony Mr. Enlaiko, the forbidden mage, didn't show up, hi--" Kacha sighed a long time, his voice full of regret and helplessness.

"You have seen at least three of the four sages, and none of us have seen it." Said the other half-elf.

"Kate, did they all pass the trial?" Enlek said excitedly.

The half-elves didn't know why Enleco was so excited, and all nodded in a daze.

Seeing the affirmative answer, Enlecco was indeed very happy. Since Kate had obtained the signature of Teacher Kris, she should have no problem.

"Want to go to the celebration of those magic apprentices?" Nia asked gleefully.

"Can we also go?" Xi Ling and Feiana asked with a wink. Whether it was Sophie or Leding, the celebration ceremonies of magic apprentices have always been very interesting. Party of students.

"Do you have any troublesome people here?" Xi Ling asked excitedly.

"Yes, the seniors who presided over the celebration this year are notoriously fond of people on the island." Jim nodded.

"Have you ever suffered?" Xi Ling asked with a grin.

"It's okay, he was only cast in illusion." Nia said with a smile, the other half-elves smiled back and forth, obviously the truth is not that simple.

"If you are turned into a pig, you can laugh." Jim said uneasily.

"Oh-I'm sorry, but I'm a girl, and the school sisters only tease boys." Niya said with a smile.

"You have to be careful." Xiling patted Enleco gently on the shoulder.


As the half-elves said, the celebration ceremony is indeed quite grand, but imagine that the Sophie Kingdom holds a banquet for the magicians every month, you can fully understand all this.

The magician was originally the most precious resource of any country, and was naturally favored by all parties. Even these trainees who have just become magic apprentices can enjoy the hospitality that ordinary people can hardly enjoy.

The trainees had already happily put on the robe of the magic apprentice.

The red apprentice robe does look much prettier than the trial growth robe.

However, the mid-enchanted robe of Xi Ling and Feiana made everyone envious. The collar of the mid-enchanted robe was sewed with a gold ring, and the dark blue pattern with silk lining appeared dignified and elegant.

Almost everyone in the hall looked at the two of them with envious eyes. In this place, Xi Ling and Feiana were obviously the highest.

In particular, Xi Ling is the object of envy, because her age is younger than most people here. Such an age has such achievements, and it is naturally enviable and admirable.

Because of this, even the half-elves who accompanied them seemed to have light on their faces.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked by a calendar.

"Just that guy, that **** guy."

"I guess he is just a trainee."

"Let's see where you are going."

As soon as the words fell, the four girls encroached on Enlaike in a fierce manner.

"Hey, today is a celebration, there is no need to make the atmosphere so nervous." A young girl walked slowly beside her, with a strange smile on her face.

Enleco is very familiar with this kind of smile. Whenever Xiling wants to play a prank, she always wears such a smile.

"That's true."

"Let's have some fun."

"Welcome to the island, you will be our junior in the future, we will take good care of you."


The four girls surrounded him and said with a smile.

"It's over, he obviously provokes the least worthy person." Jim lowered his voice close to Xi Ling's ear.

"Are you going to help him?" Xi Ling glanced at Feiana.

"He will be used to it. This is a test that every magic apprentice must go through." Feiana said disapprovingly, her mouth also with a weird smile.

Enleco was surrounded by the five girls, and the other magic apprentices ran away from a distance. They were very fortunate for the hapless guy as a scapegoat.

In fact, each of them already knows what they will meet at the celebration conference, and even know which seniors are the most dangerous characters.

Seeing these dangerous characters target Enleco as a target, they suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Eat something first." The girl in charge said with a small smile, she was obviously the leader of all people, and she was also the highest rank. She won the title of the next magician at her age, which was quite remarkable.

"Yeah, it's true that you have to eat more, otherwise how can you support it after a while?" Said the girl behind her with bad intentions.

Enleco knew he was in trouble again, but this time he was really wrong.

"I can explain, I can completely explain." Enleco said panicly.

"Hi-what else to explain! You will be our junior in the future, and we will take good care of you." The girl led said and pinched Enleco's cheek, although she looked soft and elegant. , But the strength is definitely not small.

Seeing that the headed girl started to work, the other girls also started.

For a moment, Enleco's cheeks were covered with red and colorful spots.

"The technique is too rough, and there is no creativity." Xiling said in the distance while shaking her head.

"Yeah, I can't compare with you and me at all." Feiana nodded and said.

The words of the two made the half-elves next to them startled.

"You must also be a" celebrity "," Nia blinked and said, "But I have never heard of your deeds."

"That's because we just came to Sophie, and the two of us are really famous in Redding." Xi Ling said with a smile.

"Riding, then you are from the city of the sky." Half-elf Jim pointed to Fiana and said in surprise.

"It's far less interesting here," Fianna said with a shrug.

"Are there any elders on the song bell?" The other half-elf asked curiously.

"Of course, the elders lead the elves, and they have never been cut off for tens of thousands of years." Feiana said.

Then there was a cry of exclamation in the distance, and he looked at Enlaiko, who was sandwiched by the girls, and looked very embarrassed. Feanna turned back and said: "There are few half-elves like me in Redding. Less, there are many here. The elves and people on Kaiqin Island live very harmoniously with humans! "

"Most of the elves here choose to live with humans in a humanized image, which is naturally susceptible to human influence." Niya said.

"Why?" Feanna said in surprise.

"After becoming a humanoid, you have a better chance to get those things you like! In fact, it is very convenient to distinguish between elves and humans, as long as they go to their house, they are filled with all kinds of messy things, like A warehouse usually doesn't even have a place to sleep, it must be the elven's home. "Jim sighed.

"Your family must be like this." Feiana said with a smile.

"All of us people's homes are like this, so I prefer to live in a dormitory." Jim said with a wry smile and shook his head. The other half-elves were also wry smiles there, obviously they were all in the same situation.

There was again a cry of exclamation in the distance, and apparently Enleco was in trouble again.

The people turned around and saw where Enleco was sitting, now squatting on a pink pig wearing a red apron with a bow tie.

"Hehe--the idea is not great, but the pig looks cute." Xiling said with a big smile.

"Yeah, especially the bow tie, in my opinion, it's a perfect match with that guy." Feianna smirked, she winked at Xiling mysteriously.

This time Xi Ling couldn't help it anymore, and she suddenly wore the same bow when she jumped out of the Enleco women's dress.

"Aren't you going to help him?" Jim asked quietly.

"He doesn't care, why should we intervene." Xi Ling said disapprovingly.

"How is it possible? No one wants to be humiliated like this." Jim argued, which reminded him of the teasing he had received two years ago. The most embarrassing thing was that he never found himself turned into a pig from beginning to end. .

"Relax, it's nothing for him at all, and if he wants to resist, he has already cracked his illusion." Xiling said with a smile.

"How is this possible, he is just a trainee." Jim is really hard to believe.

"There is nothing impossible, he is a strange guy, quite strange." Xi Ling said with a smile.

At this time, a loud noise suddenly came from the other side of the auditorium.

What made Xiling and Feiana all thrilled was the harsh, sharp laugh.

There is only one person with this sign in this world, it is Her Royal Highness Princess Chris.

As Xi Ling and Feiana expected, Kris walked out of the crowd like the stars holding the moon.

A dozen high-level magicians beside her surrounded her, among them there are white-haired old men and high-quality women, but everyone smiled all over the face, touting the long princess with humility Your Highness.

Seeing the dozen or so magicians around Kris continually speaking beautiful words, Xiling and Feiana glanced at each other.

"The people here know very well how to deal with the high princess." Xi Ling said coldly.

"It must have been the trick taught to them by the slippery Jerry among the four sages." Feiana said with a smile.

"Don't forget that there is Kate, the magic knight. He is also a guy who knows how to see the wind." Xiling said.

Hearing these two words, you criticized two of the four sages mercilessly, and the half-elves were stunned.

Not only that, the actions of those high-level magicians also shocked them.

In fact, it is difficult for them to understand why these high-ranking and virtuous magicians should be so low-priced to greet this apparently crazy woman. Fortunately, they soon got the answer.

Only the half-elf Kacha screamed: "That's Her Royal Highness Princess Chris, the trial instructor of the four sages."

For Her Royal Highness Princess Chris, the people on Kaiqin Island will never be unfamiliar.

Her strength and her madness have long been a household legend on Kaiqin Island.

Almost every Sophie regards the high princess as the patron saint of Sophie's kingdom.

However, for the residents of Kaiqin Island, it is more appropriate for the high princess than to be called the patron saint.

Seeing her teacher coming out, Enleco no longer dared to let that illusion cover her, in case Chris thought that his dress would destroy her reputation, it would be terrible, even if Chris thought it was interesting, the same It's also a bad thing.

Maybe one day she was whimping to make her play Feinaxia then play pink pig.

Dispelling the illusion magic on his fingertips, Enlek broke free from the girls around him.

In front of the many teachers, the girls did not dare to be arrogant and had to watch the prey in their hands break free, but to their surprise, the silly prey went straight towards Her Royal Highness.

"Are you here too?" Chris asked, looking at Enlek.

"Yes, I ... I would like to ask you to sign the trial certificate." Enleco said uncomfortably, saying that Enleco handed the blank certificate in his hand to Chris.

Kris' eyes glared, and Enlecco flinched back immediately.

"I haven't recognized that you passed the trial." Chris said coldly.

"So why did you sign Bertina with them?" Enlecco said cautiously.

Kris apparently complained about this matter, but she waved her hand and said, "That's because Naga, and my brother kept saying good things to them. I have to give them a face anyway."

Suddenly she pointed at Enleco's nose and scolded: "As for you, you are completely different. Don't forget that you are my personal belongings, I can say the final word." A string of harsh words followed. Sharp laughter.

Enlecco stepped back aside in despair, and he sat back among the young girls, and he felt very depressed.

But no one dared to come to comfort him, because now no one can guess Enreco's true identity.

Unlike the other three of the four magic apprentices, UU reads www. Not all of Enleco's reputation is admirable and admirable.

When he had n’t been envoy to the Kingdom of Kaoqi, he was called one of the six shame of the Magic Association because of that embarrassing mistake, and he was alongside his two teachers Victor and Kris On it.

And his identity as Her Royal Highness Princess Chris' personal belongings seems to have been accepted by the world. Even if his subsequent fame is in the sky, people still often talk about his series of jokes.

Looking at the proud high princess, and Enleco, who was sitting there dejectedly, everyone closed their mouths in surprise.

The most shocked were the half-elves and the five girls who had teased him.

Suddenly there was a "thump" in the auditorium, and half-elf Jim had collapsed to the ground. Obviously he could not bear such a strong stimulation.

The five young girls sitting next to Enleco also wished they could immediately faint, because that would make them feel better.

Quietly above the auditorium, only Kris laughed with pride.

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