Magic Apprentice

Chapter 179: Counterattack

The city of Statt used to be so prosperous. Although the city has a population of less than 100,000, because this is one of the most important military ports in the Kingdom of Kaoqi, the command headquarters throws a lot of money here every year.

Because of this, the residents of Port Statt have always lived a life of worry-free clothing and food, and even built their homes with a warm and peaceful taste with the relaxed mood and remaining money.

This port city not only has the magnificent churches and city halls that other cities have, it even has a large library and a museum.

But at the moment these beautiful buildings, once magnificent, have turned into a pile of rubble.

This city, which had no high walls, was surrounded by a pile of bricks and rubble.

On the farther side are thick earth walls and a wide and deep trench.

Two dams were built at the two ends of the trench, and the gate made of thick wooden boards blocked the sea water on the outside.

In addition to the wall and the deep trench, another feat of the Montita occupiers was the demolition of almost all houses in the city.

All the wood and metal were dismantled, and even the deputy of the stairs was not let go.

The city is full of houses that are not covered by doors and windows, making it even more ruined and desolate, as if it were a real ruin.

Many more houses were destroyed and pushed down, and the debris was piled up into a series of criss-crossing walls and trenches.

This is undoubtedly the most rudimentary fortification, and they are even more shabby and rough compared to the fortresses made of mud on the Montita grassland.

But those who saw this arrangement with their own eyes were all amazed by the heart. They were able to arrange Port Start into such a fortress and battlefield in just three days. The cruel designer is undoubtedly very difficult to deal with Characters.

This kind of thought is haunting Hagero at the moment.

This arrangement also made those staff members frown.

There was absolutely no such a strong fortress in their plan.

The moment of the attack is coming, and they cannot be tolerated to change their combat plans.

The only person with a smile on his face is the Supreme Majesty, but anyone can see that there is a trace of bleakness and helplessness in his smile.

"Do you still have the confidence to make the whole city ignited? I haven't even seen a tree on the streets of this city. What worries me is the empty doors and windows. I even doubt it. The Monteta people probably even pried away the wooden floor in the house. "The emperor said with a wry smile.

"Now it is too late to change the plan, even though the effect of arson may be much lower than the goal of our plan, but compared with continuing to delay, giving the Montita people more time to prepare, and now continue according to the original plan Going on, the losses suffered are much smaller. "Haigeello glanced at the dark night sky and said.

"You are an expert in warfare, and control is under your control." Hokors III said calmly.

"To be honest, I have a very nasty feeling. Seeing this arrangement reminds me involuntarily of your weird wife."

"This arrangement is exactly the same as the guy with a bad personality. This city is like a huge trap, but it makes me have to take this huge risk." Haigeello said angrily.

His Majesty the Emperor was obviously shocked, because he knew very well the unknown talent that Hagrid had.

"If you feel bad, I don't mind delaying the battle a little bit. I don't seem to choose another fiasco in order to avoid a fiasco." Hokors III frowned.

"My hunch is not so bad, I just think it will never be an easy battle." Haigeello said with a sigh.

"Let the first squad prepare to go." The majestic commander ordered to the commanders of the standing legion around him: "Send a message to the lurkers hiding in the harbor, and prepare them to intercept everything from the harbor. The evacuated vessel. "

"Let the second squad pay attention to patrol and launch an attack as soon as the target is found. No matter how many air battleships the other party has, they must also face the attack, disrupt the formation of the enemy, give us all time to react, and try to make the enemy as possible Suffering heavy losses is the responsibility of the second team. "

"This is a very dangerous task, accompanied by death at any time, and because of this, no one of us can absolutely make the efforts of the second team in vain."

"The first wave of attacking corps is also the most dangerous death mission, and the most violent attacks will bear them again."

"I have already arranged someone who is eager to make up for the most dangerous task."

"According to the planned plan, the seventh squadron of the Holy Knights will be attacked immediately afterwards. You are the main force of this battle."

"I believe that this fortress, so sturdy and strangely arranged, must have hidden heavy killers, and your mission is also accompanied by death."

"However, I will let the three teams of the Knights of the Blast Knight follow you closely, and they will dance with you to death with you."

"I believe that everyone here already has the consciousness of death, maybe this is our last fight."

"But at least I will try my best to win the victory before death."

Speaking of which, Haigeello glanced at the sky again, and then he waved his hand and ordered, "Let's go."


In the dark night sky, thirty-six air battleships were flying above the clouds.

At a glance from here, the thick clouds look like a rough sea.

The dim moonlight sprinkled on top of the clouds, as if phosphorescent.

But at the moment, Haigeello sitting in the cabin was not interested in enjoying the night view outside the window.

His attention was focused on the magician sitting cross-legged in the middle of the cabin.

Unlike Milinda ’s command, Hagero has always liked to lead the way. He likes to raid, and he likes to steer the war horse into the enemy group suddenly, giving them a sense of fatal blow.

But flying in the air like this at the moment, walking in the Corps is the strongest, for him, it is a brand new experience.

This battleship is undoubtedly the best mount, but Hagero doesn't feel the kind of **** feeling that was on the battlefield in the past.

I don't know why he suddenly longed for the feeling of losing the fierce battle, but he also knew very well that the era of winning and defeating on the war horse with superb martial skills and sharp swords is gone forever.

Just as he was immersed in the memories of the past, and the memory of the most splendid era of the knight who never returned, a military priest on the front side said softly: "Master Duke, the captain of the first team reports to you, We have already entered the outer side of the Monti people monitoring the magic barrier, and he asked you if we want to break through the barrier? "

Hagero didn't even think about it, and immediately reprimandedly said: "Since he is the captain, he should perform his duties. Is he going to let me replace him as the captain of this first team?"

The warrior priest naturally understood how to respond to the ignorant squad leader, and he turned his head back.

At this moment in the clouds, another team of more than 70 air battleships was quietly waiting for orders.

The captain who had just been reprimanded frowned, thinking for a moment.

"Ask the Lord Duke again, have they already discovered the Montitas' air battleship?" The captain, despite all the surprise, was a warrior priest.

After a while, the warrior priest finally let down a little. Apparently, the prince did not feel any displeasure at this inquiry. He quickly said: "The prince said that so far, there is no evidence to prove that Monti Tower Human air battleships are cruising around, but just in case, the Duke advises us to still lay the magic surveillance barrier around as planned. "

Hearing this sentence, the magician in the middle of the center frowned and said, "In this way, we may be completely exposed."

The captain thought for a moment, and said decisively: "According to the commander-in-chief's suggestion, a magical surveillance barrier is laid down. A large fleet like ours, even if it is hidden in the clouds, cannot be found at all."

"Rather than being suddenly attacked by the Montitas, it is better to break in with openness, even if those Montitas react, we have enough time to choose the countermeasures."

Speaking of which, the captain officially gave the order to attack.

I saw the dozens of battleships making a harsh buzzing sound.

It was like the sound of thousands of bees puffing their wings, tearing the thick cloud into tears almost instantly.

Those huge and powerful warships, like the air battleships of the Montaita Kingdom, were generally arranged in a neat array.

Although the number of air battleships in the Kingdom of Kaoqi at this moment is far from comparable to the scene a few days ago, the powerful appearance is no less than the blackness of the hundreds of warships in the Kingdom of Montyta.

These huge air battleships with thick shells seem to be the members of the Holy Knights wearing heavy armor, holding a broad shield, and riding a strong and powerful horse.

Perhaps this is a continuation of the contest between the heavy armored cavalry of the Kingdom of Kaoqi and the light unicorn of the Kingdom of Monty.

"Tell me the height of the clouds?" The captain asked.

"Almost 800 meters."

"What about the thickness of the clouds?" The captain asked again.

"It's thick and dense."

"Okay, let's attack according to the original plan, order, the team advances at full speed, order the patrol ship Falcon Eye, who is the forward, to be alert to the surroundings at any time, and Falcon Beak will attack first and assign us a target.

As the order was issued, all air battleships flew through the clouds and mist towards the distant port of Stutter.

At the forefront of the queue, the two ships are much smaller, appear extremely slim, and look exactly like the flagship of the Duke of Hagerello, with a strange warship with a huge dorsal fin on top.

Even the slender and sharp tip thorns are almost the same. The only difference is probably the volume.

At the moment these warships broke through the magical surveillance barrier, the magician responsible for monitoring the surroundings of Port State immediately noticed the menacing fleet.

In fact, they had foreseen that they might be attacked since last night, because none of the Harrier Eagles they sent to investigate the situation returned.

The magician jumped up, and he pulled the thick rope hanging under the bell tower.

The harsh bell awakened the Montita soldiers who had been immersed in the sound of dreams.

From the few remaining complete blocks, the awakened Montita soldiers took their weapons and ran towards the front of the position.

Among these soldiers, there are even many elderly people and weak patients. It is these people who are guarding this port city with no escape route.

They did not even wear the machete used by the Montitas.

The huge crossbow and the limited number of arrows are the strongest weapons they have.

In addition to this, the bows and arrows they used to be compared to the huge and heavy crossbows. This bow, which is obviously much less powerful, is the weapon that really makes these people in the Montetta grassland feel kind. .

Because of this, even if they die, they will have to carry this companion with them throughout their lives.

These old or weak soldiers got into the ruined houses.

Every house here and every fence has been kept in mind for them.

This is their position, and it will also be their grave.

Under the darkness of the night, the empty door without doors and the black lacquered window seemed to be a devil with a mouth wide open from the Nine Nether Abyss, ready to devour life and flesh.

The entire Port Statt is also a ghost town built in the realm of death, full of suffocating breath of death.

The surrounding wall, made up of messy bricks and rubble, looks strange and mysterious in the darkness covered by the dark.

Several teams of Montitas were lying on top of this ruined and rudimentary wall, and the huge and heavy giant crossbow in their hands was pointing directly at the place covered by night in front of them.

These Montita soldiers have long remembered their duties.

What they have to do is not to guard the ruined and defensive line. This wall, which is more than three meters high and is made of mud and debris, can at most hinder the progress of the Kaoqi people.

What they need is this short pause, the crowd that is crowded together, and it is their deadly but extremely precious arrows that are the best targets to attack.

As for the other soldiers, they hide in countless broken houses.

These houses have already been repaired in advance, and those towering buildings that will block the realization of the rest will be destroyed and leveled.

The houses in the front row have been neatly cut off one floor, so that the houses in the back row can clearly see the situation in front.

It was like a ladder and a wave-like position, full of arrows missing from the darkness.

Anyone who enters the battlefield waiting for it will undoubtedly be turned into flesh and blood in a roar.

Just as the Monteta soldiers entered their positions, suddenly a more and more harsh buzz came from the sky.

To everyone's surprise, they actually saw a huge flying boat of the Kaoqi people, pierced towards the place under the dark night.

These Montyta soldiers have never seen such a suicidal combat style. The airships they often see are always at a height that is difficult to hit with crossbows. They shoot the infinitely powerful arrows and have never landed so low Height, it is simply taking risks with life.

Although the huge airship of the swift Kaocchi was undoubtedly the most tempting target, the Montita soldiers still withstood the urge to shoot the arrow tightly attached to the string.

Because they know very well, they must not be able to waste any precious arrow in vain, they must be used in the most effective place.

When the Kaoqi flying boat swept over the port like a gust of wind, suddenly a myriad of burning fireballs fell from the flying boat.

Unlike ordinary fireballs, this series of dozens of huge fireballs has a strange green color.

In the darkness, the green flame was so conspicuous, as if a little phosphorous rose in the cemetery.

But these green flames did not cause much catastrophe. They did not seem to spread easily, and they seemed to be of no use at all except for being conspicuous.

Just as the soldiers above the position felt baffled by this, suddenly a buzzing sound came from above the head.

But this time it was a buzzing noise, and under the darkness of the night, it was impossible to see how many giant Kaoqi flying boats were flying towards here.

This time the Kaoqi giant's giant airship did not mean to lower the altitude.

With a very slight "boom" sound, the dazzling fire light and the burning fire immediately made the originally dark night bright.

The deafening roar completely broke the tranquility of the night.

The roaring sound became one piece, and the number of arrows dropped on the ground was so large that the explosion of fire was so dense that it even surpassed the grand occasion when the flying boat of the kingdom of Montyta launched an attack.

In addition to the roar of explosions, the sound of buildings collapsing can be heard everywhere, as well as the crackling sound of the flying bricks and stones hitting the surrounding ground and houses.

Under such a dense arrow loss and explosion, the city of Stuttgart was like an iron plow pulled by a huge wild cow with a crazy hair, and the houses that collapsed and collapsed in the explosion were like that. Soft soil that turns after being ploughed.

When the roar of the explosion gradually subsided, when the Montita soldiers hiding in the ruins of the rudimentary trenches and rubble thought that the attack had ended, suddenly countless red fireballs fell from the sky like raindrops.

As soon as these fireballs fell onto the ground, they immediately shattered and turned into a circle of fire covering a few meters.

Almost for a moment, Port Statt was engulfed in fires everywhere.

The only thing that is thankful is that the trees on the street have been uprooted. This was originally the Monti people's treasure of wood, but now it has become the key to their life.

Although the burning fire covered the whole city, it did not spread everywhere. This is definitely the most worthy thing for the Montita people.

But there are still countless houses turned into burning fires, and the wooden pillars left in the middle of the wall were ignited under the fire and burning of the fireball.

There were shaking figures all over the street. The soldiers who were forced to flee the burning fire were looking for a new hiding place, and smearing the holy water of life they carried on the burned wounds.

When there was a panic underneath, among those Kaoqi people's air battleships under the high clouds, a news that worried them came.

The patrol ship responsible for monitoring all the movement around him suddenly discovered that an alarmingly large group of Montita warships was approaching here.

The speed of these Montatian air battleships is getting faster and faster.

This extremely bad news was immediately delivered to Hagrid's ears who had always been quietly above the clouds.

He frowned, his eyes fixed on the map spread over the simple table case.

He kept playing with an extremely slender compass in his hands.

A straight line was drawn on the drawing, and at one end of the line there was a short arc drawn with a compass.

Hagero tapped gently on the place where the two thin lines intersected with each other, and then Shinshu drew a circle around it.

"Where is the second squad now?" Haigeello asked, looking so majestic.

"The second team is 300 kilometers north of our west." The front of the cabin responded immediately.

"How long does it take for them to rush to intercept the Montatian fleet, in addition to telling me, when the second squad arrives, how fast will the Montatian air battleship reach?" Hagero Commanded.

This time, the response was obviously much slower. After a while, someone replied: "Because we estimated in advance that the Montatian hidden fleet was wrong, the second team left the Montatian fleet. For a considerable distance, it was at least an hour before they were able to intercept the Montatian fleet. At that time, the Montatians were probably about to reach the Statt, and their speed would be the fastest. "

After hearing this report, Haigeello thought for a long time, he picked up the pen and compass again and drew it on the map.

After a while he raised his head and ordered, "Issue the second squad to direct them to the south 220 west 170 position to meet me."

"Issue the first squad so that they will return home immediately and detour to the second berth."

"The fourth squad was given an order to unload their attack equipment and detour into the north 100 east 150 position for a feint attack."

"Give the fifth squad an order to make a detour to the south 100 east 100 position. Once the Montita fleet was attracted to leave by the fourth squad, they immediately attacked Port Statt as originally planned."

After completing the series of commands, Hagero frowned and looked at the mirror plate above his head.

"Order the various regiments to speed up the pace, the Montita warships are faster than expected." Hagero made the final order.


At the moment, Port Statt, enveloped by the fire, was fighting tenaciously.

The magicians summoned heavy rain, but this did work for the ordinary fire, but when the whole city was burned in the fire, this rain obviously could not completely extinguish the flame.

Seeing the soaring firelight shining the night brightly, Sisilia standing in the distance on a mirror-like smooth and flat sea water, there was a urge to exert her power to make this blazing flame Turn off as soon as possible.

However, she never dared to exert any power, or even let others know her existence.

Because she knew very well that an extremely dangerous enemy was lurking under her feet.

This may be a coincidence, but it is inevitable.

The back of Port Statt is blocked by the huge rough wall, and its only gateway is the winding bay.

No one will ignore this most critical point, and this sea surface is not conducive to the deployment of heavy soldiers.

Except for putting magicians with extraordinary strength here, there is obviously no second option.

For this is the most crucial thing, whether it is Kaoqi or Montita will naturally put the strongest power here.

The only thing that pleased Sisilia was that what was lurking here was not the evil mage Trod, who made her feel the most headache, and she could hardly find any countermeasures to deal with, but she was more familiar with Drechs.

Cecilia also had a headache for the strange and weird magic of Drechs, but she was more or less able to cope.

There is no other way than when encountering the evil mage Trod.

One thing that made Sisilia happy was that Drechs obviously chose the wrong battlefield.

This vast ocean is undoubtedly the easiest place for her to exert her strength.

Although he didn't dare to use powerful magic powers, Sisilia had already begun to arrange it.

She is quietly arranging the ocean into a net.

The pouring heavy rain kept falling on the streets and alleys of Stutter City, and the scorching flame turned the rainwater into a steaming mist.

There was a scorching breath everywhere in the air, and the mist made the fire dim and blurred.

Under the unremitting efforts of those magicians, the flame gradually extinguished, and the night once again prevailed.

At this moment, the bell that foretold the enemy's attack rang again.

Those magicians flew into the clouds in a panic, obviously for them, this is also the safest place.

But soon the Montita people calmed down, and with a noisy buzz, countless black shadows flew over the city of Statt under the shadow of the hazy fire.

Cheers suddenly rang through this shimmering city. For the Monti people, they were very familiar with the sound that made them feel very proud.

The magicians landed again from above the clouds, and they continued to cast magic, summoning the rain to extinguish the flames.

The Montita soldiers also helped, and they were busy extinguishing all the flames on the street.

Suddenly there was another bell ringing, but this time neither the soldiers nor the magicians were as nervous and flustered as they were because they had already seen the fleet that made them proud and proud above the city of Statt.

Every Montita believes that their thousands of airships can easily wipe out all their opponents.

But the urgent bell did not stop at all, and even became more and more rapid. In the rapid bell, there seemed to be a trace of anxiety and anxiety.

Gradually the Montita soldiers stopped the fire-fighting work, and their hearts gradually became uneasy.

Just when everyone does not know how to do it because of doubts and hesitation.

Suddenly, accompanied by a piercing "babble" sound, countless thunders fell on this port city again.

Many soldiers could not even pick up their weapons before they were swallowed up by this intensive explosion.

But this time more explosions and roars gathered on that crude line of defense.

Many soldiers were too late to hide in trenches and potholes, and were blown away by the dense thunder.

The screams were one after another, but what really scared the Montita soldiers was the deep roar from the deafening roar, from the distant cry of killing.

In addition to that, it was the dull sound of horseshoes, and the soldiers even felt the ground trembling slightly.

The real fight is finally about to begin.

Although the soldiers wanted to occupy the most advantageous position as soon as possible before the attack, the dense explosion and the fire that covered the simple wall made them unable to move.

All they can do is listen to the horseshoes that are getting closer.


In the air, the successful Kaoqi Air Fleet launched all the explosive and incendiary bombs in the shortest time.

They obviously couldn't be as unhurried as the first wave of attacking fleets. After all, behind them was a huge fleet of Montyta rushing towards them.

The only way they could get rid of the Montita fleet was to fly away from the port of Statt as soon as possible before this terrible chaser arrived.

After being pretended to be a feint, the Montita fleet did not dare to have the same omission again and was attacked again.

What's more, the Montyta Fleet is absolutely impossible to watch the fierce attacks launched on the ground without being impressed.

As the captain of the attacking fleet was planning how to escape from the chase unscathed, he suddenly heard the magician in charge of monitoring the surroundings and said in an anxious voice, An amazing number of Montita air fleets were found ahead, and they were rushing towards us at the fastest speed. "

"Is it possible to escape if we change direction?" The captain asked.

There was a moment of silence in the cabin, and after a while someone replied: "At the speed of the Monti, we have no possibility of escaping from their pursuit."

The captain didn't even think about it, and immediately shouted: "Command each captain to break up the battle formation and escape the pursuit in the direction and route they think may escape."

He paused for a while and then said: "I will communicate my decision to the Duke of Hagerloh and wish me the captains for me to wish them a smooth escape from the pursuit."

Having said all this, the captain was silent, and there was also silence in the cabin.

The captain's decision reached Hagero a minute later.

The young commander was silent for a long while, then sighed and said: "Send my condolences to the captain of my fifth squad and say I am praying for him and wish him a safe return.

At this point, he sighed again and muttered to himself: "Damn, I actually lost such an excellent fleet."

He glanced out the window and said coldly: "Let the second squad come to join me as soon as possible, and we will give some small rewards to those Montitas."

In the other direction, above the other battlefield, there are fighting sounds and roaring after another.

The flashing flames tore the knights riding on the warhorse together with the heavy armor they wore into pieces.

But the same explosion also landed on the position on the side of Montita.

Most of the houses in the front row have collapsed, and there are ruins everywhere, which have been turned into ruins.

Several points of that simple wall had collapsed, but Kaoqi's soldiers didn't mean anything at all, and wanted to squeeze into a narrow gap.

What had happened on the Montita grassland had already made them remember what it meant when they were crowded together, which was enough to destroy everything.

Across this wall, the soldiers on both sides were stalemate, each projecting the deadly thunder towards each other.

With this rudimentary wall and the intertwined wave-like lines of defense, the Montatians clearly have some advantages.

What's more, there are those flying boats in the air that constantly shoot deadly arrows at the deadly fighting Kaoqi Corps on the ground.

For the Kaoqi people, they are several times the number of the Monti people, giving them an absolute advantage.

Suddenly a loud horn spread across the battlefield that was trembling in the roar.

This was obviously the command of the general attack. The soldiers of the Kaoqi Kingdom seemed to be crazy, holding a large shield and rushing forward, and behind them, those soldiers who had not launched an attack, fired all their hands desperately Arrow lost.

At the moment, these shooters simply don't care about aiming, they are attacking aimlessly.

The dense arrow lost almost every inch of land at the front of Montyta's position.

The buildings were all razed to the ground, piles of bricks were scattered everywhere, and there was almost no standing wall within two hundred meters.

This crazy attack also caused the ruined wall to collapse everywhere, but even then it still lay in front of the Kaoqi people.

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Kaoqi climbed up the fence, most of them were killed by the arrows of the Montyta who were approaching and died on the newly broken position.

However, those who succeeded the Kaoqi eventually occupied the forefront of this ruin.

Just as the follow-up regiment planned to advance from the breakthrough into the city, a scream came suddenly from afar.

I saw the surging waves flooded here from both sides.

The soldiers who had just climbed to the generals were immediately swallowed up by the torrent.

Even more miserable are the soldiers standing at the bottom of the deep trench, who were knocked down to the ground by a huge wave in a blink of an eye.

The extremely heavy armor once made these soldiers escape the fatal explosion that fell beside them, but at this moment they were firmly pressed against the bottom of the river.

Few people were lucky enough to climb back ashore from the water.

The soldiers who rushed into the city were also shocked by this sudden change.

However, they were even more shocked that they suddenly discovered that their retreat had been completely cut off, and their support was unable to keep up for a while.

While their hearts were full of panic and fear, suddenly with a dense burst of "咻咻" breaking into the air, countless arrows were shot towards them.

The front of the position was once again shrouded in explosions and flames.

This time, huge casualties fell on the side of Kaoqi soldiers.

The house has collapsed completely, and there is no place to hide or hide. What is even more terrible is that the bricks accumulated by the collapse make it impossible to find an empty space here.

Even walking on this ruin seemed extremely difficult, not to mention avoiding the deadly explosion and splashing bricks.

What made these Kaoqi soldiers panic even more was that the Montita air battleships that were circling around in the air just came on their way.

What followed was a violent attack that completely destroyed the reinforcements that were planning to build bridges and fill the trenches filled with water.

As the Kaoqi soldiers felt extremely desperate, suddenly a loud horn sounded from all directions.

But the loud horn sound could not cover the whole day's cry.

Dozens of thick wooden planks more than two feet wide and half a foot thick rested on the trench that was already filled with sea water.

Thousands of powerful knights wearing heavy armor but incredibly flexible are rushing across the simple bridge.

It was full of loose bricks and debris, and it was difficult for ordinary people to move the ruins. For these knights wearing heavy armor, they were on the ground.

Kaoqi soldiers, who had fallen into complete despair, suddenly burst into cheers full of surprises and excitement.

The Holy Knights, this name that once seemed gradually bleak, at this moment suddenly shined bright and beautiful again.

In the roar and explosion, under the countless flashes of fire, these knights with glorious fame, bearing the glory of centuries, shouted.

The deafening voice seemed to prove to the world that the glory that they once had was still brilliant today.

The only difference between them and the previous battlefield is that they now only hold a huge crossbow in their hands.

The roar and explosion sounded through the entire port of Statt once again.

Suddenly, a violent tumbling made the earth tremble.

Immediately afterwards a towering water column rose like a mountain.

When the water column fell, the sea immediately stirred a huge wave of several meters high.

This tremendous wave like a tsunami washed up the dam, and the white waves rushed through the streets in an instant.

Under the slapping of the huge waves, countless houses that had already appeared to be crumbling collapsed. The bricks and rubble that were originally scattered on the streets were swept away by the violent waves.

The blazing flames that filled the streets and streets were almost completely engulfed and annihilated.

Port Statt returned to the darkness and silence, and all that could be heard was the sound of the waves hitting the house.

Suddenly another roar sounded, but all this seemed extremely low.

The sea once again stirred up huge waves, and in the tumble of the huge waves, there were countless bright electric awns flying around.

Each collision between the electric awn and the giant wave caused a dull but trembling roar.

The giant wave and Dianmang's confrontation lasted a quarter of an hour, and a bright and rapid lightning struck the sky far away.

Everything finally came to peace ~ ~ Only the receding tide washed away the sound of the port that had turned into a ruin.

The night was once again shrouded in the city, and only a little bit of fire was still burning, flickering in the waves.

The roofs that stood above the water seemed to be clusters of rocks.

On top of these abrupt reefs, stood three or five groups of burly knights in heavy armor.

They are clearly the only survivors of this battle.

Suddenly, an explosion sounded loudly, and a flash of fire passed by, causing a "reef" to disappear with the knights standing on it.

The explosion seemed to tell the survivors that the battle was still not over.

Both the Montitas and Kaoqi people have a tenacious and unyielding character.

The roar shattered the tranquility of the night again, and the sporadic explosion sounded like a tragic elegy.

The battle continues ...

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