The next day. At six in the morning, the cold Qifeng City was still filled with a thin white mist.


In a classroom of the trainer school, the door of the classroom was pushed open and Chen Yi came in from outside.

""I was clearly asked to come here today, but you are not here!" Chen Yi murmured.

As he spoke, Chen Yi came to his seat in the classroom, took out a book from the classroom, sat down and slowly read it, and time passed gradually while Chen Yi was reading.

At about half past six, the door of the classroom was pushed open again. Teacher Xiaohui, who came in, was a little surprised to see the boy who was waiting for her in the classroom. Then she smiled and said,"I didn't expect that you could come here so early!"

"Let's go! Teacher Xiaohui!"Chen Yi put down the book, looked at Teacher Xiaohui, and said

"kindness......This look is great! It looks like he has made a great decision!"Teacher Xiaohui looked at Chen Yi's expression at this time and smiled slightly, as if she was appreciating it and said

"I won't miss this opportunity!" Chen Yi looked at Teacher Xiao Hui firmly and said

""Okay!" Teacher Xiaohui smiled again, came to Chen Yi and said,"Before we set off, I need to clarify something with you!"

"Teacher, please speak!" Chen Yi said

"The place we are going to is a place called Tianguan Academy! Listening to the name, it is right, this is a school that cultivates talents in all aspects, whether it is a trainer, a coordinator or a breeder, this academy fully encompasses them, and the word Tianguan represents the Tianguan Mountains that cross the Sinnoh region. The status of this academy is among the best in the entire Sinnoh region!"When Teacher Xiaohui spoke at this time, her face gradually calmed down, and she said

"Tianguan...Academy!" Chen Yi was touched by Teacher Xiao Hui's words and was a little excited.

But besides being excited, Chen Yi was also a little confused. Since this academy is so powerful and prestigious, why didn't he know about it when he was watching the Pokémon anime before? Did he forget it? Although he did forget things a little quickly after coming to this world, this place should be very important.......

"Tianguan College is divided into five branch campuses: the east, south, west, north and central. The one we are going to is the north campus!" Teacher Xiaohui continued,"and the north campus of Tianguan College is also the closest to Qiefeng City!"

"Closest to Chifeng City......"Chen Yi murmured

"Tianguan College is naturally located in the Tianguan Mountains, otherwise why would I call you here so early? Even though it is the closest, it still takes a long time to get from Qiefeng City to the North Campus of Tianguan College!"Teacher Xiaohui continued

"I understand!"Chen Yi nodded, threw away some messy thoughts in his mind, and said

"In that case, let's go!" Teacher Xiaohui nodded, turned and walked out of the classroom, and Chen Yi, who had already stood up, hurriedly followed Teacher Xiaohui out of the classroom.

At this time, the training school was empty because it was on vacation.

There was a jeep on the school grounds. Teacher Xiaohui brought Chen Yi to it and drove away. However, after Teacher Xiaohui took Chen Yi away, in the other direction of the training school gate, Principal Poke looked at the jeep that was gradually leaving the training school, shook his head with emotion, and murmured:"From now on, Xiaoyi's story will begin, from the city of Cutting Edge.......How far can he go?"

"Click......"At the feet of Principal Poker, the big jaw ant was also looking at the jeep that was gradually disappearing in the distance, with a very bright fighting spirit and light in his eyes.

He didn't have the courage to contact the boy before, and he always fled at that time. Now, when the boy really left, he realized his previous timidity. He wanted to change. In order to change, he had to make himself stronger to have enough courage and confidence. All of this was based on the big jaw ant's belief that the boy who had gone away would come back to this cold city again and conquer him through fighting!......

The windows of the jeep were all shut tightly. Although the cold wind outside was strong, it could not blow in at this time.

The jeep drove along the snowy road towards the outside of Qifeng City.

"You can sleep for a while. The journey from Qiefeng City to the North Campus of Tianguan College is not short. It will take about noon to arrive!" Gao Meihui said casually in the car.

"Teacher Xiaohui, you are not an ordinary school teacher, right?"Chen Yi said

"That's natural. I graduated from the North Campus of Tianguan College a few years ago and came to Qiefeng City! My personality made me want to be a teacher who educates people, so I became a teacher while serving as an observer stationed in the trainer school in Qiefeng City!"Gao Meihui said,"I know what you want to know. Now that you are in my car, I will tell you!"

Chen Yi looked at Teacher Xiaohui, whose temperament seemed to have changed at this time, and said nothing.

"Tianguan Academy is the top academy in the Sinnoh region.

Every three years, schools in all cities have their own quotas to send their students to Tianguan Academy!

The number of quotas for these schools is determined by the size of the city and the size of the school!

Some schools have a high foundation, so the students they train can also enter Tianguan Academy to study, while some schools are the opposite.

You are the only quota for the trainer school in Cutting Edge City!

"Gao Meihui said with a smile,"By the way, you are also the first trainer recommended by that trainer school!

Before that, Principal Poker had never recommended any student to me!


"Is that so?"After hearing what Teacher Xiaohui said, Chen Yi was even more grateful for Principal Poker's kindness. This was an opportunity that only had one quota every three years, and the old man gave it to him.

"Do you understand now? So you have to seize the opportunity!" Gao Meihui said with a smile

"But I'm not a trainer yet!" Chen Yi said

""Haha!" Gao Meihui laughed out loud after hearing Chen Yi's words, and said,"Did I forget to tell you? Entering Tianguan Academy is equivalent to becoming a trainer? It's just that the path you take is completely different from the normal trainer's path!"

【End of this volume】


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