When Chen Yi followed Teacher Xiao Hui out of the No. 7 dormitory building where he lived, Chen Yi also saw the dormitory manager who had received Teacher Xiao Hui before, an old Mediterranean man, who was carefully cleaning the room where he lived and did not care about the departure of himself and Teacher Xiao Hui.

The sun was yawning at this time, and the cold wind blew down with the light.

After Chen Yi followed Teacher Xiao Hui out of the No. 7 dormitory building, they passed through the long-distance road that seemed to be direct and came to one of the teaching buildings in the teaching area, which was the No. 8 teaching building. They entered it, went straight up to the third floor, and came to the end. Chen Yi followed Teacher Xiao Hui into an office here without any obstacles.

""Huh?" A teacher who was working in the office looked up and was a little surprised when he saw Teacher Xiaohui, who was in charge. Then he said,"Xiaohui? You're back?"

Chen Yi looked and saw a woman who was about the same age as Teacher Xiaohui, but with a more ordinary face and not as tall as Teacher Xiaohui.

"Liyun, I didn't expect that after not seeing you for a few years, you have become a teacher in the college!"Teacher Xiaohui said with a smile

"If you want, you can do it too!" The woman called Liyun by Teacher Xiaohui said with a smile

"Oh, forget it, I really have no interest in those students!" Teacher Xiaohui said helplessly,"If I could really become a teacher in this college, I would not have left a few years ago!"

"Yes, by the way, why did you come back this time?" Li Yun asked. As she spoke, her sight turned to Chen Yi who was standing behind Teacher Xiao Hui. She nodded with some relief and said,"It seems that the place you are in charge of finally has some good seedlings!"

Li Yun knew that the woman in front of her had high standards, and the boy she liked must be good.

"It's OK!" Teacher Xiaohui spread her hands and answered casually.

"So, you are here to see Principal Sanyi?" Teacher Li Yun said with a smile.

"Is this Xiaohui? What do you want to talk to me about? Teacher Xiaohui nodded and was about to speak when a mature female voice suddenly sounded.

Chen Yi turned his head when he heard the voice and saw the figure walking in behind him.

This was a woman who looked very charming. It seemed that as she got older, her figure became a little bloated, but she was still beautiful and charming when she was young.

""Principal Sanyi!" Teacher Xiaohui and Teacher Liyun both said respectfully to the mature woman.

At the same time, Chen Yi also bowed to the woman.

"So that's how it is!" The charming lady named Sanyi took a look at Chen Yi behind Teacher Xiaohui and understood everything about the matter. She nodded and said to Chen Yi behind Teacher Xiaohui,"Since you are here, I will give you three choices!"

Teacher Xiaohui and Teacher Liyun knew that this was the most critical moment, so they stepped back. At this time, the female principal named Sanyi stood in front of Chen Yi and asked such a question.

"Our school's classes are divided into three types according to the current major. The first is the trainer class, the second is the coordination trainer class, and the last is the breeder class! So, which class do you want to choose?"

"Trainer!" Chen Yi answered without any hesitation.

"In Tianguan Academy, everything is determined by strength. Since you have chosen the trainer class, don't regret it!"Principal Sanyi seemed to like Chen Yi's current look very much. He smiled slightly and said

"I won't regret it!" Chen Yi's eyes were still firm, his tone was extremely resolute, and he said again,"I choose to be a trainer!"

"In that case, Teacher Liyun, you should take him to Class D!"Principal Sanyi looked at Liyun and said

"Yes!" Li Yun nodded and said to Chen Yi,"Then kids, let's go first!"

""Okay!" Chen Yi nodded, and without hesitation, he followed Li Yun out of the office.

In the office, Principal Sanyi looked at Teacher Xiaohui, narrowed his eyes, and said:"The trainer school in Qifeng City?"

"Yes!" Teacher Xiaohui seemed to know what Principal Sanyi was thinking. She nodded and continued,"Xiaoyi is a child with different characteristics from other children!......"

""Okay!" Principal Sanyi raised his hand and said.

Teacher Xiaohui's words stopped abruptly.

"Even in this world that at least maintains peace on the surface, strength is still necessary. Although I don’t think a small school like that can produce any genius, at least you brought him here, so let me take a good look at his future growth!" Principal Sanyi said lightly,"I don’t want to know his name now, maybe when the time is right, he will let me know his name himself!"

"I see, thank you, principal!" Teacher Xiaohui said with a wry smile.

In fact, she had a hunch that Tianguan Academy's enrollment was extremely strict. Even if there were places available for those schools with poor backgrounds, they would not dare to let their students enter here. The biggest reason was the cruel competition here.

Only those schools that already had a background, where the students were already trainers before coming here, would pay those places and transport outstanding talents here.

The competition was cruel, and those weak trainers would only be looked down upon here.

Intermediate-level trainers looked down on elementary-level trainers, and elementary-level trainers looked down on rookie trainers. This reciprocating cycle of the law of the jungle was played out here to the fullest.

However, Gao Meihui also knew that she could see from Chen Yi's eyes that this young man would not be afraid of these challenges and cold eyes. He would return his expectations. At least, Teacher Xiaohui thought so.

"Oh, go pick someone up!" Suddenly, Principal Sanyi looked at Teacher Xiaohui and said,"It just so happens that that person is also in Qifeng City."

"Who is it?" Teacher Xiaohui asked

"She is a member of one of the candidate gyms in Qifeng City. She has good talent. Since there is a place for the candidate gym, let her come in!"Principal Sanyi said casually,"As for...The name seems to be Xiaosong!"

"Xiaosong!"Teacher Xiaohui was a little surprised. She was not surprised by Xiaosong's identity, but she did not expect that after Chen Yi came to this school, the girl who had a very fierce battle with Chen Yi in the trainer school in Qifeng City would actually come here.


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