At this moment, Lalulas discovered that the water in the stream not far away was a little crowded. Suddenly, a hand stretched out from under the stream and tightly grasped a stone by the stream. Then, a wet body stood up from the stream and fell weakly to the side of the stream.

"Larue..."Larus was startled, and immediately stood up and slid down along the vines of the tree.

After landing, she quickly ran towards the stream in front of her, but she was out of breath after running a few steps.

But she still did not stop. When she came to the edge of the stream, she saw a young man with scars all over his body, who seemed to have fainted, lying there.......

Chen Yi felt like his whole body was about to fall apart, and the feeling of weakness made him want to fall asleep.

Lying on the grass beside the stream, everything in Chen Yi's vision was so hazy, and just when he was about to fall asleep, a drop of extremely cold water shocked him, and then in his increasingly blurred vision, it seemed that a figure appeared.

"Larue......"In the haze, he seemed to hear the voice of an inexplicable Pokémon.、......

In a tree hole, Chen Yi woke up faintly and opened his eyes with some struggle. When he found himself in a tree hole, Chen Yi also understood that he seemed to be saved by some magical baby.

"Boom boom boom!!!"Outside the tree hole, there was a violent vibration sound. Chen Yi felt his current physical condition and found that he seemed to have recovered enough, so he got up from the leaf mat in the tree hole. Because his body seemed to be well developed, Chen Yi still bent down when he walked out of the tree hole.

"This is..."Walking out of the tree hole, Chen Yi saw two Pokémon fighting in the open space in front of the tree hole. They were Lukecat and Swimming Ring Weasel. At this time, they were fighting fiercely and did not seem to notice Chen Yi who walked out of the tree hole.

"Were they the ones who saved me?"Chen Yi murmured curiously.

"Larue~~~Larue~~~"Just when Chen Yi was curious, a familiar voice came to his ears.

"That is..."Lalulas!" Chen Yi listened to the voice and walked over. He found that there was a very simple swing in the open space behind the tree hole. At this time, a smaller figure was sitting on it. The swing did not move, and the figure was humming a tune. The extremely innocent, happy and leisurely expression made Chen Yi's sight shake a little.

At this time, Chen Yi did not notice that this Lalulas was different from the normal Lalulas. He just regarded her as a Pokémon. His mood improved a little just by looking at this Lalulas. Among them, there was the pressure of the threat from the Dragon King Scorpion, which gradually faded away with the sound of this Lalulas.

Unconsciously, Chen Yi closed his eyes and enjoyed everything at this moment. At the same time, from his nose, there was a faint nasal sound, which seemed to be accompanied by the tune of Lalulas.......

"Larue~~~"Lalu?" Although this Lalulas had a great flaw, it was beyond ordinary Lalulas in terms of perception. Soon, she felt the appearance of Chen Yi, but the boy's subsequent actions surprised her. He could actually hear the tone of her humming?

Lalulas did not have much rejection of this boy. Even though she had been coldly looked at and ridiculed by many humans, as a perception Pokémon, she could clearly feel that this boy only enjoyed the present mood in his heart.

"Larue~~~~"Soon, Lalulasi continued to hum the tune, and Chen Yi followed. Gradually, Lalulasi's tune stopped. She looked at Chen Yi, and Chen Yi opened his eyes at this time. Looking at Lalulasi, he smiled awkwardly and said,"You sang very well. I couldn't help but hum along."......"

"Larue......"Lalulas also smiled and nodded at Chen Yi.

Although Chen Yi couldn't see Lalulas' eyes at this time, he believed that Lalulas should be happy at this time. Subconsciously, Chen Yi breathed a sigh of relief. The previous situation was a bit awkward, and he was indeed a little nervous.

"It's you...Saved me?" Chen Yi recalled that familiar feeling and asked immediately.

"Larue......"Lalulas nodded again, without hiding anything.

"Thank you!!"Chen Yi sincerely thanked Lalulas

"Larue...Larue..."At this time, Lalulas pointed to the swing she was sitting on, and then looked at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi seemed to understand something, and then said:"Do you want me to help you swing?"

"Lalu!!"Lalu Lasi nodded happily.

"I understand!" Chen Yi had no reason to refuse Lalu Lasi's request, and he didn't want to refuse, so he walked behind Lalu Lasi, put his hands on the slightly rough vines, lowered his head, and whispered to Lalu Lasi who was sitting on the vine collection,"Sit tight!"

"Larue..."Lalulas nodded, her azure hair fluttering in the breeze.

"Then I'll start!" Chen Yi smiled and began to push the two vines hard. As the vines moved, the vines in the middle pulled Lalulas forward. This feeling made Lalulas involuntarily make a happy and excited sound.


As if she was a little tired, Lalulas just sat on the swing, and Chen Yi just stood behind her. Following Lalulas's line of sight, Chen Yi also found that Lalulas seemed to be looking at a purple fruit not far away.

Chen Yi raised his eyebrows. If he remembered correctly, that kind of fruit seemed to be a fruit that psychic Pokémon like to eat very much, the Buddha's orange fruit.

The shell of the Buddha's orange fruit is relatively hard, but psychic Pokémon mainly eat the flesh inside. This is in the wild. In daily battles and life, frequent consumption of Buddha's orange fruit will reduce the damage of ghost-type special moves, so most trainers often give this kind of expensive fruit to their psychic Pokémon. In fact, not only psychic Pokémon, but also other Pokémon with attributes that are more afraid of ghost-type special moves can take it.

And this may be the reason why Lalulas likes this kind of fruit!


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