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"That Mongoose Slash specifies that you must fight against the Ultrasonic Larvae.

If you win, he can let all the humans here leave!

But if he wins, he wants all the trainers here to release their Pokémon!

" After that, Kirlia's telepathy sounded again, but this time, there was some anger in Kirlia's telepathy.

After finishing speaking, Kirlia directly added her own thoughts, and at the same time, her telepathy sounded,"Xiaoyi, I don't think you need to agree to him.

Let me do it.

Even if he has that strange aura, I can defeat him!


At this time, Kirlia took the initiative to volunteer. It's not that she really wants to fight, but she is angry because of the conditions proposed by the Overlord Mongoose Slash. What does it mean to let all the trainers here liberate their Pokémon? Kirlia is naturally very clear about what the liberation in the mouth of Mongoose Slash means. Isn't it just releasing?

All the trainers here, doesn't that include Chen Yi?

Kirlia would never agree to such a condition! Even if it is a bet, Kirlia doesn't want to leave Chen Yi!

It is precisely because of this that Kirlia is so excited at this moment.

At this time, Chen Yi gradually narrowed his eyes because of Kirlia's telepathy, looking at the Overlord Mongoose Slash who was imposing not far away, but seemed to be waiting for his choice, his fists clenched slightly.

"Ah Wu!!"Beside him, the ultrasonic larvae slightly vibrated their wings, and stared sharply at the overlord mongoose not far away. He was waiting for Chen Yi's instructions. No matter what Chen Yi's instructions were, he would follow them.

"Kirlia, I understand. Next, just look at me and I will solve this matter!" Chen Yi answered Kirlia with his mental power, and then his eyes turned back to the Overlord Mongoose Slash.

"Isn't it too early to negotiate with me? If you want to negotiate, it won't be too late after you defeat me! Or have you decided that you can't defeat me?"Looking at the Overlord Mongoose Slash not far away, Chen Yi raised the corner of his mouth and said.

This is Chen Yi's answer to the Overlord Mongoose Slash. As I said before, Chen Yi's purpose of coming here is not to have a so-called bet with the Overlord Mongoose Slash. He came here just to resolve the previous grievances. In other words, Chen Yi is going to fight, but what is the so-called bet? Bullshit!

"Ah!!"The aura of the Overlord Mongoose Slash paused, and then it burst out even more strongly. The murderous intent in his eyes instantly enveloped Chen Yi with the expanding aura. Almost at the same time, the ultrasonic larvae appeared in front of Chen Yi, helping Chen Yi to resist the aura of the Overlord Mongoose Slash. Behind

Chen Yi, looking at the Mongoose Slash leader with an extremely exaggerated aura, the trainers all changed color.

They didn't know what the Mongoose Slash leader had negotiated with the boy before, but they saw that after a brief exchange, the Mongoose Slash leader suddenly became angry, but at this time, the many Mongoose Slashes behind the Mongoose Slash leader did not make a move, so these trainers made a move.

What was the reason? Was it because they didn't want to provoke the Mongoose Slash leader, or because of something else? They knew.

Anlu wanted to make a move.

Although he looked down on Chen Yi before, he surprisingly wanted to help Chen Yi at that time, but he was stopped by his sister Anlu.

Lu looked at his sister in confusion.

"What do you want to do now?" Anluo said helplessly, her eyes swept across the surrounding trainers, then looked at Anlu and said,"Either you go together, or you don't. If you go up alone to help now, you will only make things worse!"

"But why don't those guys help?" An Lu clenched his fists and said unwillingly

""One is to prevent those elite Mongoose Slashers on the opposite side!" Anlu murmured,"But there may be other reasons, and these reasons have nothing to do with us, so don't stand out!"

Under Anlu's obstruction, Anlu finally did not stand up, and at this time, the battle between Chen Yi and the Overlord Mongoose Slash was once again kicked off.

Under the gaze of everyone and many Mongoose Slashers, the aura of the Overlord Mongoose Slash seemed to be burning, and the white body suddenly leaped towards Chen Yi, still with the tearing claws, attacking the ultrasonic larvae in front of Chen Yi.

""Repay the favor!" Chen Yi narrowed his eyes, stepped back, and shouted loudly.

""Ah!" The speed of the ultrasonic larva was much faster than that of the Overlord Mongoose Slash. At this time, the ultrasonic larva had no intention of retreating when facing the tearing claws of the Overlord Mongoose Slash. As Chen Yi's voice sounded, the body of the ultrasonic larva burned with red light again, and then the body collided with the tearing claws of the Overlord Mongoose Slash again.

Bang!!! Bang!!!

In the eyes of everyone in shock, the two figures separated again, just like the result of the first collision.

"Ah!!"The Overlord Mongoose Slash's face was extremely ugly. After landing, he did not hesitate at all, and rushed towards the ultrasonic larvae in front of him again.

""Repay the favor!" Chen Yi narrowed his eyes and shouted.

The people behind Chen Yi had not yet recovered from the previous strong collision. Then, the tearing claws of the overlord mongoose slash once again filled their eyes. However, just like before, the ultrasonic larvae did not care and would not accept this collision.


"good...So strong! I didn’t see the battle of this ultrasonic larva clearly before. Now it seems that both this ultrasonic larva and the mongoose beheading leader are so strong! Too strong!!"

"Really boy, who is this guy? How can he have such a powerful Pokémon?"

"Judging from his clothes, he seems to be from Tianguan Academy! This is the Tianguan Mountains, so it is normal for him to be from Tianguan Academy!"

"Is he a student from Tianguan Academy? Tianguan Academy, the best academy in Sinnoh, is really worthy of its reputation! He is just a teenager, but his strength is higher than ours......."

As the Ultrasonic Larvae and the Overlord Mongoose Slash continued to collide, many trainers who gradually came to their senses behind Chen Yi also began their discussions. There was no doubt that the shock this young man brought to them was too great.

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