At this time, Murkrow flashed white light on its wings, and its sharp eyes stared at Ralts closely. It rushed towards Ralts's magic leaf with a very reckless body. He wanted to see the panic of Ralts, but he was destined to be disappointed!

Ralts was not panicked at all, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he even wanted to smile.

Sure enough, just as Xiaoyi said, this Murkrow, like his trainer, could not stand the fact of being teased!

"It's a bit strange! Although this Ralts can't use teleport quickly, it shouldn't affect the use of shadow clones! This is also the only way for Ralts to escape from the current predicament! But why, this Ralts gives me a very strange feeling, as if it is waiting for Murkrow to rush towards her!"In a corner of the spectator seats, Mingmei's originally slightly smiling face gradually changed, watching the ever-changing scene on the battlefield, and muttered

""Electric shock wave!" Suddenly, Chen Yi's voice sounded.

At this moment, Mingmei, Principal Sanyi, Sanmu and Xiaosong all changed their expressions.

""Lalu!!" As if she didn't take Murkrow's attack seriously at all, Lalu's eyes gradually closed. The next moment, the flashing blue lightning spread out from her body, releasing it to the surroundings like an octopus.

At this time, Murkrow, whose head was already filled with anger, was obviously unable to make any changes. From the outside, it seemed as if Murkrow was possessed and rushed into the extremely powerful electric shock wave.

"Electric shock wave! So Lalulas has already learned the special move of electric shock wave! No wonder Senior Chen Yi is so confident!"In the spectator seat behind Chen Yi, Xiao Song's eyes were filled with surprise, and he murmured

"So that's it! This Chen Yi is really good at scheming!"Principal San Yi's eyes also became completely solemn. At this time, she even anticipated the consequences and wanted to turn around and leave. As for San Mu, she felt indescribable disappointment in her heart.

"Although the electric shock wave is an electric trick with a wide range, it is not certain to hit the fast Murkrow.

Therefore, Chen Yi asked Ralts to use the unsuitable trick of Magic Leaf and adopt the dodge and counterattack tactics that Sanmu already knew, in order to let Murkrow drop everything and attack Ralts.

Then, when Murkrow, who can no longer pay attention to other things, faces the electric shock wave that is almost certain to hit, the outcome of being hit is also doomed!

"In a corner of the spectator seat, Mingmei pursed her lips, her eyes flickered, she looked at Chen Yi, it seems that she has a deeper understanding of this young man Chen Yi, at least now she knows that Chen Yi's vigilance and accuracy are very strong.

Even for a trick like electric shock wave, in order to ensure a hit, he has to design this tactic.

"Electric shock wave!!!"Sanmu's face turned pale instantly, and he lost his voice.

On the No.

6 battle field, the blue thunder spread from Lalulas's body, and hit Murkrow completely without any suspense.

The effect of the electric system's trick on the flying system Murkrow is too good!

Therefore, from the blue thunder, everyone can not only see the ferocious Murkrow, but also hear the mournful roar coming from it.

The expressions of the people watching this battle were a little dazed, because there were too many reversals in this battle.

At the beginning, Chen Yi and Lalulas relied on dodges and counterattacks to occupy the upper hand on the surface, but in fact Sanmu and Murkrow did not fall much.

When Murkrow was desperate, everyone felt that when Murkrow's wing attack hit, it was the moment when the victory was decided, that is, the moment when Chen Yi and Lalulas failed, but at this time the situation reversed again.

The real trump card of Chen Yi and Lalulas was not the so-called dodge and counterattack, but the electric system trick that actually restrained Murkrow, the electric shock wave!

"Riddle~~~"The electric shock wave gradually ended, and the body of Dark Crow in mid-air fell down powerlessly, and then fell heavily on the ground of the rock battlefield. There was still some gray smoke on its body, and some residual currents of electric shock would come out from time to time. At the same time, it was covered with scars. Judging from the appearance of Dark Crow, it was actually unable to fight.

"Anyway, Murkrow is still much stronger than Ralts in terms of its own combat power, but now Murkrow is like this, is it true that Ralts' special attack ability is too terrible? To be honest, even I want such an excellent Ralts very much......."Mingmei didn't really care about the outcome of this battle, but it was obvious that if Chen Yi won, then things would undoubtedly be much more interesting, and her mumbling at this time was more like a self-discussion of a spectator.

"Murkrow, stand up, you can still fight, stand up!"At this time, on one side of the battlefield, Sanmu looked at Murkrow, who was covered in black smoke, not far in front of him, and shouted anxiously.

"Riddle~~~~"Murkrow groaned in pain, as if he heard Miki's cry. He tried to struggle to stand up, but before he could completely stand up, Murkrow fell down again. After falling down this time, circles appeared in Murkrow's eyes, indicating that he had lost his ability to fight.

"......The battle is over! The winner is Chen Yi!"The referee was actually a little slow to react, but the next moment when Murk Crow lost his ability to fight, he hesitated for a moment, and then shouted loudly

"Waste!!" Sanmu's face was extremely gloomy at this time. He cursed in a low voice and took back the Dark Crow. When he thought that he had actually lost to the bug that he had always looked down upon, Sanmu felt as uncomfortable and painful as if he had eaten shit. However, he did not dare to look at Chen Yi opposite him.

"Senior Chen Yi, the winner!" Xiao Song's expression was still somewhat dazed, he murmured softly, and then his eyes gradually brightened, looking at Chen Yi's back in front of him, he also showed a happy smile, and hidden deeper in this smile was a fiery fighting spirit.

At this time, Chen Yi and Sanmu both walked out of the battlefield. Chen Yi, who had already encouraged and praised Lalulas and then took it back, looked at Sanmu, whose face was a little red like liver color at this time, but he didn't say much, just said one sentence,"Now, who do you think is ridiculous?"

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