The next day, when the rising sun emerged from behind the clouds with difficulty, Chen Yi had already gotten up early in the morning. After washing up, he started today's morning exercise with Ralts.

Chen Yi knew very well that he might be the most powerful among the senior students in the North Campus of Tianguan Academy, but in this world, what is most lacking is trainers, and there are naturally many who are stronger than himself. If he only sees the honor in front of him, then it is obviously too naive.

After seeing the powerful strength of Administrator Tias, what Chen Yi has to do is to keep getting stronger and not slack off at all, if he wants to become a respected and powerful trainer.

After the morning exercise, Chen Yi and Ralts ate the breakfast prepared by Yumi and Koko, and the day really began.

"What are you going to do today? Xiaoyi!" Meihezi finished cleaning up the dishes and looked at Chenyi, smiling and said

"I plan to go to the trainer school to thank Principal Pok!" Chen Yi took back the Lalulas on the side, looked at his mother, and answered.

Chen Yi would naturally not forget who gave him the opportunity to become a trainer, so he planned to visit Principal Pok today to thank him.

"Be careful on the road!" Meiwazi smiled and didn't say much. She felt that Chen Yi seemed to have changed a lot after coming back this time. Although Chen Yi didn't need them to worry about him before, the current Chen Yi could undoubtedly be more independent!

"I know!" Chen Yi smiled, stood up and said.

After leaving home, Chen Yi still walked towards Principal Poker's trainer school according to the memory in his mind.

He was not in a hurry. Along the way, looking at those unfamiliar buildings, flowers, trees, and faces of people, Chen Yi also remembered a lot of things.

Unconsciously, Chen Yi came to the gate of the trainer school. Looking at this school that seemed to be covered with some vicissitudes, Chen Yi's eyes flashed with complex light. At this point in time, there are naturally no students in this school. Such a trainer school is undoubtedly more desolate.

""Chen Yi? You are back?" Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Chen Yi turned his head and saw that this person was the Principal Poker he was looking for. He immediately said with joy:"Principal Poker!"

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back!" Principal Poker looked at Chen Yi and knew what the child wanted to say to him, but he didn't care about it at all, and said with a smile,"Since you are here, come in with me! I have something to tell you, and you can also tell me what you encountered in Tianguan College!"

""Okay!" Chen Yi naturally would not refuse, so he followed Principal Poker into the trainer school.

"Principal, are you so sure that I was not kicked out of Tianguan College?"On the way, Chen Yi followed behind Principal Poker and said with a smile

"You can tell a lot from a person's eyes. I see from your eyes that you were not kicked out of Tianguan College!" Principal Poker replied with a smile,"Instead, you came back with successful studies!"

"Chen Yi wants to thank the principal for giving him this opportunity!"Chen Yi did not deny it, smiled, and continued,"Otherwise, I would not be who I am now!"

"Then I will accept your thanks!" Principal Poker said.

At this time, Chen Yi followed Principal Poker to the school playground, and at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out from the ground in front of him.

This figure appeared from under the ground, appeared in front of Principal Poker and Chen Yi, and let out a series of low roars.


"Big jaw ant... It's been a long time since I last saw you!" Chen Yi smiled happily when he saw this figure.

""Roar!" The big-jawed ant slowly walked towards Chen Yi.

At this time, looking at Chen Yi and the big-jawed ant, Principal Pok on the side smiled with relief.

Chen Yi naturally remembered this big-jawed ant. When he defeated Xiao Song for the first time, the Pokémon he used was the big-jawed ant. However, at that time, he and the big-jawed ant won with great difficulty. If the big-jawed ant had not learned the genetic trick of lightning flash, otherwise, under the extremely unfavorable attributes and environment, Chen Yi and the big-jawed ant really had no chance of winning.

"Wait... this giant jaw ant!"Chen Yi suddenly thought of something and looked at the giant jaw ant with a strange look. He felt that the giant jaw ant looked at him in a very strange way, as if it was looking at its trainer.

"Roar……"The big jaw ant came to Chen Yi and growled

"Hello!" Chen Yi squatted down and touched his big head.

"Roar……"The big jaw ant smiled very comfortably

"Xiaoyi, what do you think of this giant ant? Suddenly, Principal Poker said

""Hmm?" Chen Yi was stunned, and then looked at Principal Poker. Seeing his smile, Chen Yi understood something and said,"This big jaw ant is very good!"

Chen Yi was not perfunctory. This big jaw ant was indeed completely different from the one a year ago. The main difference was naturally reflected in strength. The big jaw ant, which had not even reached the rookie level a year ago, reached the advanced level after a year. This rapid improvement in strength really surprised Chen Yi.

At present, the strength of Chen Yi's Lalulas is only advanced, and the big jaw ant can reach this point without a trainer. It undoubtedly shows the excellence of this big jaw ant. From another perspective, it can also be seen that this big jaw ant has worked hard.

In addition to the changes in strength, along with the improvement of strength, the temperament of this big jaw ant has also changed. His eyes and his expression seem to have changed to Chen Yi's surprise. At this time, Chen Yi was actually very confused. What exactly caused this big jaw ant to make these changes?


"Didn't I tell you before that I had something to tell you?" Principal Poker said

"I know, what is that?" Chen Yi asked

"It's a story! I want to tell you a story!" Principal Poker continued,"A story about this giant jaw ant!"

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