
A violent explosion sounded above the actual battlefield. The Flying Leaf Blade and the Mud Throwing Skill collided with each other, producing thick smoke. As the smoke dissipated, the Snow Hat Monster not far away was still energetic. It was obvious that the previous collision did not affect him. In other words, the Big Jaw Ant's Mud Throwing Skill and the Flying Leaf Blade of the Snow Hat Monster canceled each other out.

"Snow hat monster, freezing wind!"Xiao Song looked very relaxed at this time, and his voice sounded immediately

""Big Jaw Ant, use Stomp!" Chen Yi's eyes flashed and his voice sounded immediately.

At this time, some people might think that it might be better to use the mud throwing trick to block, but in Chen Yi's opinion, when facing a trick like Freezing Wind, if the power of a scattered trick like Mud Throwing is not enough to defeat the Freezing Wind, then the final result will be turning into an ice sculpture, which will not play any role at all.

With the special attack ability of the Big Jaw Ant, this situation seems very likely to happen!

In comparison, the Stomp trick, which belongs to the physical attack ability, is a self-sacrificing attack by Chen Yi and the Big Jaw Ant, giving up defense. Instead of defending, he adopted a desperate attitude to inflict damage to the Snow Hat Monster. Perhaps the ice-type tricks were very effective against the ground-type big-jaw ants, but at this point, Chen Yi had no choice but to do so.

Coincidentally, the choice of the big-jaw ant was exactly the same as Chen Yi's.

The front legs were raised, and before the freezing wind arrived, the big-jaw ant's body suddenly fell down, and the ground trembled and shook violently, which was transmitted to the feet of the Snow Hat Monster not far away. The strong trembling of the surrounding ground made the Snow Hat Monster look extremely panicked, but at this time, the freezing wind also hit the big-jaw ant.

"Success! The effect is outstanding!"Xiao Song looked at the figure of the big-jawed ant shrouded in the freezing wind not far away, clenched his fists, and shouted with joy and excitement.

Many students watching the game around him also felt that the scales of victory in this battle had already tilted towards Xiao Song and her snow hat monster. Even the teacher who served as the referee was ready to announce the end of the battle at any time.

In the cold freezing wind, although the big-jawed ant was extremely painful, it was precisely because of this pain that he recalled some scenes in his mind.

This kind of cold seems to be familiar. Have I felt this kind of cold before?

How can I feel this kind of cold? When was it? Yes, it seems to be when I was not born yet! At that time, I could feel the biting pain of the cold, but I was surrounded by a sudden warmth. This wonderful feeling, this familiar feeling, is really getting stronger and stronger!

"Big jaw ant!" Chen Yi's voice suddenly sounded.

""Ka-ka!!" The big-jaw ant's sight, which had been gradually closing, suddenly opened, and then responded loudly.

That's right, it was this sound, this breath!

The big-jaw ant's heart was gradually filled with strength, and the extremely uncomfortable cold around him didn't seem to be so cold anymore. In this freezing wind, the big-jaw ant took the first step, and then took the second step.

I don't know when, the speed of the big-jaw ant actually increased.

It was very puzzling. The big-jaw ant's talent for speed was extremely poor, and it was very difficult to walk and move normally, but at this time, the speed of this big-jaw ant actually increased.

This speed increase seemed to happen in an instant, and then the big-jaw ant rushed out of the freezing wind. At this time, there was even a thin layer of snow on the big-jaw ant's body.

However, the big-jaw ant really rushed out of the freezing wind.

"this is......"Chen Yi couldn't believe it when he saw the special move used by the Mandible Ant.

A flash of lightning, this is a very common preemptive special move, it would be very normal to see it on many Pokémon with high speed talents, but it was extremely shocking to see it on the Mandible Ant.

"Oh? The genetic trick can be used at this time!"In an office on the second floor, Teacher Xiaohui smiled slightly when she saw this scene.

Although in her opinion, Chen Yi and the big-jawed ants had not been completely defeated before, they were not far from the real defeat. However, at this time, the big-jawed ants used their new tricks for their inner persistence, which seemed to have turned the balance of the battle back.

And with her vision, she could naturally see that the flash of lightning was the genetic trick of the big-jawed ants.

After all, for the big-jawed ants in general, this kind of speed-type trick is unthinkable.

"That giant ant has finally found his true trainer!"Principal Poker smiled as he watched this scene.

"Oh?" Teacher Xiaohui raised her eyebrows, looked at Principal Poker, and said,"He is not yet eligible to obtain an initial Pokémon. He has to choose his own initial Pokémon after entering the academy!"

"Don't worry! The big-jaw ant will definitely wait for him to come back! No matter what, some bonds, since they are already connected, it seems unlikely to be separated!" Principal Poker said with a smile, unconcerned.

On the actual battlefield, Xiao Song and Xue Li Monster panicked the moment they saw the big-jaw ant rushing out of the freezing wind.

The next moment, the big-jaw ant flashed with lightning and hit the Xue Li Monster very smoothly, knocking the Xue Li Monster's body away, and the big-jaw ant itself fell to the ground. At the same time, Chen Yi's voice rang,"This is the end! Big-jaw ant, use stomp!"

""Crack!!" As Chen Yi's voice fell, the big-jaw ant's movements also proceeded very smoothly.

The heavy stomping trick landed on the ground, and the snow hat monster that had originally fallen to the ground was hit hard again. Immediately, it lost its combat ability without any suspense, leaving only the little song that looked a little dazed and dull.

She lost? The snow hat monster that used both grass and ice elements lost to the big-jaw ant of the ground element!

She raised her head and looked at Chen Yi and the big-jaw ant not far away. She seemed to have figured something out, and then smiled bitterly and said,"Senior Chen Yi, I lost! I lost with my heart!"

"The battle is over, the winner is Chen Yi!"The teacher who was originally planning to announce Xiaosong was also stunned at this time, and immediately announced the winner of this battle.

Chen Yi looked at the giant jaw ant slowly walking towards him, and squatted in front of him, smiled slightly, and said:"Thank you for your hard work, which helped me win this battle!"

"Click......"The big-jawed ant arched its huge head towards Chen Yi and smiled innocently, but didn't say anything.


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