Magic Card Age: My Magic Card Is Super Scary

Chapter 100 What to look at, look again, and cut your eyes out! (1) (please complete the order)

The three of Chu He stayed in the room, and the search by foreigners outside was very dynamic, but Chu He was as calm as water and did not panic at all.

Lin Cheng and Nan were a little nervous.

But the strangers who were searched never entered the room of the two of them, letting them both breathe a sigh of relief.

The stranger searched the tee and outside the inn three times.

Anyone who was suspicious, they immediately escorted them away.

The whole inn was turned into a mess, but the room of the three of them, Chu He, was not affected in any way.

An hour later, the stranger who was searched left.

Both Lin Cheng and Nan arrived at Chu He's room.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fucking, those strangers who searched, almost scared me to death, making me frightened!" Lin Cheng said, patting his chest.

"Chu He, I didn't expect that you were right, those strangers didn't even enter our room!

"It seems that you have successfully lied to them before!" Nan followed.

Chu He smiled, "Now is just the beginning!"

"You mean these strangers will come to search?" Lin Cheng asked.

"It's not as simple as searching!"

"In the next period of time, ranging from three to five days to ten and a half months, the city will become extremely chaotic!" Chu He said indifferently.

"Why?" Lin Cheng wondered.

"The younger brother of the city lord was killed!"

"And it was killed in the City Lord's Mansion!"

"If you were the lord of this city, what would you do?" Chu He looked at Lin Cheng and asked.

"Find the murderer!"

"Kill my brother in my place, if you don't find the murderer, you will never stop!" Lin Cheng thought for a while and said.

"You are right. I killed the deputy chief of the Kari clan in the city lord's mansion. This is not only a provocation to the lord, but also an insult!"

"After all, this is the other side's territory. Killing his brother on the other side's territory, no one can bear it!

"But it is impossible for the other party to find the murderer, but the other party will not continue this matter. After all, this matter will continue to be used, and it will not be good for him!"

"When the other party can't find the murderer, how do you think the other party should stop this search?" Chu He looked at Lin Cheng and continued to ask.

"You mean that the city lord may find a substitute for the dead ghost, and it is very possible to find someone to explain it to the public?" Lin Cheng thought for a while, and said uncertainly.

When Nan heard Lin Cheng's words, he glanced at Lin Cheng and said, "How could the other party casually find someone to explain to the public?"

"There is no need for the other party to explain to the public!"

"If I understand correctly, Chu He means that the other party may use his brother's death this time to kill all those who have enemies with him. After all, the murderer is Chu He. When the other party can't find a hand , The other party can say that anyone is a murderer!"

"Foreigners are not the only family. Even if the other party is the city owner, there will be some enemies. If you usually do it, the teacher will be unknown. For example, if he is the master of a city, it will cause other people to be dissatisfied!"

"But with this opportunity, the other party may take the opportunity to kill all enemies!"

"And those who are to be forcibly used as murderers by the city lord will never sit back and wait for death. Maybe they will resist collectively and cause riots!"

Hearing Nan's words, Lin Cheng's face showed a sudden look.

It turned out that "That's it, I didn't expect this layer at all!"

Next, "This city will be completely messed up. During this time, we don't want to go out and stay in the inn!" Chu He said.

Upon hearing Chu He's words, Lin Cheng and Nan nodded slightly.

After that, the two of them left Chu's room and went back to their rooms.

The next three days.

The development of the matter is the same as Chu He expected.

The city owner arrested people in the city on the excuse of looking for the murderer.Moreover, the people who were arrested were also aliens with status in the city.

It's not that there is no resistance, but as long as there are aliens who resist, they will be killed by the city lord's people.

Now the city is full of complaints, and everyone is in danger.

Although Chu He stayed at home for the past three days, he still learned a lot of information from other aliens in the inn.

After all, money can make ghosts run the mill, and he still has a lot of gold coins.

Under the magic of money, other Inhumans told Chu He everything they knew.

And on the third night, a stranger came to find Chu He.

Inside Chu He's room.

Chu He looked at the alien who came looking for him in front of him.

This alien has a pair of dead fish eyes, a bald head, and burn marks on his head, making him look hideous.

"I'm a member of the Nine Spirit Society~!"

"You can call me the wounded army!" The alien looked at Chu He and said in a hoarse voice.

"Oh? How did you find me?" Chu He looked at each other and asked with a smile.

"It's easy to find you, there are our spies among the men of the City Lord's Mansion!"

They "saw you a few days ago, so I came here!" said the wounded army.

"I heard Na Xue say that you want to help our Nine Spirit Society!"

"But to be honest, I didn't expect you to kill the deputy chief of the Kari clan at all!"

"If you want, I can introduce you and let you and your two brothers join our Nine Spirit Society!"

"With your credit this time, you can become an elder of our Nine Spirit Society!"

"The status of a flag elder is equivalent to a red soldier, are you interested?" The wounded army continued.

Hearing the other party's words, Chu He's mouth showed a meaningful smile.

Chu He was thinking about how to speak and mixed into the Nine Spirits Association.

As a result, the other party actually took the initiative to invite him.

"Then please let Brother Huojun help me introduce you!" Chu He said with a smile.

"Until now, I still don't know how you should be called!" asked the wounded army.

"You can call me Chu Nancheng!" Chu He laughed.

"What clan were you originally?" the wounded army asked.

Cary "Clan! Chu He lied without changing his face.

Hearing Chu He's words, the wounded army's expression changed.

He looked at Chu He and said in surprise, "You said you belonged to the Kari clan?"

"That's right, I'm from the Kari clan!"

"For some reason, I left the clan and became a ronin!"

"Otherwise, do you think I will risk my life to kill the deputy chief of the Kari clan?"

After all, "Once I miss, I will die!" Chu He said indifferently.

"It's really rare, the Kari clan is a noble clan, and you actually broke away from the Kari clan and became a ronin!"

It seems that "a lot of interesting things happened to you!" The wounded army said with a smile.

"I don't want to talk about the past!" Chu He looked at each other coldly.

The wounded army sneered, then changed the subject and asked, "I want to know how you killed him?

"How to kill, does it matter?" Chu He asked rhetorically.

"It's very important!" The wounded army nodded.

"No comment!" Chu He said indifferently.

The wounded army heard the words, gave Chu He a deep look, got up and left.

Before he walked out of the room, he turned his head to look at Chu He and said, "I will come back to you in two days at the latest!"

The wounded army left the room after speaking.

Before the wounded army left the room, a dark shadow split into the shadow under Chu He's feet and quickly moved into the shadow under the wounded army's feet.

"Want to verify my identity?" Chu He grumbled coldly.

Chu He doesn't care about the other party to verify his identity.

Chu He has asked the shadow to follow the opponent.

As long as you can find where the top of the Nine Spirits Association is, then Chu He can take the initiative to provoke a war between the Nine Spirits Association and the city lord!

After leaving Chu He's room, the wounded army walked to the lobby on the first floor.

The owner of the inn passed by the wounded army.

"Watch those three people. If those three people act rashly, report it immediately!" The wounded army commanded the hotel owner.

"Understood!" The innkeeper responded and left quickly.

When the wounded army left the inn, the innkeeper sat behind the counter as usual.

But from time to time, he looked at Chu He and the three of them in the room.

Chu He waited in the room.

After nearly two hours, a shadow entered the room through the door.

The shadow horse face emerged from the shadow.

"Creator, the stranger named Jun just now met the three senior leaders of the Nine Spirits Association!"

"Those people are discussing whether your identity is true, let the wounded soldiers investigate!"

"After that, the wounded army went to the City Lord's Mansion again and met another stranger!"

"According to the wounded army's name to that stranger, that stranger should be the leader of the Nine Spirits Association in this city!" Shadow Horse looked at Chu He respectfully.

Chu He heard this with a strange look on his face.

"The leader of the Nine Spirits Society in this city is actually hiding in the city lord's mansion?"

"This is really interesting!" Chu He murmured with a smile on his mouth.

"The stranger the Wounded Army met in the City Lord's Mansion, what position is in the City Lord's Mansion?" Chu He asked.

"It's the butler!" Shadow Mamian replied.

"Creator, one more thing, the owner of this inn is also a member of the Nine Spirits Association!"

"Before the wounded army left, he asked the innkeeper to monitor you!" Shadow Mamian continued.

Upon hearing this, Chu He nodded slightly and smiled, "Thank you!"

"It is my honor to work for the creator!"

Shadow Ma Mian's body turned into a shadow and merged into Chu He's feet.

Chu He touched his chin with his right hand, a cold light appeared in his eyes.

"Is the owner of this inn also from the Nine Spirits Association?"

"It seems that there are quite a few people in the Nine Spirits Association!"

"Moreover, the leader of the Nine Spirits Society in this city may be the steward of the City Lord's Mansion. The other party is really powerful, and he can actually enter the City Lord's Mansion!"

"It seems that tonight, I have to send a big gift to the city lord!" Chu He showed a cold smile on his face.

Chu He left the room, his gaze glanced at the innkeeper casually.

Sure enough, when he left the room, the other person's eyes were on him.

Chu He didn't care and walked into Lin Cheng's room.

""What's the matter?" Lin Cheng asked, looking at Chu He.

Chu He briefly told Lin Cheng what happened.

Lin Cheng was also a little surprised after hearing this.

"Chu He, what are you going to do now?" Lin Cheng asked.

"Go to the City Lord's Mansion, tell the City Lord this news, and start a war between the City Lord and the Nine Spirits Association!" Chu He smiled.

"But didn't you mean that the innkeeper is also a member of the Nine Spirits Club?

"If you leave the inn, won't the other party know?" Lin Cheng asked puzzled.

"This is going to test your acting skills!" Chu He smiled.

"Test my acting skills?" Lin Cheng wondered.

"Yes, test your acting skills!" Chu He nodded.

"What are they doing in the room?"

"Are you conspiring?

"It looks like I have to go over and take a look!" The innkeeper said in his heart when he saw Chu He enter Lin Cheng's room but did not come out.

He took a pot of wine and prepared to enter Lin Cheng's room as a gift of wine.

At this moment, Chu He walked out of Lin Cheng's room.

The innkeeper breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Chu He walked out.

After all, his task is to monitor Chu He and the three of them, and he doesn't want to be extravagant.

But at this moment, Chu He walked to the railing on the second floor, staring at him with a fierce expression, and shouted, "What do you look at, and then goug your eyes!"

After being yelled at by Chu He, the innkeeper immediately turned his head aside, not daring to look at Chu He again.

"Oops, has my identity been discovered by him?"

"But it shouldn't. He doesn't know that I am from the Nine Spirits Society. When I talked with the wounded soldier before, he didn't go out!"

"It seems that he is too short-tempered. Seeing me staring at him makes him dissatisfied!" the innkeeper said secretly in his heart.

The innkeeper took a peek at Chu He again, just in time to see (钱钱赵) Chu He returning to the room, and he was relieved.

He was really a little scared Chu He walked down and dug out his eyes.

He sat behind the counter, his eyes still kept on the door of Chu He and the three of them.

But at this moment, he saw a strange male stranger walking past his eyes and out of the inn.

"Strange, when did he come in?"

"Why didn't you see him just now?" The innkeeper got up and chased out of the inn, looking at the stranger who had just left the inn, and asked in doubt.

"Did I miss it before?" The innkeeper found that the other party was nothing special, and didn't think about it anymore, and returned to the inn.

"This innkeeper's instinct is really sharp!

The stranger who walked out of the inn turned his head and glanced, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

who is he?

The answer is simple!

He is naturally Chu He!

Who was Chu He before then?

It is obviously Lin Cheng!

Steal the beam and change the column!

This is what Chu He thought of.

After Chu He entered Lin Cheng's room just now, he used a variety of paintings of ghosts to disguise Lin Cheng as his disguised stranger.

And he let Variety Painted Skin Ghost again and disguised him again, turning him into a strange alien image.

Then Lin Cheng walked out of the room and scolded the innkeeper.

The innkeeper was guilty of conscience, afraid that he would monitor Chu He and their intentions would be discovered, so he turned his head.

And Chu He took advantage of the opponent's sight to leave, and walked out of Lin Cheng's room.

All this is in Chu He's plan.

Now that I left the inn, it was time to head to the City Lord's Mansion!

But before that, you have to change the look first.

Chu He walked into the empty lane.

After a while, Chu He walked out, his current appearance became the gold-ranked alien demon card master Zamu killed by him! Tiger,

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