Magic Card Age: My Magic Card Is Super Scary

Chapter 86 The Tide of Wild Beasts Strikes! (2)

Time passes, and night falls!

Chu He and Huo Siyu are now more than fifty kilometers deep into the wilderness.

From day to night.

A large number of wild beasts died in the hands of black and white impermanence.

The strength of the evil evil black impermanence increased to five silver stars, and the vision of the evil spirit white impermanence increased to four silver stars.

The strength of black and white impermanence has greatly increased, so that Chu He a little wants to continue to go deep into the wilderness and hunt the wild beasts.

However, the wilderness under the dark night is very dangerous. If you continue to move forward, you are vulnerable to powerful wild beasts.

Chu He discussed with Huo Siyu and decided to return to the camp of the deserted army first.

After all, the wilderness experience lasts for a week, and this is only one day, and there are still six days, and there are opportunities to hunt down the wild beasts.

And even if the wilderness experience is over, Chu He can choose to stay.

After all, he is only going through the enrollment formalities now.

Strictly speaking, he is at most a prospective freshman of Tianwu Academy.

He doesn't need to go to class, he can move freely.

And even if the school starts, Chu He can leave Tianwu Academy at any time. After all, the reason why he chose Tianwu Academy is that he values ​​Tianwu Academy without compulsory classes, as long as he passes the assessment every semester.

Chu He and Huo Siyu returned quickly towards the deserted army camp.

Because the way they returned was the way they came, and there were no beasts along the way, and they were erected when they returned.

When there were more than ten kilometers away from the deserted army camp, Chu He and Huo Siyu met three other people who had experienced alone.

However, the three of them looked a little embarrassed now, and were fleeing desperately.

When the three of them saw Chu He and Huo Siyu, they immediately shouted, "Run away!"

Seeing the embarrassing appearance of the three of them, Chu He looked in the direction they had fled, and a large group of dark shadows chased on the ground.

With the help of light, when Chu He saw the appearance of the group of black shadows, he said in a deep voice, "It's a silver-level barren beast steelback ant!"

"These guys are really unlucky!"

Steel-backed ants are the size of adult wolfhounds, and their backs are extremely hard. Although a single steel-backed ant is very weak, it is equivalent to a silver one-star magic card creature, and it is still very weak.

But in the wilderness, steelback ants do not appear individually.

Once you encounter steelback ants, the number is at least four digits.

The number of steelback ants chasing these three students now exceeds two thousand.

"I'm coming, or you?" Huo Siyu asked with a smile.

"I'm coming!" Chu He said flatly.

Although the number of steelback ants chasing these three people is as high as two thousand.

But in Chu He's view, these steelback ants are not a threat.

Killing these steel-backed ants, the strength of black and white impermanence can be improved again.

"Do it!" Chu He gave an order.

The Yin and Yang judgment integrates the possession of the three souls into the body of evil evil black impermanence.

The evil evil black impermanence took the sickle and rushed towards the steelback ant colony.

The evil spirit Bai Wuchang waved the spirit-calling banners, summoning a large number of evil spirits, and cooperated with the evil evil and black impermanence to attack.

Evil sickle!

After the evil evil black impermanence approached the steelback ant colony, he directly swung the lock knife.

The black sword flew out.

Compared with the time when the silver one star, the black sword energy released by the evil evil black impermanence now cast is twice as wide.

And the power is more powerful.

This black sword gas directly hacked more than ten steelback ants to death.The evil spirits surrounding the body of the evil evil black impermanence, under the control of the evil spirit white impermanence, rushed towards the steelback ant.

These evil spirits got into the body of the steelback ant.

But for a while, the steelback ant that was drilled by the evil spirit quickly turned into an empty shell, and the soul died.

The evil evil black impermanence continued to wield the mirror knife, releasing black sword energy.

He stood there now, like a big mountain, blocking the tide of steel-backed ants, unable to move forward.

But there are too many steelback ants.

The evil evil and impermanence only stopped for a moment, and the steelback ant tide quickly approached him.

The evil evil and the black impermanence directly activated the desire to kill, and the attack and damage immunity were increased by 20%.

He carried the mirror knife and rushed into the tide of steel back ants.

With his defense, it is very difficult for these steel-backed ants to hurt him.

After all, he now has the dual fetters of black and white impermanence and the yin and yang judge.

In addition, the three soul possessions blessed by the judge of Yin and Yang.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the current defensive power of the evil evil black impermanence has reached the peak of the silver rank.

These steel-backed ants, who are only silver one-star magic card creatures, are not likely to hurt him at all.

And there are evil spirits released by evil spirits in vain.

These evil spirits are also constantly killing the steel-backed ants around the evil evil black impermanence, so that the evil evil black impermanence will not be besieged.

Two to two thousand, there is no pressure at all.

The three students who were running for their lives stopped when they saw this scene.

The expressions of the three of them were a little surprised.

"I'm dreaming, right?"

"How could Chu He's magic card creature be so strong?"

"Two magic card creatures actually blocked this terrifying tide of steelback ants?"

One of the students, who was slightly shorter, did not dare to talk.

He even wondered if he was dreaming, and patted his face fiercely.

When he felt the pain on his face, he confirmed that this was reality.

"The magic card of the ghost system, is there such a powerful one?"

"In my memory, the magic cards of the ghost system have all kinds of inexplicable weaknesses!"

"But Chu He's magic card creature has no weaknesses!"

"Yes, Chu He's magic card creature is too strong!"

"When he was in the university a few days ago, he defeated Du Gang's five-star golden six-armed demon with the one-star gold nine-child ghost mother!"

"The six-armed demon even defeated the giant bear boxer of senior Li Feng, but lost to the nine sons of the ghost mother!"

Although "The second form of Chu He's nine sons and ghost mothers is terrifying, there is no doubt that his magic card creatures are too strong!"

"If only I had a magic card creature like Chu He too!

"Are you crazy? Didn't you hear what other people said?"

"Xiang is born from the heart, the appearance of the magic card is related to the heart of the magic card master, and your heart also wants to become as dark as Chu He?"

"Fart, if Chu He's heart is really dark, will he save us?

"With his strength, he can retreat calmly. There is no need to deal with these steelback ants and save us!"

"If it weren't for Chu He, we would probably be dead now!"

Moreover, "Last time, Chu He clearly defeated Du Gang and defended the dignity of our Tianwu Academy. In the end, Chu He became a person with a dark heart and a psychological problem through the word of mouth!"

"Anyway, I think the magic card of the ghost system created by Chu He is okay, but those who say that Chu He has a problem in his heart are really problematic!

The shorter student heard the other two students arguing and said bitterly, "Don't fight!"

"I guess Chu He never cared about our opinion of him!

"And I think Chu He has no plan to save us at all. He fights against steelback ants, just to upgrade his magic card creature to kill steelback ants!"

"He obviously has nine children and ghost mothers, but he didn't realize it. Instead, he uses these two magic card creatures that we have never seen before!"

"Obviously, let these two magic card creatures kill Steelback Ants to upgrade!"

"From beginning to end, Chu He didn't put us in his eyes!"

Hearing what he said, the two students who were arguing stopped.

They looked at the evil and impermanence who were caught in the tide of steelback ants, and the evil spirits who were supporting the evil spirits in the distance, Baiwuchang, and their moods were a little complicated.

As the shorter student said, Chu He clearly has a stronger nine-child ghost mother, but he did not realize it. for what?

"And I think the last time Chu He dealt with Du Gang, maybe it wasn't for the academic institution!"

"But to test the strength of his magic card nine sons and ghost mother!!

"As a result, because we saw the second form of Jiuziguimu, we thought he was a person with a dark heart!"

"Perhaps in Chu He's eyes, we are not even a fart!" the shorter student continued.

The three of them stopped talking, quietly watching the battle between the black and white impermanence and the steelback ant tide.

The evil evil and the black impermanence are now like the god of war, unparalleled in the steelback ant tide.

When the sickle is cut down, steelback ants must be killed.

The evil spirit on the side, Bai Wuchang, also used the [Ghost Hair] skill.

Her hair lengthened, strangling steelback ants continuously.

As the steelback ants were continuously killed by the evil spirits Baiwuchang.

The evil spirit Bai Wuchang also broke through to five silver stars.

After her strength increased, her combat effectiveness became stronger.

Killing steelback ants has also become easier.

There are more than two thousand steelback ants, which seem to be many.

But as the black and white impermanence continued to kill, the number dropped sharply and became less and less.

It took two hours!

The two of them, Black and White Impermanence, killed all steelback ants.

After the battle, the strength of the black and white impermanence increased again, reaching six silver stars.

After the battle, the black and white impermanence returned to Chu He, and Chu He and Huo Siyu continued to return to the deserted army camp.

"See it?"

"I said Chu He never put us in his eyes!

"It's just that we take ourselves too seriously!"

The shorter student saw Chu He and Huo Siyu leave, and said with a wry smile.

After returning to the deserted army camp, Chu He saw many students sitting on the ground in embarrassment.

Chu He saw them and shook his head slightly.

"These guys are the flowers in the greenhouse!" Huo Siyu said.

"The people from the second team gather!" A loud shout rang out.

Chu He saw a man in military uniform walking quickly from a distance.

Hearing what he said, some students who had been sitting on the ground immediately got up and ran to the other side.

"Tonight, our second team will be in charge of the night watch!"

"Everyone come with me!" the man in uniform shouted loudly.

Hearing what he said, the students in his team all looked bitter.

"Captain, we have been fighting the wild beasts for a day in the wilderness, and we have to watch the night tonight. Our bodies simply can't bear it!"

Hearing this, the captain of the second team showed anger on his face.

"Your body can't bear it, is that an excuse?""What if you don't keep watch, and there are wild beasts attacking in the middle of the night!"

"The wild beasts are most active at night. If the wild beasts attack and destroy our camp, everyone will die!"

"Do you think that when the wild beast kills you, it will care about your physical condition?" the captain of the second team scolded loudly.

After being reprimanded, the student who spoke had an embarrassed look on his face, bowed his head, and dared not speak any more.

"Follow me!" the second team captain shouted.

The students of the second team only followed the captain honestly.

"These guys are really pitiful!"

"Still vigil!" Huo Siyu chuckled lightly.

"Okay, we don't have to worry about their business!"

"Let's go, go eat first!" Chu He said lightly.

After Chu He and Huo Siyu arrived at the cafeteria, they ate a little and went back to their rooms to rest.

Silent all night.

The next morning, Chu He and Huo Siyu went to the wilderness to hunt wild beasts.

At night, the two returned.

three days in a row.

There are countless wild beasts who died in Chu He's hands.

Chu He has now raised the strength of Niu Tau Ma Mian, Black and White Impermanence and Ghost King Yasha to Silver Nine Stars, except for Yin Yang Judge and Nine Sons Ghost Mother.

The speed of this improvement is not unpleasant.

Of course, this is also related to Huo Siyu's failure to take action when encountering the wild beast.

All the wild beasts are solved by Chu He, and his waste card creatures can improve such fast (Qian Zhao's) speed.

As for the yin and yang judge, the strength has also been upgraded to five stars of silver.

Chu He is a little in love with the wilderness now!

There are many wild beasts in the wilderness, even if it is the area that you walked through yesterday, if you go to that area today, there are still many wild beasts.

A cave, a wilderness.

Killing the alien magic card master in the magic cave can quickly increase his magic card master level.

Killing wild beasts in the wilderness can quickly increase the level of magicka creatures.

In Chu He's eyes, places that others can't avoid are good places.

Day 4, night!

Chu He and Huo Siyu returned from the wilderness, and after dinner, they went back to their rooms to rest.

In the early hours of the morning, Chu He was woken up by the screeching alarm.

After Chu He came out of the room, he saw chaos in the camp.

Chu He saw some students sneak out of the crowd and fled towards a remote place in the camp, apparently trying to avoid the battle.

Chu He shook his head, ignoring these people, and walked to the Great Steel Wall.

Far in the wilderness, the "Kuroshio" is approaching Fen.

"This is the wild beast tide!" Chu He said with a gloomy expression when he saw the Kuroshio approaching in the distance.

The wild beast tide is the most terrifying existence in the wilderness!

The wild beast tide is formed by the gathering of tens of thousands of wild beasts, and the wild beast tide is led by a powerful wild beast.

Every time the wild beast tide appeared, it was a big trouble for the army.

"Attention all teams, prepare for the attack of the wild beast tide!" Xie Han stood on the steel Great Wall and shouted loudly.

Soldiers of the Famine Suppression Army have embodied the magic card creatures one after another.

As for the students of Tianwu Academy, they now appear to be very frightened.

"Don't be stupid, materialize your magic card creatures, and prepare to fight!" Xie Han looked at the students of Tianwu Academy and roared with a cold face.

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