Magic Card Age: My Magic Card Is Super Scary

Chapter 91: Is the Principal a Powerhouse? (1) (required)

in the principal's office.

The atmosphere was terribly depressing.

Man Chang's face seemed so gloomy that it could drip out of water.

The teachers who reported the situation stood in front of Xiao Chang, not daring to let out the air.

"Has the casualty statistics come out?" Xiao Chang said solemnly.

"A total of 635 students died!"

"Severely injured, there are 217 students who are still being rescued!" said a teacher.

Hearing the teacher's words, Xiao Chang took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

He wasn't annoyed by the number of casualties among the students.

It was the students who were angry at Tianwu Academy for being so unbearable!

Of the more than 2,000 students, only a hundred of them dared to stay and fight in the face of the beast tide.

This is simply a shame to throw it home!

"Headmaster, what should we do now?"

"With so many students killed and injured, the parents of the students will definitely come to the school to ask for justice!"

"And once this matter is known to the media, it will probably be very bad for the reputation of our Tianwu Academy!"

After hesitating for a long time, a male teacher looked at Xiao Chang and asked.

When Xiao Chang heard this, he looked at him without saying a word.

Suddenly, Xiao Chang slapped his palm on the desk and roared, "Now is the time to care about word of mouth!

"All the students who went to the wilderness to practice, have their parents sign a waiver of liability!"

"They are dead and injured, so why are their parents looking for us!

"The most important thing now is why our school has cultivated so many wastes!"

The wild beast "is the enemy of our human beings, the enemy is in front, obviously has the strength to fight, but blindly flees!

"Cause the soldiers of the Famine Army to die in order to save them!"

"Student's life is life, but soldier's life is not life?"

"In order to save the soldiers whose students died, what should their families do?"

They "have someone else's father, and someone else's father's son, who should their families look for?"

"Could it be that when the students die, their parents should not forgive them and protect those students and soldiers who sacrificed themselves? That's what they should be?"

Hearing Xiao Chang's roar, the male teacher who asked the question was so frightened that he immediately lowered his head and did not dare to look at Xiao Chang.

"I will handle the matter that the parents of the dead and injured students came to the school to hold them accountable!"

"Now you announce that starting from this semester, the difficulty of the semester assessment will increase. If you fail the assessment once, you will be expelled directly!"

"It's time for our Tianwu Academy to change!" Xiao Chang said solemnly.

After he finished speaking, the teachers who reported the situation to him all left one after another.

Xiao Chang sat in the office chair and was silent for a long time, then picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

The phone rang for a long time and was connected there.

"Xiao Lin, I'm really sorry about what happened this time!" Xiao Chang said apologetically.

The Xiaolin in his mouth is naturally Lin Zhenhuang.

"Mr. Xiao, I don't blame you for this, it has nothing to do with you!"

"If you want to blame it, it's because of the poor strength of our No. 26 military headquarters, which caused the students of Tianwu Academy to suffer heavy casualties!"

"This matter may bring you a lot of trouble!""I am here on behalf of the No. 26 Military Headquarters, and I apologize to you!" Lin Zhenhuang also said apologetically.

"Xiao Lin, don't you say that!"

"This time it was my fault. I was cheeky and used the teacher-student relationship between us to allow you to accept the students of our university for experience, and that would cause this to happen!"

"I overestimated them. I wanted them to see the battlefield and feel the cruelty of the battlefield. I didn't expect this to be the result!" Xiao Chang said with guilt.

"Mr. Xiao, after all, they are all students. It is normal for them to be afraid of wild beasts and not dare to fight with wild beasts!"

"Moreover, fighting against the desolate beasts was originally the duty of our town's desolate army. It shouldn't be the case to ask the students to help. The person who really wants to apologize should be me!" Lin Zhenhuang said.

"Okay, Xiaolin, don't argue with me about whose fault it is~!"

"If I don't let the students go to the wilderness guarded by your military headquarters to practice, then this kind of thing will not happen!"

In short, "This time, it is my fault, and the responsibility is mine!

"Moreover, through this wilderness experience, I realized that there is a big problem with our school's teaching policy!"

"Otherwise, the trained students would not be so incompetent!" Xiao Chang said helplessly.

"Teacher Xiao, you can't say that. When this desolate beast wave hit, one of your students performed very well!" Lin Zhenhuang said.

"Is it Chu He?"

"I have heard the report from the teacher!" Chang said.

"Ms. Xiao, that Chu He is definitely the dragon among people!"

"I have never seen such an outstanding young man!"

"To tell you the truth, I thought about digging a wall and letting him enter our military headquarters, or go to the military academy to study, but he refused!"

"Teacher Xiao, you have to look at talents like Chu He, otherwise it will be a pity when someone is snatched away!" Lin Zhenhuang smiled.

"I won't let anyone steal him!" Xiao Chang smiled.

Afterwards, the two teachers and students chatted again, and finally Lin Zhenhuang hung up the phone because there were too many things to deal with.

"Chu He, even Xiao Lin praises you so much, you are really excellent!" Xiao Chang muttered to himself.

Villa area!

After Chu He returned to the school, he went straight back to the villa, slept on the bed and fell asleep.

What happened yesterday was so thrilling.

Not only physically, but also mentally exhausted.

From morning, I slept all night.

Chu He was awakened from starvation.

After washing, Chu He left the villa and went to the cafeteria.

There was no one in the canteen, so Chu He ordered a set meal, walked to the empty table and sat down and ate alone.

After a while, a girl walked up to Chu He.

Chu He raised his head and glanced at him.

The opponent was the first student he wanted to draw when he gathered in the No. 26 Army Camp, but the opponent was afraid to fight with Chu He.

"Is there anything wrong?" Chu He looked at the other party with an indifferent voice.

"Chu He, I'm here to thank you!" The girl looked at Chu He and said gratefully.

She also had light makeup on her face, and she deliberately dressed up.

She looked at Chu He's gaze, with a trace of admiration and infatuation!

Mu Qiang is the nature of human beings.

She saw the power of Chu He, and she had the shadow of Chu He in her heart.

And she was able to survive because of Chu He.

It’s a bit too much to say that the grace of life-saving is promised by the body.

But in her heart, she hopes that Chu He can become her boyfriend.

She came to thank Chu He this time. In fact, she was able to get into a relationship with Chu He, and then the two could have a chance to interact.

She also has some confidence in her appearance. She believes that she takes the initiative to approach Chu He, and Chu He will definitely not reject her.

But Chu He's attitude is completely opposite to what she thought.

For her thanks, Chu He just said "No thanks" indifferently.

Then there is no follow-up!

Seeing Chu He's attitude so indifferent and not angry, she continued to say, "You saved my life, and my parents are very grateful to you!"

"They want to invite you to dinner, can they?"

When Chu He heard this, he stopped his chopsticks, raised his head, stared at the opponent, and said nothing.

Seeing Chu He's gaze, she was a little flustered inexplicably.

Chu He choked her for a long time, then picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat.

He just wanted to teach each other.

But he changed his mind, there is no such need.

But now he feels worthless for the deserted army!

The other party only experienced a life-and-death crisis yesterday, and today is just like a okay person.

Chu He suddenly felt chills for the soldiers who died protecting the students.

Seeing Chu He ignored her, the girl got up and left wisely.

Not long after she left, another person was sitting opposite Chu He.

Chu He raised his head and saw that it was Huo Siyu.

"You don't even call me when you eat!" Huo Siyu looked at Chu He and said along his mouth.

Chu He smiled, "How do I know you haven't eaten it!"

"Forget it, I will forgive you this time!" Huo Siyu smiled.

Huo Siyu also bought a set meal and ate in front of Chu He.

"By the way, Chu He, I am going to create magic cards recently. Do you have any good suggestions?" Huo Siyu asked.

"Oh? Are you planning to continue to create magic cards and perform magic card fusion?" Chu He asked.

"No, I have figured it out!"

"I plan to keep my feet on the ground and improve my strength step by step!"

"One day, I will kill all the wild beasts!" Huo Siyu smiled.

"I can ask, what made you suddenly change your mind?" Chu He curiously asked.

"Because of yesterday!"

"I saw soldiers in the deserted army sacrificing themselves in order to cover the retreat of unfamiliar students!"

"I can suddenly understand my father!"

"At the time, my father's comrades told me that my father was killed by the barren beast because he couldn't retreat. I didn't understand why there was a way to retreat, but my father didn't retreat!"

"But after what happened yesterday, I understand everything. My father is to protect the homeland behind him. Maybe he thinks that if the wild beast breaks the camp, maybe I will be hurt, so I won't retreat!"

"In a sense, my father died to protect me!

"So I can't be so decadent anymore, I have to be down-to-earth, become stronger step by step, and improve my strength!" Huo Siyu smiled.

Hearing Huo Siyu's words, Chu He smiled and nodded, "Very good concept change!"

"But for the magic card you want to create, I really don't have any good suggestions!"

"Only the magic card that creates the ghost system, I might be able to give some reference!"

"But your discarded card should be of elemental type. In this regard, I can't give a reference!"

Hearing Chu He's words, Huo Siyu said nonchalantly, "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't give an opinion!"

"As long as you are willing to exchange some materials for me!""I'm a little nervous recently, you help me exchange some materials, and then I will give you the credits!"

"No problem!" Chu He said simply.

Huo Siyu had life-long friendship with him.

Just using credits to redeem some materials, Chu He would not take it to heart, and he is not such a stingy person.

Hearing Chu He's consent, Huo Siyu's face showed joy.

After the two had dinner, they rushed to the material library.

When Huo Siyu selected the materials, Chu He took out his student ID and prepared to settle the bill.

But when Chu He saw that his credits suddenly increased by 100,000 points out of thin air, a strange expression appeared on his face.

"Chu He, do you have so many credits?" Huo Siyu said with a surprised expression when he saw Chu He's credits exceeded 100,000.

"I don't know what's going on either!"

"Could it be a problem with the credit calculation!" Chu He smiled bitterly.

"Wait, I will check my credits too!" Huo Siyu said.

She took out her student card and checked the credits.

When she saw that there were 50,000 more credits in her student card, her face was stunned.

"Chu He, I think I know why we have these extra credits!"

Perhaps "it was given to us by the school as a reward for our brave fight when the wild beasts attacked us yesterday!" Huo Siyu said.

"Hungry?" Chu He heard the words and felt Huo Siyu made sense.

Otherwise, why would he and Huo Siyu's student IDs have so many credits for no reason?

After all, he challenged the Tongtian Tower and only got more than 40,000 credits.

"Huo Siyu is right, your credits are all the academic awards (Qian Zhao's) to encourage you!"

Outside the material library, a man walked in.

Chu He and Huo Siyu turned to look at each other.

The person here is the director of the Academic Affairs Office, Lu Jian!

"I heard about the incident at the No. 26 Military Headquarters this time!"

"Both of you did a great job!

"Especially Chu He, the fact that you gather students, encourage them, and let them fight against wild beasts has already spread in the school!" Lu Jian smiled.

Upon hearing this, Chu He smiled, "Director Lu, you praise me so much!"

"I'm not complimenting!

"You performed very well this time, and the principal is also very satisfied with what you did in the wilderness experience this time!"

"I went to find you in the afternoon, but I rang the doorbell outside your villa, and you did not open the door. I wondered if you were too tired and too heavy to sleep, and didn't wake you up!" Lu Jian smiled. .

"Director Lu, what's the matter with you coming to see me now?" Chu He asked.

Lu Jian nodded, and said, "The principal wants to meet you!"

"The principal wants to see me?" Chu He was a little surprised.

"So, I have already conveyed it, let's go when you have time, the principal is waiting for you in the office!" Lu Jian smiled, and then turned and left.

"Chu He, it seems that the principal also appreciates you!"

"The principal usually doesn't see the students, but occasionally shows up at the student conference!"

"Moreover, the principal is still the seventh strongest in the rankings, a real diamond-level magic card master, known as the King of Rage!"

"His magic deck is extremely powerful!

"In the Diamond Magic Card Master, the principal's strength is top!" Huo Siyu said to Chu He after Lu Jian left.

"The principal is the strongest in the local rankings?" Chu He said, his expression was a little different.

Hearing what Huo Siyu said, he was full of curiosity about the principal of Tianwu Academy!

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