Magic Card Age: My Magic Card Is Super Scary

Chapter 93 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

The 93rd chapter returns to the magic cave, "Chu Nancheng guerrilla squad is formed! (3) (request for completeness)

In a few hours!

When the light rail arrived in Huaidong City, Chu He left the light rail station and hurried towards the community where the entrance of the magic cave is located.

When Chu He rushed to the community where the entrance of the magic cave was located, a security guard immediately stopped Chu He.

"This is a private community, non-owners are not allowed to enter!" The security guard looked at Chu He and said politely.

"I know Director Chen Mo!" Chu He looked at the security guard in front of him and smiled faintly.

This security guard is obviously from the Magic Card Security Bureau, and he has also entered the Magic Cave.

After all, ordinary security guards wouldn't have the other side's eyes so overwhelming.

Upon hearing Chu He's words, the security guard gave Chu He a weird look.

"May I ask your name?" The security guard's attitude became more polite.

"Chu He!"

"Are you Chu He?" The security guard heard Chu He-'s words and was surprised.

As soon as his words were uttered, other people posing as security guards nearby heard them and moved closer.

"Are you Chu He?"

"Brother, are you really Chu He?"

When these people saw Chu He, they all stared at him.

Chu saw He and these people staring at him, with a weird expression, "Is there any problem?"

"Of course, no problem!"

"Brother Chu He, go ahead and say!"

A security guard invited Chu He into the security booth.

Seeing the smiles on these people's faces, Chu He did not refuse, and followed them into the security booth.

These people again brought tea and handed water, and put the fruit plate in front of Chu He, their attitude was simply too good.

This makes Chu He confused.

I don't understand what these people are going to do.

"Brother Chu He, we have all heard of what you did in the Devil's Cave!"

"You single-handedly rescued Captain Rock from an alien's hand, it's really amazing!" A security guard looked at Chu He and laughed.

"I am not alone. There is a companion named Lin Cheng who rescued Captain Luo Liang together with me!" Chu He explained with a smile.

For this kind of thing, Chu He won't take credit for himself.

"Lin Cheng told us about your rescue of Captain Luo Liang!"

"Lin Cheng said that after the two of you rescued Captain Luo Liang together, the alien magic card master was chasing you, but you stood up and stayed behind and delayed the alien magic card master alone, otherwise he would never have the chance to rescue Luo. Captain Liang!"

"In a sense, it is not an exaggeration to say that you single-handedly rescued Captain Luo Jing!

"And the few of us used to be soldiers under Captain Rock!"

"We are all grateful to you for rescuing Captain Luo Jing!"

When Chu He heard the words, he understood the cause and effect.

It turns out that these people are so enthusiastic about him, and there is still such a reason behind it.

"How is the situation in the Devil's Cave during the recent period?" Chu He curiously asked.

The situation is "very stable, no major problems!"

"On the afternoon that Captain Luo Liang was rescued by you, hundreds of card masters came to support. Now there are more than 800 card masters in the steel barrier!"

"Although the alien magic card master is the same as usual, he will launch an attack every day, but he is easily repelled!" A security guard laughed.

"By the way, Brother Chu He, you come here this time, are you going to the magic cave?" someone asked.

Chu He nodded, "Yes, I plan to go to the Devil's Cave to experience it!

"Then we will send you to the magic cave now!"

The security guards couldn't allow Chu He to refuse, and insisted on sending Chu He off.

Chu He is also a little helpless.

After all, it's not far, only a few minutes away.

But they wanted to send it, and Chu He didn't refuse their kindness either.When they reached the alloy passage outside the entrance of the magic cave, several security guards stopped.

"Brother Chu He, enter the magic cave this time to try to kill more foreigners!"

"Yes, kill those strangers who don't know the heights of the world, let them understand the power of our humans!"

"Brother Chu He, I wish you prosperous martial arts, and you must return safely!"

Chu He looked at them, nodded heavily, walked quickly to the end of the passage, and walked into the vortex.

The familiar feeling of weightlessness came.

When Chu He recovered, he went to the world of magic cave.

"How does the entrance to the magic cave connect the two worlds?" Chu He was curious about this in his heart.

Unfortunately, no one can give him the answer.

Chu He walked out of the room where the vortex was at the entrance of the magic cave and went outside.

Right now it happened to be a meal. When Chu saw the people sitting on the ground by the river, they were eating with their dinner plates and involuntarily touched their stomachs.

From morning till now, he hasn't eaten yet, and he is a little hungry.

"Chu He?

Lin Cheng just came out of the canteen with the dinner plate.

When he saw Chu He, he shouted in surprise.

"Why did you come to the Devil's Cave suddenly?" Lin Cheng saw Chu He, walked quickly to Chu He's side, and asked with a smile.

"Come and experience!

"To participate in the Advanced Magic Card Master Academy Competition in a month!" Chu He laughed.

"It turned out to be like this!"

"By the way, haven't you eaten yet?"

"I'll give it to you, I'll make another copy!" Lin Cheng handed Chu He the plate in his hand.

Chu He was not polite either, after all, the two of them had a fateful friendship.

When Lin Cheng had another meal from the cafeteria, the two sat on the floor.

After all, the conditions in this steel barrier are like this, it is more difficult than in the camp of the deserted army, at least the latter can take a bath in the camp.

Chu He and Lin Cheng talked for a long time.

He also knows about the recent situation of the Devil's Cave.

"By the way, Chu He, Captain Luo Liang is forming a guerrilla squad recently!

Every time "It's an alien magic card master who comes to attack us, we suffer too much!"

"This time the guerrilla squad formed by Captain Luo Liang is a group of three, responsible for sniping and killing foreign magic card masters!"

"I wonder if you are interested?" Lin Cheng asked with a smile.

"Is it a guerrilla squad that is responsible for killing alien magic cards?" Chu He was very interested when he heard the words.

After all, the purpose of his coming this time is to kill the alien magic card master, to improve his own magic card master level.

Then enter the guerrilla squad, go to kill the foreign magic card division, just agree with him.

"I am very interested, but a group requires three people!"

In addition to "the two of us, there is still one person missing!"

"If it is added to people we are not familiar with, I am afraid it will achieve the effect of one plus one less than two!" Chu He expressed his opinion.

He and Lin Cheng cooperate very well.

But if someone who is not very familiar comes in and cooperates with the other party, it may be counterproductive!

"Don't worry, there is already another candidate!" Lin Cheng smiled.

"Who is it?" Chu He curiously asked.

"I'll know when you see it!" Lin Cheng sold it for a while.

Chu He didn't ask any more.

After the meal, Chu He went to see Luo Liang.

When Luo Liang saw that Chu He came to the magic cave again, he welcomed him very much.

After the two had a courtesy.

Chu He mentioned about the guerrilla squad.

"Chu He, if you want to come to the magic cave for experience, I don't recommend that you enter the guerrilla squad!"

"What I'm saying to you now is all out of selfishness!"

"You saved me, I don't want anything to happen to you!" Luo Liang looked at Chu He and said sternly.

Hearing this, Chu He was a little curious, "Captain Luo, are you saying that it would be dangerous to enter the guerrilla squad?"

Luo nodded, "I'm not going to lie to you, other magic caves formed guerrilla squads, although the results were good, they killed a lot of alien magicians!

"But the casualty rate of the members of the guerrilla squad is too high!"

"After each operation, the casualty rate has exceeded 30 percent!"

"A guerrilla squad of three people means that for each action, only two people can survive!"

Hearing Luo Liang's words, Chu He's expression was a little different.

"Captain Luo, since the casualty rate of this guerrilla squad is so high, why do you want to form it?" Chu He wondered.

"To boost morale!"

"You should also know that we have been guarding the steel barriers and have been on passive defense!"

"Forming a guerrilla team to snipe the Inhuman Magic Card Master can improve our morale a little!"

After all, "passive defense for a long time without counterattack can easily demoralize people!" Luo Liang explained.

"So it is!" After Chu He heard Luo Liang's explanation, he knew something.

"Captain Luo, thank you for your reminder!"

"But I still plan to join the guerrilla squad!"

"I'm here to practice, if there's no danger, then how can it be regarded as an experience!"

"If someone else can enter the training group and kill the alien magician, so can I!" Chu He laughed.

Hearing Chu He's words, Luo Liang sighed softly and said, "Well, since you have already made a decision, I won't say more!"

"Anyway, be careful in everything and keep your life as the primary goal!"

Chu He nodded, then turned to leave.

Chu He found Lin Cheng, and there was another person beside Lin Cheng.

The other party is South.

Chu He was a little surprised when he saw Nan.

"Chu He, Nan is another of our teammates, how about it, right?" Lin Cheng said with a smile.

"It's really reliable!" Chu He laughed.

After all, Nan's fusion magic card group made a deep impression on Chu He.

With the addition of Yu Nan, the combat effectiveness of their guerrilla squad will become stronger.

After that, the three of Chu He went to the place where the guerrilla team was registered.

The three of them successfully registered the guerrilla squad, and named the group as Chu Nancheng. It was considered a team name composed of one character for each of the three of them, and it had no special meaning.

"Now we are part of the guerrilla squad too!"

0…………For flowers……

"Let's leave the steel barrier now and go hunt those aliens?" Lin Cheng asked, looking at Chu He and Nan.

He looks a little excited now, a little urgent!

For going to hunt Inhumans, he felt his blood boil.

"I have no opinion!" Chu He said with a smile.

The purpose of Chu He's coming to the magic cave is to kill foreigners to improve his card master level.

It is exactly what he wants to set off to hunt the Inhumans now.

"I have no opinion either!" Nan said.

When he spoke, his eyes kept on Chu He.

He naturally knew that Chu He and Lin Cheng had rescued Luo.

Moreover, he also heard Lin Cheng say that it was Chu He who dragged dozens of alien magic card masters alone, otherwise Lin Cheng would not be able to bring Luo Liang back to the steel barrier.

But for Chu He, Nan's mood is a bit complicated.

In the Provincial Youth Magic Card Master Competition, Chu He defeated Yu Bo. In his opinion, Chu He is just a little bit stronger!

Unexpectedly, in less than half a month, Chu He made a feat of blocking dozens of alien magicians.

This feat, he thinks he can't do it."Why are you staring at me all the time?" Chu He looked at Nan's eyes and stared at him, and asked with a smile.

"Chu He, can you fight me before we leave the steel fortress and hunt the Inhumans?"

"Have a 5v5 magic card battle!" Nan looked at Chu He and said solemnly.

He really wants to know how strong Chu He is!

Hearing Nan's words, Chu He laughed, "No problem!"

"Lin Cheng, you stay here and wait for us!" Nan Kan said to Lin Cheng.

Obviously this battle, Nan did not want the third person to know the result.

Whether Chu He won or he won, only the two of them knew.

Seeing Nan and Chu He leave, Lin Cheng had a helpless look on his face, and could only wait in place.

Chu He and Nan walked into an uninhabited area.

This area happened to be where Chen Fangwen and Jin Dong exposed their fox tails and wanted to kill Chu He.

"Revisiting the old place made Chu He's heart a little emotional, but the two of them are definitely not alive now.

"Chu He, I feel very sorry that I didn't play against you in the Provincial Youth Magic Card Master Competition!"

"But I didn't think you were my opponent before!"

Although "I'm sorry, but I didn't take it to heart!"

"But I heard that you and Lin Cheng rescued Captain Luo Liang, and I also heard that you blocked dozens of alien magicians alone!"

"I think I made a mistake in judging your strength!"

"I want to know, if there was no accident in the magic cave at that time, whether the champion of the provincial youth magic card master contest was yours or mine!"

"So this time, I hope you will do your best!" Nan looked at Chu He, a rare serious look on his paralyzed face.

Hearing this, Chu He nodded slightly, "No problem!"

Then Chu He took out five magic cards.

Black and white impermanence, Yaksha Rakshasa plus yin and yang judge.

The reason why Chu He didn't use Niu Tau Ma Mian and Jiu Zi Gui Mu was because Chu He wanted to fight the other side fairly.

Using gold-level magic cards is a bit too bullying.

Nan also summoned his own magic card.

The five steel magic card creatures quickly merged and turned into a steel giant with a height of thirty meters, three heads and six arms, six swords in hand, and huge gun barrels on the back.

"Come on!" Nan shouted loudly!

The battle begins!

But this battle was over in less than a minute!

Nan looked desperately at the fusion steel giant who fell to the ground.

"It seems that I won by luck!" Chu He smiled lightly, turning the five magic card creatures into magic cards and taking them back.

"The battle is no fluke!"

"You win, you win!"

"And I can see that you didn't use your full strength in this battle!"

"I didn't expect you to be so strong!" Nan Jiang also turned the fusion giant into five magic cards and took it back, his voice a little frustrated.

Nan turned to leave.

Chu He shrugged and followed each other.

When the two returned to Lin Cheng's side, their expressions were the same as usual.

"Which one of you won?" Lin walked over to Cheng Chu He and asked curiously.

"Guess what?" Chu He said with a smile, without telling Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng glanced suspiciously at Chu He and Nan, but he couldn't see the result of the battle just now from their faces.

"Forget it, if you don't tell me, I won't ask!

"We can now set off to hunt the Inhumans!"

"I can't wait!" Lin Cheng said excitedly!

"You guys wait for me for a while before you leave!" Chu He laughed.

In Chu He's heart, a very interesting idea suddenly appeared!

Today's update is over! Guang,

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