Magic card gods

Chapter 115 Return to Tianyuan City

On the way back to Rogo's camp, the group was attacked by fallen people.

The Camp of the Fallen learned the information that the Rogo camp planned to rescue Sun Laodao, so naturally they couldn't let it go easily. Forty or fifty fallen people participated in the sniping of the rescue team.

The fallen were originally human beings, but during the invasion of the forces of hell, their bodies and minds were deflected and mutated, and they finally fell into the camp of hell.

After all, manpower is exhausted sometimes, but hell is eternal. Since no matter how hard you struggle, this world cannot escape the fate of extinction, so why not throw yourself into the arms of hell and welcome your new life from the very beginning?

Learn to enjoy if you can't resist, not to mention that this process is extremely long and hopeless, why bother to resist painfully?

So by chance, many people became fallen and became creatures of hell.

If one day, this world falls and hell descends, maybe these people will turn into demons completely.

Not to mention them, even some carders will choose some dark paths.

There are always cards who go to spirit bodies, mutations, blood transformations, and alien creatures. There are even those who turn into zombies! There are those who can no longer applaud love in the future, and naturally there are those whose faces are covered with tentacles... In short, Katu's path is full of strange things and unpredictable.


Each of these fallen people has strange shapes, and they are gradually breaking away from the category of human beings. The stronger it is, the weirder it is.

The one who took the lead had horns on his head, arrow tails on his buttocks, and his skin turned into a fiery red, covered with black magic lines that made people dizzy at a glance. His eyes are bright golden glass balls burning with flames, and his pupils are horizontal black lines like goats... except that he has no wings on his back, and he is only one step away from the devil.

It was even stronger than the undead-oriented fallen man Wei Yuan met in Banruo Temple.

However, in the rescue team, there are 8 3rd-level carders, and the First Academy also has two 4th-level teachers who lead the team, and there is even a 5th-level boss who is not easy to make a move, but is deadly.

By the way, the sloppy uncle in Wei Yuan's eyes is Cheng Kun. One punch sent thunder all over the sky, a huge electro-optic fist with a diameter of more than five meters, directly turned the reserve devil and fallen man into ashes... Maybe Cheng Kun's nickname is Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand? It would be even more perfect with a shaved head!

The news of the rescue team leaked must be because there is an insider in the camp. It's either a survivor or a carder. Yes, there must be a carder and a fallen person who secretly communicated with the song, selling some information or something. It is hard to guarantee whether they will notice the actions of Tianyuan City. On the one hand, selling information in exchange for benefits, on the other hand, adding some obstacles to the carders of Tianyuan City.

Thinking of the information about betraying the rescue team, Wei Yuan unexpectedly immediately thought of the Tier 3 card disciple who sold him the card, King George of Chuyan City.

That guy's temperament looks like an information dealer!

Of course, none of this mattered. Even this attack hit the arms of these people in front of them.

The carders and members of the committee in Tianyuan City also guessed this possible situation, and it might even be the information they leaked on purpose.

The purpose is to take advantage of Cheng Kun's presence to greatly consume the power of the fallen.

Now there are two Tier 4 fallen people who died under the hands of Mr. Cheng Kun. In addition, there are more than ten Tier 3 fallen people who died in this batch, and the power of the fallen has been severely damaged. This will make Rogo's camp and other small survivor camps in Huanglong City much better.

Everything after returning home went very smoothly.

The old fairy prepared the magic circle, spent a lot of precious materials, and personally took the risk to cross the underworld, that is, the soul went out of the body and "go to the underworld/spiritual world" to find the wandering soul of Taoist Sun Kai'en.

Finally, after several attempts, Sun Kaien was finally awakened.

After that, everything will be fine. After Sun Kaien woke up, he translated the ancient books Zhu Huamei and Billy Zhou got from the blood female star, and found the hiding place leading to An Dali who had become the demon king of hell...

There are three major demon gods and four major demon kings in the world of Diablo, seven in total.

It's just that they are too powerful to leave hell, and even projections cannot directly appear in the material world.

Just like this An Dali, the Queen of Pain possessed a human body through a series of means, turning it into a projection of herself.

It is natural that Wei Yuan has no part in such a big matter as beating An Dali. He didn't even have the qualifications to watch and shout 666.

Not to mention him, even Zhu Huamei, Billy Zhou and others stopped at the core periphery of the underground temple, helping the two 4th-rank bosses and Cheng Kun clear the miscellaneous soldiers and open the way. During the final battle, they were on guard at the periphery.

These are all what he heard from Zhu Huamei later. At that time, Wei Yuan's adventure time was running out, and he took advantage of the last few days to frantically spawn monsters.

Relying on the many summons taking turns to play, he is like a perpetual harvester, sweeping back and forth in the ruins of Huanglong City.

With the addition of King Kong, the strength of the team has doubled. There are almost no enemies that are difficult to deal with.

Even in an encounter with the Fallen, a large group of will-o'-the-wisps riding demonized hell locomotives were killed six or seven, and they won a complete victory!

That's a fallen man with a third-tier boss and a dozen second-tier elites!

The fallen are all survivors or even awakened who have fallen into darkness, and their strength is stronger than hell monsters of the same class.

However, under the double strangling of King Kong Caesar and Supreme Corpse King, he had to lose most of the members and the third-rank boss and fled!

King Kong Caesar’s feedback to Wei Yuan is: +2 strength, +3 physique and characteristics "strength enhancement" (+2 strength, explosive power increased by 20%), "muscle barrier" (gain 30% of the physical attribute defense, 10 % Constitution attribute resistance, 20% increased HP recovery speed).

A full 4 points of strength and 3 points of constitution!

And when wearing equipment and not summoning time-limited summons such as undead and cavemen, which is normal, Wei Yuan's defense power has reached 28!

He scratched his arm with a small barbecue knife, but it didn't break the skin!

It can be said that after contracting King Kong Caesar, Wei Yuan is already a good looking muscular guy. Occasionally, I will make a cameo appearance in a diaosi battle, not to mention whether others believe it or not, they all have to praise: what a muscular club that can withstand beatings!

To be honest, Wei Yuan really thought about whether to just make a muscle stick like this! After all, I have so much potential!


After rescuing the old Taoist priest Sun Kanen, there was another strong man of level 4 in Luo Ge's camp, and he might even rise to level 5 in time.

Moreover, Sun Daochang's "soft power" is stronger.

He knows a lot of formations, he has optimized the protective formations in Luo Ge's camp, he also knows talismans, qi refining, weapon refining, and celestial eye identification.

And in the past twelve years outside the soul, I have learned in the spiritual world, and this world has changed under the stress of the invasion of hell power to the system of one hundred and eight symbols of Tiangang Disha!

This sigil system can additionally strengthen items and equipment, greatly enhancing the strength of Rogo's camp.

Because Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng participated in the rescue, their contribution value skyrocketed, and they were also directly rewarded by Daoist Sun.

Hao Mengmeng learned the skills of "raising Qi" and "warming up". The former can continuously exercise one's qi and increase the amount of qi. The latter can use Qi to nourish the equipment, making it more suitable and stronger!

Because of the relationship between Ai Xi and the old fairy, Wei Yuan was actually taught the elementary knowledge of sigils by Sun Kanen!

Wei Yuan felt that the old fairy Li Weihong had a very good relationship with Daoist Sun Kai'en, and learned that Ai Xi didn't have a grandpa after making insinuations. Her mother didn't know who her father was either, saying that she died before she was born. Ai Xi herself and her mother are both named after the old fairy who followed her, the surname is Li.

Wei Yuan: I think I discovered something...

Therefore, Wei Yuan asked Aixi to take Sanqingling and Wuleiling and run to say hello to Sun Kaien and deliver meals every day.

Speaking of which, San Qingling originally belonged to this old Taoist priest.

Later, both Sanqingling and Wuleiling were strengthened with sigils!

Finally, after the cooldown of [Amulet of Control (Red)] ended, Wei Yuan summoned the old turtle by the river and made a contract with him. This trip is complete.


When the countdown to the duration of the adventure reached zero, Wei Yuan felt a sudden trance in front of his eyes, and then the feeling of being stretched and finally being pulled away with a "boo" reappeared.

The next moment, he came back to his senses, and he had already returned to the gymnasium of the Second Academy.

Besides, there are many classmates who entered the fantasy world of Huanglong City together at the beginning. These people should have ended their adventure ten days ago and had already returned to the original world ahead of schedule.

The three leading teachers in front of him were also there. They should have gone to solve the pain queen An Dali. Their adventure time was longer than their own...

Suddenly Wei Yuan looked around, but didn't see that senior Zhou Siqi.

Now it seems that as long as it is a normal return, no matter what means you use to extend the duration of the adventure, you will return at the same time. The time in the original world is just past the normal duration.

That is to say, the illusion lasts for one month, and the original world lasts for one month. Even though Wei Yuan actually spent 40 days in the fantasy world, and Billy Zhou and the others spent a longer number of days, they all returned at the same time in the end, and the time in the original world was also the same.

It's just that Zhou Siqi, who returned with props in advance, is not like this. She might have been back twenty days ago.

The timelines in the original world and the fantasy world are different, and now I don't know whether it is Wei Yuan who consumed 10 days more of his life, or an extra 10 days of experience.

He looked down at the bottle he was holding in his hand... It seemed that the things he held in his hand could be brought back together, but the table he was pressing on with his other hand could not be brought back together.

Wei Yuan looked around, these students were talking about what happened in Huanglong City, and didn't realize that he had 10 days more adventure experience than them.

Don't tell me, it's quite confidential. But others don't know if I come back late, and I don't know when others come back late. Like the three leading teachers.

Looking at the expressions of Dong Ximei and Billy Zhou, it seems that they most likely got what they wanted. Presumably the benefits are not less. After all, it was An Dali who made the first pass.

But that Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand Chengkun didn't show any expression, and still looked like he was eating and waiting to die.

Billy Zhou slapped his hands, attracting many students who were talking about it.

He shouted loudly: "Students, congratulations on successfully completing your first fantasy world adventure. You must be tired. You will return to school for a meeting in three days. Let's leave now."

Dong Ximei whispered beside him, "Four students have been lost." Billy Zhou nodded and remained silent.

Four students, three novices who graduated this year, and a veteran who graduated last year, it is not clear how they died, and the academy needs to conduct a simple investigation and divination.

In any case, four is quite acceptable.

It is very difficult to want an immortal.

After all, there are always those who don't know the situation and the luck is really bad.

It doesn't matter what others do, Wei Yuan has returned with a rewarding experience! It can even be said to far exceed expectations!

(End of Volume 1)



Thanks to the book friend "Celebrity Cave 121" for the rewards!

Thanks to the leader of the book friends "Being a Master of Learning"!

Suddenly feel the pressure~~~

After finishing a story suddenly, I feel unmotivated.

No, I have to cheer up, I have to go through ten or eight fantasy worlds like this!

I have to work hard!

come on~~~~

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